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High-p charged particle azimuthal correlations at RHIC. Jan Rak for the PHENIX collaboration Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University janrak@bnl.gov. Focus of this talk. RHIC machine - new era of pQCD phenomena in heavy-ion physics
High-p charged particle azimuthal correlations at RHIC Jan Rak for the PHENIX collaboration Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University janrak@bnl.gov
Focus of this talk RHIC machine - new era of pQCD phenomena in heavy-ion physics collinear factorization - high-pT jets. RHIC data- first two years of RHIC running brought many exciting results, two striking obsevations: • high-pT particle suppression • exceedingly large and pT independent azimuthal anisotropy Although tremendous progress in theoretical understanding of observed phenomena has been made, the satisfactory picture is still missing.
Hard scattering in Heavy Ion collisions schematic view of jet production Jets: • primarily from gluons at RHIC • produced early (<1fm) • sensitive to the QCD medium (dE/dx) Observed via: • fast leading particles or • azimuthal correlations between them Mechanisms of energy loss in vacuum (pp) is understood in terms of formation time and static chromoelectric field regeneration* . Any nuclear modification of this process could provide a hint of QGP formation. *F.Niedermayer, Phys.Rev.D34:3494,1986.
Hard scattering signals Hard scattered partons fragment into two back-to-back jets in azimuth. Partonic energy loss may* • reduce the back-to-back peak • modify the fragmentation function - near angle peak *X.N. Wang, Phys.Rev.Lett.81:(1998)2655
pQCD phenomena in HI before RHIC era The pQCD phenomena in AA collisions were observed already at lower energy (SPS s = 17 AGeV) • J/ suppression • DY • direct photons Jet suppression proposed as a additional signature of QGP formation. First attempt - first speaker of this session - WA98 data. Where is the jet quenching in Pb+Pb ... X.N. Wang, Phys.Rev.Lett.81:2655-2658,1998
PHENIX charged and neutral 0 pp s = 200 GeV 0 AuAu s = 200 GeV
PHENIX 0 RAA There is a massive suppression of high-pt yield, factor 2-5. Sets on around 2 GeV/c and then it is slightly decreasing with pT. Unlike @SPS (s = 17 GeV) we do not observe the Cronin effect. Is this what we expected from partonic energy-loss ? 0 ---Wang dE/dx = 0 --- dE/dx =0.25 GeV/fm X.N. Wang, Phys. Rev. C61, 064910 (2000). --- Levai L/ = 0 --- L/ = 4 Gyulassy, Levai, Vitev: P.Levai, Nuclear Physics A698 (2002) 631. ---Vitev dNg/dy = 900 GLV, Nucl. Phys. B 594, p. 371 (2001) + work in preparation.
Reaction plane b : Impact parameter y px Azimuthal anisotropy Coordinate space thermalization momentum space py x = plane
(%) Differential v2 Minimum Bias PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY V2 Saturates at ~ 2.5 GeV/c; Similar Trend for all Centralities V2 increases with Centrality
STAR STAR STAR STAR Reaction Plane v2(pT) Excellent agreement between STAR and PHENIX
hydros independent emission STAR s=200 AGeV versus s=130 AGeV v2(pt)saturates at pT>2.5 GeV/c for all centralities at both beam .energies for pt < 1GeV/c the conventional hydrodynamics seems to dominate for pt > 1GeV/c we observe s independent emission pattern Any dynamical scenario would imply s and pt dependence. There seems to be novel mechanism of high-pt particle production. The hint might be seen already in high-pt yield suppression.
v2(p)PHENIX vs.STAR • PHENIX two particle correl. • Good agreement with RP • HIJING (dE/dz = 0 & 2 GeV/fm). • RP v2 is too small over the full range, but grows with p, • Correlation v2 is large, (not seen in data). (See E.V. Shuryak, nucl-th/0112042 ) 130 GeV weaker jet correlations @RHIC than @SPS <x> = 2 <p>/s 0.1 @SPS 0.01 @RHIC
As long as Linear evolution (BFKL) Saturation in AA DIS AA When Saturation
2D colored field Boosted charge -> pancake E = v x B
Gluon condensate at small X See D. Kharzeev, E. Levin Nucl-th/0108006 xG(x,Q2) x Classical QCD s k QS Hard pQCD region RHIC At small Bjorken x partonic wave functions starts to overlap • Saturation • coherence • multi-parton correlationbreaks down Soft region SPS p x= 2 p/s const In Classical region the particle production mechanism is 2->1 unlike the pQCD 2->2. This implies: Below 2*QS 2*2 GeV produced particles are not correlated.
CGC and suppression Charged hadrons rations to minimum bias CGC field radiation ? pQCD hard scattering - surface
P and s independent v2(p ) Two gluons Lipatov vertex looks OK, BUT… Classical CGC with mono-gluon jets doesn’t get v2 at all. hep-ph/0204361 hep-ph/0203213 minijets (Kovchegov & Tuchin) 20 < Centrality < 40 PHENIX PRELIMINARY
Black body radiation limit absolute quenching (surface emission) Primordial radial streaming ?? Geometrical upper limit exceeded ?? E.Shuryak Phys. Rev. C66 027902, 2002 B. Muller nucl-th/0208038
Summary • HI physics enters the pQCD regime, but not in the way we have (some of us) expected. • First two years of RHIC running - unexpected experimental results in high-pT sector, namely • huge high-pT particles yield suppression • huge pT -independent azimuthal anisotropy • Parton energy-loss effect proposed as a probe for quark-gluon-plasma formation doesn’t give the good description of all observables - fails for v2. • CGC models seems to be a reasonable alternative to the jet-quenching model. It might be able to describe both RAA and v2, but it is still premature. • The absolute value of v2 still resists to be understood in any scenario.
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TOF PHENIX Central Arm PbSc PbGl PID by high resolution TOF • , K < 2 GeV/c • proton, anti-proton < 4 GeV/c • = /4 p0 measurement by EMCal • 1<pt<10GeV/c • 6 lead- scintillator (PbSc) sectors • 2 lead- glass (PbGl) sectors • ||<0.38 at midrapidity, =
Two-Particles Correlation Function Directed flow Elliptic flow Fourier decomposition: Correlation function Reaction plane We observe a sum of • Flow anisotropy (cos) • Hard scattering peaks (gauss) • Resonace decays CARTOON Hard scattering Resonance decays J.Y.Ollitrault, nucl-th/0004026
PHENIX PRELIMINARY Low-pt correlation functions • Anisotropy increases with pt and Centrality • Asymmetric Component seen especially at high pt Important to test the response of the asymmetry to various Cuts • Jets • v2 values
Resonance decay – UrQMD simulations • Light resonance's : • contribute most to near-angle peak • V2 is of order 1%. • Weak decay: • Long lived particles (KS0 c=2.7cm), decays in the mag. field and the daughters look like high-p particles. Has been checked in GEANT. • Baryon resonance’s : • p-cut removes large fraction.
Charged hadrons in Pythia PYTHIA p+p at s1/2 = 130 GeV 1.0 < pt < 2.5 GeV/c, || < 0.35 • near-angle correlation stronger than back-to-back (opposite to what is observed for @SPS Calculations) • near/far like-sign = 1.7 and unlike-sign = 3.6 • near-angle width of 0.35 rad = 20 deg • far-angle width of 0.48 rad = 28 deg (near*2) [rad] [rad]
HIJING and opacity • 80xmore opaque gluon plasma @ RHIC then from pQCD (see D. Molnar nucl-th/0005051, nucl-th/0104073 or http://nt3.phys.columbia.edu/people/molnar )
HIJING azimuthal anisotropy Reaction plane HIJING (dE/dz = 0 GeV) (pQCD jet production – no hydro) • Reaction plane • v2 = <cos(2)> is small and negative (out-of-plane) • More material induces more gluon emission • Two particle correlations • v2 = <cos(2)> is large Fragmentation back-to-back