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(We don’t make Keys, we volunteer). “Help Us Protect the Connection”. Centennial Key Club. First Event. What: Bake Sales and Used Book Collection When: May 5 th – 9 th Where: Centennial Trail What: Flea Market, Used Book Sale, Music and more!
(We don’t make Keys, we volunteer) “Help Us Protect the Connection” Centennial Key Club First Event What: Bake Sales and Used Book Collection When: May 5th – 9th Where: Centennial Trail What: Flea Market, Used Book Sale, Music and more! When: Saturday May 10th from 8am-2pm Where: Centennial High School Parking Lot Project Eliminate Fundraiser Second Event
What is Project Eliminate? • The Eliminate Project (run by a partnership of Kiwanis and Unicef) is working to eliminate MNT (Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus) throughout the world! • MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. (It if often caused by cutting umbilical cords without using proper medical tools.) The symptoms are sensitivity to lightand touch, violent spasms, and often death. • MNT is easily preventable through immunization. Just three doses of a 60-cent immunization protects mothers, who then pass on the immunity to all of their future babies. That means that just $1.80 saves the life of a mother and her children! • MNT has already been eliminated from 34 countries, there are now just 25 left! Click the vaccine to watch a video about the Eliminate Project! Click the Key to watch a video made by the Key Club!
How YOU can help: • Donate! Stop by the upper cafeteria May 5th-9th at lunch with book donations, or cash to buy some yummy baked goods. • Do some spring cleaning and donate unwanted household items to the flea market on May the 10th . (Drop off between 8am-2pm in the Centennial Parking Lot) • Tell your family and friends! Spread the word. We need your support to help us make a difference. "Helping the world, one community and one child at a time."