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City Hall ( Kimberley, BC ) Meet Mayor Ron McCrae. Beginning of our walk. Fall Tree Colours. Trees. On the trail to downtown. City Counsel & Mayor. Mayor with Luicus. Dexter . Will. Lucius Makayla Dru. Dru. Makayla. Mayor with the crew. City Services Licenses & Permits
City Services Licenses & Permits Animal Control Cemeteries Emergency Services Garbage Pickup Schedule Planning & Development Roads, Sidewalks & Pathways Snow Removal and FAQs Taxes & Utilities Water Services
City Departments City Organization Chart Corporate Administration Economic Development Engineering Services Finance & Support Services Fire Services Department Human Resources Operations & Environment Services Parks, Recreation & Facilities Planning Services
Role of Council • The role of Council is to exercise duties and powers as legislated by the province. It has evolved over time to encompass core municipal services, such as, but not limited to: • •Roads and sidewalks • •Transportation • •Sanitary sewer • •Solid waste management • •Recreation and cultural services • •Policing • •Fire protection • •Bylaw enforcement and animal control • •Building and fire inspection • Council is involved in long term community planning, financial planning, land use planning, tourism, community economic development, and acting as liaisons to the Provincial, Federal, and other local governments.
Meetings • Kimberley City Council Regular Meetings are generally held at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 340 Spokane Street, on the second and fourth Monday of each month, with the exception of Statutory Holidays and the first meeting following a general election. See our City Calendar here. • Council also meets informally in Committee Meetings generally held on the first and third Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each month. Administration Committee Meetings are held at 10:00 am Tuesdays in the Councillor’s Room and Operations Committee Meetings are held at 8:40 am Wednesdays in the Council Chamber. • Please refer to the Events Calendar for an overview and updates to meetings.
Appearing before Council • Anyone wishing to appear as a delegation should submit a written request to the Chief Corporate Administration Officer, accompanied by background information on the issue you wish to address. The written request must be received at City Hall by noon on the Wednesday prior to the Regular Meeting. Please download and use this form for drop-off at City Hall regarding delegation requests. If you are presenting a petition to Council, please esnsure that the following Petition Criteria are used to ensure your petition meets legislative requirements.
Formalities during Council meeting • •Delegations should proceed to the podium to make their presentations; • •Comments at Council meetings should be directed to the Mayor or member of Council presiding at the meeting; • •Introduce yourself - please clearly state your name prior to making your presentation; • •The Mayor may be referred to as "Mayor ______", "Mr. Mayor"/"Madame Mayor", as the case may be; • Delegations are asked to keep presentations brief - approximately ten (10) minutes.