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Communication Strategy of EHEA in Azerbaijan

Communication Strategy of EHEA in Azerbaijan. Liia Lauri Assessment Director liia.lauri@archimedes.ee. Outline. ( Draft ) Communication Strategy Objectives and key messages Target groups Tools and channels To discuss :

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Communication Strategy of EHEA in Azerbaijan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Communication Strategy of EHEA in Azerbaijan Liia Lauri Assessment Director liia.lauri@archimedes.ee

  2. Outline • (Draft) CommunicationStrategy • Objectives and keymessages • Targetgroups • Tools and channels Todiscuss: • Communicationchannels and tools/focusofcommunicationbytargetgroup • Timeline and evaluation

  3. Objectives /key messages • To inform (target groups) about developments in HE in Azerbaijan • To inform about Bologna tools • To promote Bologna tools and projects (benefits, their role in the developments in HE) • Enhance the the coordination and networking: MoE, HEI, stakeholders

  4. Key messages Promoting of Bologna tools: Three cycle system, QF, ECTS, Diploma Supplement Quality assurance principles and system Recognition of studies and qualifications, Mobility, LOs. Competencies or graduates, improved employability. Quality of research and innovation. Enhanced competitiveness and social welfare. State of art in Azerbaijan.

  5. The problems of communication are described. BUT What are the strengths in the networking, communication, information sharing in higher education in Azerbaijan? What are the current methods of cummunication that work well?

  6. Target groups Havebeendescribedinthedraft. BUT • Whomtoinvolve? HEI?, Students?, Employersorganizations, European/internationalorganizations? • Whomtoinform?

  7. Means/tools/channels Directcommunication • Seminars, roundtablediscussions, meetings • Trainingof „Bolognaexperts“ – from HEI, employers`organizations, students (?) • CareerCentres, AdmissionCommission, QA agency, …. • Presentations at thestakeholders`events (?)

  8. Means/tools/channels Onlinecommunication Factsheets (?) Link to EHEA page fromUniversities`pages (?) Socialmedia Newsletters/mailinglists? Offline Booklets, Leaflets (wheretospread?) Articlesinthenewspapers (?)

  9. Communication channels and tools and focus of communication Discussbytargetgroup: • Whomtoinvolve, whomtoinform? • Whatisthefocusofcommunication/keymessages? • What are themainchannels/activities? • Criticaltiming?

  10. Decision makers

  11. Universities

  12. Other stakeholders

  13. Wider public

  14. European and international organizations

  15. WHO does WHAT and WHEN? Considerdifferentchannels and activitiesbytargetgroup • Whatcouldbetheindicatorsofsuccess (direct, indirect)? • Howtomonitor and evaluatethesuccess?

  16. Channels/tools/activities

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