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Hawaii’s AFSA Chapter 1550 2014 Executive Council. AFSA Newsletter - The Voice of the Enlisted Please take time to read words from the Chapter President, News from HQ, Legislative News, and Upcoming events. Join Now: www.hqafsa.org -Select Chapter 1550 -Use Recruiter ID# 94946.
Hawaii’s AFSA Chapter 1550 2014 Executive Council • AFSA Newsletter - The Voice of the Enlisted • Please take time to read words from the Chapter President, News from HQ, Legislative News, and Upcoming events. • Join Now: www.hqafsa.org • -Select Chapter 1550 • -Use Recruiter ID# 94946
NDAA Progressing Senate Armed Services Subcommittees will begin marking up their version of the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act on or about 19 May. The House companion measure, H.R. 4435, is further along in the legislative process and that bill could hit the House floor for final debate/action next week as well. AFSA is closely monitoring both measures, and will provide updates when appropriate. Chipping Away at an Important Education Issue Early this year AFSA announced the launch of an all-out push to get four remaining states to sign onto the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3). The compact leverages consistency using a comprehensive approach that provides a consistent policy in every school district and in every state that chooses to join. New AFSA CEO Announced International President Dan Yeomans has announced the hiring of CMSgt (retired) Robert Frank as the new AFSA CEO effective the end of May AFSA Legislative 2014 (2nd Quarter) 1. Putting Military Personnel Costs into Perspective. As we have pointed out in past bulletins, the percentage of DoD spending on military benefits (personnel and military health care) as part of the overall DoD budget is about 33 percent—no higher today than it was 30 years ago. To read the full Air Force Times article, go to: http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140410/NEWS01/304100046/Hayden-pay-benefits-reform-Repeat-mistakes-break-force 2. Senate Appropriations Committee Holds Hearing on Defense Health Programs. These proposals reflect the Department of Defense’s efforts to modernize and simplify the TRICARE program that will place the program on a stable, long-term footing.” The single healthcare system proposal, if approved by Congress, would significantly cut the Administration’s future healthcare spending. To read Lt. Gen. Travis’ full prepared statement, go to: http://www.appropriations.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/Lt%20Gen%20Travis%27%20Statement.pdf 3. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on MILCON, VA, and Related Agencies Looks at USAF FY 2015 Budget. Testifying on behalf of the Air Force was Ms. Kathleen I. Ferguson, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Performing Duties as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force). Ms. Ferguson spoke of maintaining quality and effectiveness in an era of declining budgets. Ms. Ferguson also made a pitch for the President’s plan for another round of base realignments and closures. To read Ms. Ferguson’s entire prepared statement, go to: http://www.appropriations.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/AF%20SM-2014-01%20Written%20Statement%20FINAL.pdf 4. Members of Congress Rarely Hire Veterans. An article in Stars and Stripes reports, “Members of Congress often urge federal agencies and the private sector to hire military veterans, but a survey suggests they rarely follow that advice with their personal staff. To read more, go to: http://www.stripes.com/news/veterans/members-of-congress-rarely-hiring-veterans-survey-says-1.277050 H.R. 4435, by Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, and Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., is a bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2015 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. Those interested in sending a letter to Congress (via Capwiz) urging that it prevent the Administration from closing commissaries may easily do so at http://www.capwiz.com/hqafsa/issues/alert/?alertid=63017296 News from Headquarters AFSA Treasury Balance Checking $3906.42 Savings $65.13 • AFSA Preamble • With reverence for God and Country and being ever mindful of the glorious traditions of the United States Air Force, our duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, our responsibility to aid in maintaining a superior aerospace defense for our beloved country, and desire to assist in obtaining the highest caliber of men and women for our Air Force, our interest in the welfare of persons who served and are serving in the Air Force, our devotion to our fellow airmen in fortune or distress, and our reverence for the memory of our departed airmen, we unite to further the aims and objectives of this association.
Recruiting Current Memberships #'s - 1503 Members Gains since Jan 14‘ - 126 Members Retained since Jan 14‘ - 18 Words from the Chapter President Aloha Chapter 1550 members, We are almost half way through the calendar year and we have definitely made some head way on educating our members and meeting our AFSA recruiting and retention goals. As we strive to continue educating all members, I encourage everyone to take a look at the current proposed legislation on the AFSA website. The VA Management Accountability Act is currently on the table with all the events surrounding VA facilities. Take action by utilizing CAPWIZ to let your senators and representatives know you support such legislation. Membership has been trending up and we are on target to meet our yearly goal. I challenge each of you to recruit at least 1 member each month. This was mentioned at our very first AFSA meeting in January and I continue to put that challenge out to you all. Membership is a responsibility for every AFSA member, and can’t be accomplished by one single person. Strength in numbers goes along way up at Capitol Hill, so be an advocate for OUR organization so we can recruit new members and help retain current members. We have a few upcoming fundraisers and events that are on the horizon for our Chapter. POW/MIA week is already in its planning phase, so look for opportunities to volunteer. We received a great response on the POW/MIA coin sales! Future sales of these coins will be available later this summer. As always, come out and join us at our monthly meetings which are held every third Tuesday @1100 on the J R Rockers Lanai (Hickam AFB) and it is open to everyone (AD/ANG/AFR/Retirees/Dependents). If you are unable to attend due to mission requirements, I encourage you all to check out our Sharepoint and Facebook page to get the latest information on what is happening up on Capitol Hill and the various events Chapter 1550 will be sponsoring. I thank you all for your continued support of AFSA. Hope to see you all at our next meeting! Recruiting Drives TBA • Chapter 1550 members, please encourage personnel to join AFSA! • Merchandise Here is the list of all the POCs who helped make the sale of the POW/MIA coin a success: 1. PRICE, JASON L SSgt 2. DIBELLO, DAVID R TSgt (sold 80+ coins) WILLIAMS, DONTAE J TSgt, SELVY, JAMAR P TSgt, GRIFFIE, TAMIA S SSgt FOX, JEREMY S MSgt, GALLAGHER, CHRISTIAN D SSgt, BIVEN, JAMES V SSgt, KAWAA, PATRICIA L SMSgt, MCPHAUL, SHADONNA M TSgt, OWENS, BRANDIN P SSgt, BURWEN, MARK R MSgt, GAMBON, JUSTIN M SSgt, ELMORE, SHANN C TSgt, SILVERNAIL, DAVID C SSgt , Garza, Elsie E TSgt, KERKAERT, JASON C MSgt, HALL, KHAALIS H. MSgt 572 POW/MIA Coins sold!!! AFSA Aloha Chapter Coins AFSA Coffee Mugs AFSA Polo Shirts All of these items are on sale now!
Board Members • President • SMSgt April Gaines 448-6318 April.Gaines.1@us.af.mil • Vice President • MSgt Rebecca Pash 449-8624 Rebecca.Pash@us.af.mil • Senior Advisor • MSgt Phyllis Whetsel 448-6318 Phyllis.whetsel@us.af.mil • Treasurer • TSgt Michael Graham michael.graham.12@us.af.mil • Military Civic Affairs • TSgt Angela Alveo-Forbes 448-6854 angela.alveoforbes@us.af.mil • Secretary • TSgt Jennifer Hilley 448-6854 Jennifer.Hilley@us.af.mil • Sergeant At Arms • TSgt Leonard Myers 448-6371 leonard.myers@us.af.mil • Plans & Programs Trustee • MSgt Liam Brinn 449-0460 Liam.Brinn@us.af.mil • Membership Trustee • SMSgt Luis Reyes 449-4371 Luis.Reyes.2@us.af.mil • Legislative Trustee • MSgt Ted Braxton 448-4906 Ted.Braxton@us.af.mil • Airman Activities Coordinators • A1C Jonathon Ferry 449-1210 jonathon.ferry.2@us.af.mil • A1C Kenneth Oliver 448-8435 kenneth.oliver.14@us.af.mil • Chapter 1550 News • Upcoming Events: • USO volunteering for June POC: TSgt Michael Graham michael.graham.12@us.af.mil • AFSA has two fundraisers scheduled this quarter. Please contact the POC's below for volunteer opportunities!!! • 15 June from 0800-1600 at The Hickam Commissary. POC's SrA Davila @ 448-6100 and A1C Foster @ 448-6282 • 29 June from 0800-1600 at The Hickam Commissary. POC SSgt Carlson, @ DSN 473-6765 • POW/MIA Week • AFSA is organizing this year's POW/MIA week. Some of the events scheduled include Opening Reveille, Monument Beautification, Honorary Sentinel, 24 Remembrance Run and Ceremony. If you would like more details or wish to volunteer please contact the event coordinator, TSgt Albert Fuentes at 449-3569. • Membership Meetings: • 17 June 14 at JR Rockers @ 1100 Lanai • 15 July 14 at JR Rockers @ 1100 Lanai • Merchandise Trustee: • TSgt Courtney Stanton • DSN: 315-449-4583/COMM: 808-449-4583 • Email: courtney.stanton@us.af.mil Contact Us by: Website: http://afsachapter1550.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AFSA-Chapter-1550-wwwafsachapter1550com/114155381976124 Sharepoint: AFSA1550 Communications Trustee: Khaalis.Hall@us.af.mil 4