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US investments in the Arab nation ⇒ oil to the United States ⇒ US bombs and missiles against the Arab nation Libyan cartoonist. Middle East and Oil Politics. How the West meets East.
US investments in the Arab nation ⇒ oil to the United States ⇒ US bombs and missiles against the Arab nation Libyan cartoonist Middle East and Oil Politics How the West meets East
Early civilizations, Nile River, Mesopotamia, “Fertile Crescent”Generally hot, arid conditions with thin, poor soils Large scale irrigation to produce valuable fruits, veggies, cereals/grains, sugar Egypt: Rice and cotton producer Olive Oil: major export from Mediterranean regionGenerally speak Arabic, except in Turkey (Turkish), Israel (Hebrew), Iran (Persian) Turkic migration in 6th-11th centuries, Arabic and Hebrew official languages of IsraelPredominant religion is Islam – Review 5 PillarsSunni and Shiite sects 1.3 billion Muslims, Shiite/Shia are minority concentrated in Iran, S. Iraq, Lebanon, Original split - soon after death of Prophet Muhammad Question of succession Shiite/Shia wanted cousin/son-in-law to succeed Muhammad Sunni wanted community to decide Sunnis prevailed and chose a successor to be the first caliphPrincipal holy places: Mecca/Makkah and Medina in Saudi Arabia Mecca – birth place of Muhammad, holiest place Medina – burial site, second holiest place Jerusalem – Night Journey by angel Gabriel to see signs from Allah
Introduction • Cradle of civilizations and birthplace of 3 religions • Ottoman and Safavid Empires science, scholarship, commerce • Early 1900s Russia/Brits in oil-rich Iran Brits gain control during WWI – Russian out for Revolt. • Sykes-Picot Accord divide Ottoman Empire by France & GB after WWI • Wilson and 14-Point Plan = Idea of League of Nations -- establish international system of self-determination • False hope for Arabs
Euro geographic changes post-WWIMandates included:France: Syria and LebanonGreat Britain: Iraq, Kuwait, Palestine, Libya, Trans-Jordan Problems of European dominance in the ME:Religions: Judaism, Islam, ChristianityLanguages: Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, Kurdish, ArmenianBorders vs. Tribalism Nationalism: Independence was gained in the following years- 1923 – Trans-Jordan from Britain1930 – Iraq from Britain; new borders - limited access to Persian Gulf and religious/ethnic tension prevailed1936 – Egypt from Britain, but British military control of Suez Canal until 1956 (Suez Crisis)After WWII – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan League of Nations – territorial mandates in Middle East
US maintains an active role in Middle East b/c:1. Flow of oil2. Promotion of democracy3. Fear of nuclear proliferation (Iran)4. US-Israel alliance vs. Arab world Why is the West in the Mid East? Oil reserves around the Persian Gulf Strait of HormuzPirate/terrorist attacks - Political unrest Spills and disruptions in shipments During WWI US produced 2/3 of world's oil Britain and France relied on ME Post-WWI military technology – coal to oil GB + US companies in Iraq, Iranian, Saudi Arabia (1930s) ARAMCO (Arab-American Oil Company) strike bigWWII starts new trouble - US/Britain occupied Iran FDR, post-WWII, aid to devastated Saudi Arabia - began strong relationship between the two Extraction of Arab oil required Western tech. - competing cultural influences to Islam
Creation of Israel in 1948 Balfour Declaration 1917 – established Jewish home in Palestine FDR still assured Arabs by 1945 the US would not intervene/establish Israel Brits opposed Israel1947 UN creates Partition Resolution End of British Mandate in Palestine Split Palestinian land into Arab country (Palestine) and Jewish country (Israel) Jerusalem would remain under the control of the UN May 14, 1948 - David Ben Gurion(head of Jewish Agency in Palestine) declared the country of Israel. The US recognized the new country immediately 83% of countries today recognize Israel as a countryOne day later, May 15, Arabs invade Israel in response (first of many Arab-Israeli Wars)
Project: Chronicle of Conflict Newspaper1. Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser ArafatArab-Israeli Wars (Groups 2-4 are all under context of Arab-Israeli Wars) 2. Six-Day War 3. Israel occupies West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights 4. Yom-Kippur War (OPEC oil embargo)5. Iran-Iraq War6. Persian Gulf WarEvery student will write an article on the group’s topic.The group will also produce an additional element – see yellow handout.BEGIN BY RESEARCHING THE TOPIC TO DECIDE HOW BEST TO SPLIT UP THE TOPIC INTO ARTICLES.