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Radiation Laws Scattering Absorption Radiation Windows Reflectance Terrain-Energy Interactions For Monday: Read Chapter 3. Electromagnetic Radiation II. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/news/display_cmsstory.php?wfo=mqt&storyid=99827&source=0. Stephan Boltzmann Law.
Radiation Laws Scattering Absorption Radiation Windows Reflectance Terrain-Energy Interactions For Monday: Read Chapter 3 Electromagnetic Radiation II
Stephan Boltzmann Law The total emitted radiation (Ml) from a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. This is known as the Stephan-Boltzmann lawand is expressed as: where s is the Stephan-Boltzmann constant, 5.6697 x 10 -8 W m-2 K -4. Thus, the amount of energy emitted by an object such as the Sun or the Earth is a function of its temperature.
Sources of Electromagnetic Energy Jensen 2005 • The 5770 – 6000 Kelvin (K) temperature of thermonuclear fusion on the sun produces a large amount of relatively short wavelength energy that travels through the vacuum of space at the speed of light. Some of this energy is intercepted by the Earth, where it interacts with the atmosphere and surface materials. The Earth reflects some of the energy directly back out to space or it may absorb the short wavelength energy and then emit it at a longer wavelength.
Spectral Bandwidths of Landsat and SPOT Sensor Systems Jensen 2005
Wein’s Displacement Law • In addition to computing the total amount of energy exiting a theoretical blackbody such as the Sun, we can determine its dominant wavelength (lmax) based on Wein's displacement law: • where k is a constant equaling 2898 mm K, and T is the absolute temperature in kelvin. Therefore, as the Sun approximates a 6000 K blackbody, its dominant wavelength (lmax) is 0.48 mm:
Blackbody Radiation Curves Blackbody radiation curves for several objects including the Sun and the Earth which approximate 6,000 K and 300 K blackbodies, respectively. Jensen 2005
Radiant Intensity of the Sun The Sun approximates a 6,000 K blackbody with a dominant wavelength of 0.48 m (green light). Earth approximates a 300 K blackbody with a dominant wavelength of 9.66 m. Jensen 2005
Scattering Once electromagnetic radiation is generated, it is propagated through the earth's atmosphere almost at the speed of light in a vacuum. • Unlike a vacuum in which nothing happens, however, the atmosphere may affect not only the speed of radiation but also its wavelength, intensity, spectral distribution, and/or direction.
Scattering Scatter differs from reflection in that the direction associated with scattering is unpredictable, whereas the direction of reflection is predictable. There are essentially three types of scattering: • Rayleigh, • Mie, and • Non-selective.
Rayleigh Scattering Rayleigh scatteringoccurs when the diameter of the matter (usually air molecules) are many times smaller than the wavelength of the incident electromagnetic radiation. The amount of scattering is inversely related to the fourth power of the radiation's wavelength. For example, blue light (0.4 μm) is scattered 16 times more than near-infrared light (0.8 μm).
Rayleigh Scattering The intensity of Rayleigh scattering varies inversely with the fourth power of the wavelength (λ-4). Jensen 2005
Rayleigh Scattering • Rayleigh scatteringis responsible for the bluesky. • Rayleigh scattering is responsible forredsunsets.
Mie Scattering • Mie scatteringtakes place when there are essentially spherical particles present in the atmosphere with diameters approximately equal to the wavelength of radiation being considered. Water vapor, dust, and other particles. •Pollution also contributes to beautiful sunsets and sunrises.
Non-selective Scattering • Non-selective scatteringis produced when there are particles in the atmosphere several times the diameter of the radiation being transmitted. •Scattering can severely reduce the information content of remotely sensed data to the point that the imagery looses contrast and it is difficult to differentiate one object from another.
Atmospheric Scattering • Type of scattering is a function of: • the wavelength of the incident radiant energy, and • the size of the gas molecule, dust particle, and/or water vapor droplet encountered. Jensen 2005
Atmospheric Layers and Constituents Major subdivisions of the atmosphere and the types of molecules and aerosols found in each layer. Jensen 2005
Absorption • Absorptionis the process by which radiant energy is absorbed and converted into other forms of energy. • An absorption bandis a range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum within which radiant energy is absorbed by substances such as water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), ozone (O3), and nitrous oxide (N2O). • The cumulative effect of the absorption by the various constituents can cause the atmosphere toclose downin certain regions of the spectrum, which is bad for remote sensing.
Absorption • In certain parts of the spectrum such as the visible region (0.4 - 0.7 μm), the atmosphere does not absorb all of the incident energy but transmits it effectively. Parts of the spectrum that transmit energy effectively are called “atmospheric windows” • Transmission is the amount of energy that passes through the atmosphere.
Absorption of the Sun's Incident Electromagnetic Energy in the Region from 0.1 to 30 μm by Various Atmospheric Gases window Jensen 2005
a) The absorption of the Sun’s incident electromagnetic energy in the region from 0.1 to 30 mm by various atmospheric gases. b) The combined effects of atmospheric absorption, scattering, and reflectance reduce the amount of solar irradiance reaching the Earth’s surface at sea level.
Reflectance Reflectance is the process whereby radiation “bounces off” an object like a cloud or the terrain.
What is the difference between a specular and diffuse reflector?
Reflectance There are various types of reflecting surfaces: • Whenspecular reflectionoccurs, the surface from which the radiation is reflected is essentially smooth. • If the surface is rough, the reflected rays go in many directions, depending on the orientation of the smaller reflecting surfaces. This diffuse reflection does not yield a mirror image, but instead produces diffused radiation. • If the surface is so rough that there are no individual reflecting surfaces, then scattering may occur. Lambert defined a perfectly diffuse surface; hence the commonly designated Lambertian surfaceis one for which the radiant flux leaving the surface is constant for any angle of reflectance to the surface normal.
Reflectance Jensen 2005
Terrain Energy-Matter Interactions The time rate of flow of energy onto, off of, or through a surface is called radiant flux (F) and is measured in watts (W). The characteristics of the radiant flux and what happens to it as it interacts with the Earth’s surface is of critical importance in remote sensing.
Typical spectral reflectance curves for urban–suburban phenomena in the region 0.4 – 0.9 μm. Jensen 2005
Irradiance and Exitance The amount of radiant flux incident upon a surface per unit area of that surface is called Irradiance(Eλ), where: • The amount of radiant flux leaving per unit area of the plane surface is called Exitance(Mλ). • Both quantities are measured in watts per meter squared (W m-2). Jensen 2005
Radiant Flux Density • The concept of radiant flux density for an area on the surface of the Earth. • Irradiance is a measure of the amount of radiant flux incident upon a surface per unit area of the surface measured in watts m-2. • Exitance is a measure of the amount of radiant flux leaving a surface per unit area of the surface measured in watts m-2. Jensen 2005
Radiance (LT) from paths 1, 3, and 5 contains intrinsic valuable spectral information about the target of interest. Conversely, the path radiance (Lp) from paths 2 and 4 includes diffuse sky irradiance or radiance from neighboring areas on the ground. Jensen 2004