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Unit 2 Review

Unit 2 Review. What kind of movement was the Second Great Awakening? a. women’s rights movement b. temperance movement c. abolitionist movement d. religious revival movement. The Monroe Doctrine was an example of what movement? a. Nationalism b. Industrialization c. Sectionalism

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Unit 2 Review

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  1. Unit 2 Review

  2. What kind of movement was the Second Great Awakening? a. women’s rights movement b. temperance movement c. abolitionist movement d. religious revival movement

  3. The Monroe Doctrine was an example of what movement? a. Nationalism b. Industrialization c. Sectionalism d. The 2nd Great Awakening

  4. The Supreme Court decision in Gibbons v. Ogden was historically important because it a. allowed states to grant monopolies to companies. b. declared state-granted monopolies constitutional. c. allowed companies to extend their monopolies into other states. d. ensured that federal law would take precedence over state law in interstate transportation.

  5. In the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819, Spain a. ceded New Mexico to the United States. b. ceded Florida to the United States. c. agreed to control the Seminoles. d. agreed to end slavery.

  6. What was the purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention? a. End Alcohol b. create women’s rights c. End the Indian Removal Act d. End Slavery

  7. In the 1844 presidential race, candidate James K. Polk promised to a. annex Texas, Oregon, and Louisiana. b. annex Texas and Oregon, and buy California from Mexico. c. buy Texas and Louisiana from Mexico. d. annex Texas, Oregon, and California, and buy Louisiana from Mexico.

  8. Under the National Colonization Act, Mexico gave 26 empresarios large grants of Texas land in exhange for a promise to a. help settlers farm the land. b. fill the land with a number of settlers. c. remove the Native Americans. d. pay a specified rent to Mexico.

  9. The Second Bank of the United States played an important role in a. lending money to poor farmers, especially Western settlers. b. keeping the money supply of the United States stable. c. supplying the gold and silver that supported state bank notes. d. allowing banks to make loans at a higher interest rate.

  10. What president created the Indian Removal Act “Trail of Tears”? a. John Q Adams b. Andrew Jackson c. James K Polk d. Henry Clay

  11. How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the South? a. It strengthened the institution of slavery. b. It damaged the Southern economy. c. It increased most plantation owners’ debt. d. It decreased the value of many plantations.

  12. Which did Mexico accept as the southern border of Texas in the treaty that ended the war between Mexico and the United States? a. the Nueces River b. the Rio Grande c. the Oregon Trail d. the California Trail

  13. Which trail was built for trading purposes? a. The Santa Fe Trail b. The Mormon Trail c. The Oregon Trail d. The Trail of Tears

  14. During the 1840s, more than a dozen states enacted sweeping prison reforms and created special institutions for a. the underage. b. alcoholics. c. the mentally ill. d. debtors.

  15. What built our border with British Canada as the 49th Parallel? a. Gasden Purchase b. Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo c. Adam-Onis Treaty d. Convention of 1818

  16. After winning independence from Mexico, most Texans voted a. for annexation to the United States. b. to make Texas a nonslave state. c. to remain an independent republic. d. to seek international recognition.

  17. John Quincy Adams won the presidency in 1824 because a. he won the most popular votes. b. he won the majority of votes in the Electoral College. c. he won the election in the Senate. d. he won the election in the House of Representatives.

  18. Elizabeth Cady Stanton shocked others in the women’s movement by proposing that they focus on a. equal pay for equal work. b. getting women elected to Congress. c. gaining the right to vote. d. gaining workplace opportunities.

  19. Supporters of gradualism believed that the first step in ending slavery should be to a. phase out slavery in the North. b. phase out slavery in the Lower South. c. stop new slaves from being brought into the country. d. stop plantation owners from buying new slaves.

  20. What was the goal of the abolitionist movement? a. End Alcohol b. Create women’s rights c. End the Indian Removal Act d. End slavery

  21. How did the Missouri Compromise settle a major sectional crisis? a. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state b. Missouri was admitted as a slave state but slaves were to be freed by 1850 c. Missouri was admitted as a free state and Maine as a slave state d. Missouri was admitted as a slave state but no more slave states we to be brought in

  22. In the election of 1824, supporters of Andrew Jackson accused John Quincy Adams of winning through a “corrupt bargain” in which Adams gave a. Henry Clay a bribe. b. Henry Clay a cabinet post. c. William Crawford a bribe. d. William Crawford a government job.

  23. Manifest Destiny was the idea that God had given the continent to a. white men, and expected them to bring Christianity to the Native Americans. b. Americans, and it was their destiny to become the greatest nation in the world. c. Americans, and wanted them to settle western land. d. Americans, and it was their duty to protect the environment.

  24. Which best describes Texas at the time of Mexican independence? a. a territory that was disputed between Mexico and Great Britain b. a sparsely populated buffer zone between the United States and Mexico c. a territory struggling to break free of Mexico and gain independence d. an independent nation known as the Bear Flag Republic

  25. Romanticism emphasized all of the following EXCEPT a. feeling over reason. b. inner spirituality over external rules. c. society over the individual. d. nature over environments created by humans.

  26. Seeking religious freedom, the Mormons traveled west, settling in what is now a. Oregon. b. California. c. Utah. d. Idaho.

  27. Which of the following was not something from the 2nd Great Awakening? a. Transcentalism b. The A.M.E. Church c. The Rush-Bagott Treaty d. Abolitionism

  28. The solution that emerged in the Missouri Compromise was to admit Missouri a. and Maine as slave states. b. as a slave state and Maine as a free state. c. as a slave state but prohibit slavery in the rest of the western territories. d. as a slave state and ban free African Americans from entering the state.

  29. Which of these statements about transportation in the United States is true? a. The National Road marked the start of a federal campaign to improve transportation. b. Roads offered a faster, more efficient, and cheaper way to move goods than rivers did. c. Railroads expanded trade into many regions and led to the settling of the West. d. Steamboats offered reliable transportation only while traveling downstream.

  30. Cities grew in the United States during industrialization because a. the excitement of city life drew people from farms and villages. b. the more challenging factory jobs lured people away from farm work. c. the higher wages of factory jobs drew people from farms and villages. d. the higher standard of living offered to factory workers drew people from farms.

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