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Image Compression

Image Compression. Reference. [1] Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing. Objective. Reduce the number of bytes required to represent a digital image Redundant data reduction Remove patterns Uncorrelated data confirms redundant data elimination Auto correlation?.

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Image Compression

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Image Compression Image Compression

  2. Reference [1] Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing. Image Compression

  3. Objective • Reduce the number of bytes required to represent a digital image • Redundant data reduction • Remove patterns • Uncorrelated data confirms redundant data elimination • Auto correlation? Image Compression

  4. Enabling Technology • Compressions is used in • FAX • RPV • Teleconference • REMOTE DEMO • etc Image Compression

  5. Review • What and how to exploit data redundancy • Model based approach to compression • Information theory principles • Types of compression • Lossless, lossy Image Compression

  6. Information recovery • We want to recover the information, with reduced data volumes. • Reduce data redundancy. • How to measure the data redundancy. Processing Data Information Image Compression

  7. Relative Data Redundancy • Assume that we have two data sets D1 and D2. • Both on processing yield the same information. • Let n1 and n2 be the info – carrying units of the respective data sets. • Relative data redundancy is defined on comparing the relative dataset sizes RD = 1 – 1/CR where CR is the compression ratio CR = n1 / n2 Image Compression

  8. Examples RD = 1 – 1/CR CR = n1 / n2 • D1 is the original and D2 is compressed. • When CR = 1, i.e. n1 = n2 then RD=0; no data redundancy relative to D1 . • When CR = 10, i.e. n1 = 10 n2 then RD=0.9; implies that 90% of the data in D1 is redundant. • What does it mean if n1 << n2 ? Image Compression

  9. Types of data redundancy • Coding • Interpixel • Psychovisual Image Compression

  10. Coding Redundancy • How to assign codes to alphabet • In digital image processing • Code = gray level value or color value • Alphabet is used conceptually • General approach • Find the more frequently used alphabet • Use fewer bits to represent the more frequently used alphabet, and use more bits for the less frequently used alphabet Image Compression

  11. Coding Redundancy 2 • Focus on gray value images • Histogram shows the frequency of occurrence of a particular gray level • Normalize the histogram and convert to a pdf representation – let rk be the random variable pr(rk) = nk/n ; k = 0, 1,2 …., L-1, where L is the number of gray level values l(rk) = number of bits to represent rk Lavg = k=0 to L-1l(rk) pr(rk) = average number of bits to encode one pixel. For M x N image, bits required is MN Lavg For an image using an 8 bit code, l(rk) = 8, Lavg = 8. Fixed length codes. Image Compression

  12. Fixed vs Variable Length Codes From [1] Lavg = 2.7 CR= 3/2.7 = 1.11 RD = 1 – 1/1.11 = 0.099 Image Compression

  13. Code assignment view From [1] Image Compression

  14. Interpixel Redundancy From [1] Image Compression

  15. Run Length Coding From [1] CR=1024*343/12166*11 = 2.63 RD = 1-1/2.63 = 0.62 Image Compression

  16. Psychovisual Redundancy • Some visual characteristics are less important than others. • In general observers seeks out certain characteristics – edges, textures, etc – and the mentally combine them to recognize the scene. Image Compression

  17. From [1] Image Compression

  18. From [1] Image Compression

  19. Fidelity Criteria • Subjective • Objective • Sum of the absolute error • RMS value of the error • Signal to Noise Ratio Image Compression

  20. Subjective scale From [1] Image Compression

  21. Image Compression Model From [1] Run length JPEG Huffman Image Compression

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