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GOES-13 Scan Mirror E-W Emissivity Correction

GOES-13 Scan Mirror E-W Emissivity Correction. Don Hillger, NOAA/NESDIS/StAR/RAMMB. The four GOES-13 Imager infrared (IR) bands are characterized across the full scan width for space-view measurements: Measurements before characterization have GOES-12 coefficients applied to GOES-13 data

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GOES-13 Scan Mirror E-W Emissivity Correction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GOES-13 Scan Mirror E-W Emissivity Correction Don Hillger, NOAA/NESDIS/StAR/RAMMB The four GOES-13 Imager infrared (IR) bands are characterized across the full scan width for space-view measurements: Measurements before characterization have GOES-12 coefficients applied to GOES-13 data Measurements after characterization have new GOES-13 coefficients applied. GOES-13 band-4 (10.7 μm) seems to be affected the most.

  2. Band-2 Band-3 Band-6 Band-4 Before: With GOES-12 coefficients applied. Note the slight downturn in the yellow trace for Band-4 (10.7 μm). The GOES-12 coefficients are a pretty for most bands.

  3. Band-2 Band-3 Band-6 Band-4 After: With GOES-13 coefficients applied. Note the similar values at both ends of the scan for all bands. Center of scan touches top of earth.

  4. Band-4 (10.7 um) Before: Band-4 (10.7 μm) with GOES-12 coefficients applied. Note the downturn in the trace across the scan.

  5. Band-4 (10.7 um) After: Band-4 (10.7 μm) with GOES-13 coefficients applied. Note the similar values at both ends of the scan for all bands. Center of scan touches top of earth.

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