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Review of Verbs (Tense and Voice) Active Voice = Subject does the action of the verb.

Review of Verbs (Tense and Voice) Active Voice = Subject does the action of the verb. The man is praising the women. Present Tense, Active Voice The man was praising the women. Imperfect Tense, Active Voice The man will praise the women. Future Tense, Active Voice

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Review of Verbs (Tense and Voice) Active Voice = Subject does the action of the verb.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review of Verbs (Tense and Voice) Active Voice = Subject does the action of the verb. The man is praising the women. Present Tense, Active Voice The man was praising the women. Imperfect Tense, Active Voice The man will praise the women. Future Tense, Active Voice Passive Voice = Subject receives the action of the verb. The man is praisedby the women. Present Tense, Passive Voice The man was praisedby the women. Imperfect Tense, Passive Voice The man will be praisedby the women. Future Tense, Passive Voice

  2. In Latin, in the present, imperfect, and future tenses, voice is determined by the personal ending found on the verb. Active Voice Personal Endings o/m = subject is Imus = subject is we s= subject is you (sing.) tis = subject is you (pl.) t = subject is he, she, it or a nt = subject is they or a nom. sing. noun nom. pl. noun Passive Voice Personal Endings or/r = subject is Imur = subject is we ris= subject is you (sing.) mini = subject is you (pl.) tur = subject is he, she, it or a ntur = subject is they or a nom. sing. noun nom. pl. noun

  3. Present Tense of voco vocare – call (Page – 179) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Stem + Personal Endings 1. voca+o = voco I call, I am calling, I do call 2. voca+s = vocas you call, you are calling, you do call 3. voca+t = vocat he calls, he is calling, he does call 1. voca+mus = vocamus we call, we are calling, we do call 2. voca+tis = vocatis you call, you are calling, you do call 3. voca+nt = vocant they call, they are calling, they do call (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Stem + Personal Endings 1. voca+or = vocor I am (being) called 2. voca+ris = vocaris you are (being) called 3. voca+tur = vocatur he is (being) called 1. voca+mur = vocamur we are (being) called 2. voca+mini = vocamini you are (being) called 3. voca+ntur = vocantur they are (being) called

  4. Imperfect Tense of voco vocare – call (Page – 179) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Stem + ba + Personal Endings 1. voca+ba +m = vocabam I was calling, I used to call, I did call 2. voca+ba+s = vocabas you were calling, you used to call, you did call 3. voca+ba+t = vocabat he was calling, he used to call, he did call 1. voca+ba+mus = vocabamus we were calling, we used to call, we did call 2. voca+ba+tis = vocabatis you were calling, you used to call, you did call 3. voca+ba+nt = vocabant they were calling, they used to call, they did call (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Stem + ba + Personal Endings 1. voca+ba +r = vocabar I was (being) called, I used to be called 2. voca+ba+ris = vocabaris you were (being) called, you used to be called 3. voca+ba+tur = vocabatur he was (being) called, he used to be called 1. voca+ba+mur = vocabamur we were (being) called, we used to be called 2. voca+ba+mini = vocabamini you were (being) called, you used to be called 3. voca+ba+ntur = vocabantur they were (being) called, they used to be called

  5. Future Tense of voco vocare – call (Page – 179) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Stem + bi + Personal Endings 1. voca+bi +o = vocabo I shall call 2. voca+bi+s = vocabis you will call 3. voca+bi+t = vocabit he will call 1. voca+bi+mus = vocabimus we shall call 2. voca+bi+tis = vocabitis you will call 3. voca+bi+nt = vocabunt they will call (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Stem + bi + Personal Endings 1. voca+bi +or = vocabor I shall be called 2. voca+bi+ris = vocaberis you will be called 3. voca+bi+tur = vocabitur he will be called 1. voca+bi+mur = vocabimur we shall be called 2. voca+bi+mini = vocabimini you will be called 3. voca+bi+ntur = vocabuntur they will be called

  6. Ablative of Agent Prep. a/ab + Ablative Case Noun/Pronoun When a passive voice verb is used, the Ablative of Agent is used to show the doer of the action of the verb. The kingwas praisedby the people. Noun Verb Prep. Noun Subject 3rd. Sing. Ablative Nom. Imperf. Of Agent Mas. Passive Mas. Sing. Indic. Sing. Rexa populolaudabatur. (Page – 180)

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