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Reform Movements. Reform= change for the better… Economically, Politically, Socially and Culturally. Religion . Second Great Awakening Movement that said people had individual responsibility rejected predetermination Ideas spread through revivals –religious meetings that lasted 4-5 days
Reform Movements Reform= change for the better… Economically, Politically, Socially and Culturally
Religion • Second Great Awakening • Movement that said people had individual responsibility rejected predetermination • Ideas spread through revivals –religious meetings that lasted 4-5 days • Mormonism • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints • Additional book(Book of Mormon) • Practiced Polygamy • Relocated to Utah(1847)
Transcendentalism • Literary Movement • Emphasized a simple life and connection with nature • Believed in civil disobedience – peacefully disobeying or breaking laws
Utopian Communities • Word “Utopia” means perfect place • Stressed self sufficiency • Did NOT last long
Prison Reform/Treatment of the Insane • Prisoners were physically punished • Criminals and mentally ill people were housed together • Public hospitals est. 1845-1852 for mentally ill-Dorthea Dix • Prison reformers stressed rehabilitation penitentiary = place of repentance
Education Reform • Before 1850- one-room schools, physicals punishment and poorly trained teachers were usual • After 1850, each state provided some form of free public elementary schools • Improvements came first in the North East- the south and west lagged behind
Abolitionist Movement • Abolition= get rid of slavery • After 1830’s, anti-slave movement gets stronger • Underground railroad • ….A series of “safe houses” that helped slaves escape from the South to the North • Rebellions begin in the South- caused stricter controls on slaves
Women’s Rights • In Antebellum U.S. women could not: • Vote • Sit on juries • Earned ¼ of what men did for the same job-and their money belonged to their husbands • Cult of Domesticity • “a woman’s place is in the home
Temperance Movement • Prohibited drinking of alcohol • 1848-Seneca Falls Convention in Seneca Falls, NY • Wrote the Declaration of Sentiments – declared that all men and women are created equal.
The Lowell Mill • Owners hired single women so they could pay them low wages(pg 262) • Women faced poor working conditions and 17hour days.