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Indian Mascots and Logos. Why they hurt ALL Wisconsin students. Talking Points for Allies. ACT 250. Passed in May of 2010
Indian Mascots and Logos Why they hurt ALL Wisconsin students. Talking Points for Allies
ACT 250 • Passed in May of 2010 • Provides a PROCESS for residents of school districts, who object to the use of race based logos and mascots, to file a compliant against schools that use Race Based mascots and logos. • Complaint is heard by the State Superintendent
Why ACT 250 is important. • Residents of school districts can go straight to State Superintendent to hear compliant instead of local school boards. • Does not wipe out logos. Provides a path of discussion. • One person can make a difference.
Arguments against ACT 250. • Schools should not have to change logo/mascot because of one voice. • Too much Government involvement. • Logos/Mascots are not racist, get over it!
What the research says…. • Stephanie Ann Fryberg; Stanford University • Looked at the effects of “Pocahontas, Chief Wahoo, or negative stereotypes” on both American Indian and Euro-American students. • American Indian students reported depressed self esteem and collective self efficacy. • Euro-American students enjoyed a boost in self esteem.
Groups that Support this Research • American Psychological Association • American Sociological Association • Stanford University
Other Studies and Results • Dr. Chu Kim Prieto et. al • Concluded students exposed to “Indian” nicknames and logos increased their stereotyping of other minority groups Dr Jesse Steinfeldt et. al -documented high levels of hurtful rhetoric and cyber bullying in communities where a logo complaint is filed. While trying to explain the “honoring”, threats and cyber attacks are made.
What that means to Wisconsin Students. • Our American Indian students, when exposed to Indian logos/mascots, loose self esteem and confidence within their communities. • Our Euro-American students, when exposed to Indian logos/mascots, have a “false” sense of superiority, a “false” increase in self esteem and tend to reflect stereotyping onto all minority groups. This increases invisible attitudes of “White Privilege.”
Proposal to repeal ACT 250 • State Senators Mary Lazich and Neal Kedzie, along with State Representatives Andre Jacque and Steve Nass. • Proposed and drafted a bill to repeal ACT 250. • 2011 Assembly Bill 26
What we can do! • Call, email, write our State legislators and tell them NOT to support 2011 Assembly Bill 26! • Write letters to the local newspapers • Use social media • Talk to each other
Why We Should Support ACT 250 • Acknowledge and support First Nations people and communities. • Discrimination and stereotypes hurt ALL Wisconsin students. • To prepare students for the future, we need to set example of how to “honor” diversity in a respectful way. • Bad for Economic development if Wisconsin is known to be racist and discriminatory.
Sources • Wisconsin Indian Education Association “Indian” Mascot and Logo Task Force • http://legis.wisconsin.gov/2011/data/AB-26