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Crust. Outermost layer or shell of the Earth Crust represents less than 0.1% of the Earth's total volume. Mantle. The zone of the Earth below the crust and above the core Divided into the upper mantle and the lower mantle, with a transition zone between. Lithosphere.
Crust • Outermost layer or shell of the Earth • Crust represents less than 0.1% of the Earth's total volume
Mantle • The zone of the Earth below the crust and above the core • Divided into the upper mantle and the lower mantle, with a transition zone between
Lithosphere • The solid portion of the Earth, as compared with the atmosphere and the hydrosphere • Includes the crust and part of the upper mantle and is of the order of 100 km in thickness
Stress • Stress is a force that is capable of greatly deforming rocks, and may result in folding or faulting of rock, and even to the building of mountains
Types of Stress • There are three types of stress • Compression • Tension • Shearing
Compression • Opposing forces directed inward along a single line • Compression shortens an object along the axis of compression, and thickens it in the directions perpendicular to the stress direction After Before
Tension • Tension is the result of divergence, pulling an object in opposite directions along a common axis • Tension lengthens an object along the axis of tension, and thins it in the perpendicular directions After Before
Tension Crack Pictures • Nisqually Earthquake, 2/28/01, in Washington caused tension cracking.
Shear • Opposing stress is created by two plates moving in opposite directions
Deformation • Rocks subjected to stress may: • Fracture or crack • Fold • Fault, movement along break
Anticline • If the fold is convex upward, it is called an anticline
Anticlinal Fold • Rainbow Gap, Virginia • Photo: Henry Johnson
Atlas Mountains Anticline • One of the best exposures of a complexly folded mountain belt anywhere occurs in the Atlas Mountain system of northwest Africa
Syncline Syncline • If the fold is convex downward, it is called a syncline
Syncline Photo • Photo: Duncan Heron • Synclinal fold exposed by roadcut
Anticline-Syncline Pair • Anticline-Syncline pair in Devonian Old Red Sandstone. SW Wales, UK • Note the different fold shapes
Domes • Domes are uplifted areas • Caused by magma pushing up on the crust
Faults • A fault is a fracture along which definite movement has occurred
Fault Terminology • Foot Wall and Hanging Wall are borrowed from mining terminology • Ore veins are often deposited along faults
Strike Slip Fault Photo: Arthur G. Sylvester. San Jacinto fault, Anza, Southern California
Right-Lateral Strike Slip • Block is displaced to the right, looking across the fault
Strike Slip FaultsRight Lateral • Near Coos Bay, Oregon
Left-Lateral Strike Slip • Block is displaced to the left, looking across the fault
Strike Slip Faults - Left Lateral • Near Lillooet, British Columbia
Normal Fault • Normal faulting results from tensional forces • Hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall (here, to the right) • Places younger rocks on top of older
Reverse Fault • Reverse faulting results from compressional forces • Hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall (here, to the left) • Places older rocks on top of younger
Reverse Fault • Reverse faults and associated fold
Thrust Fault • Thrust faults are low angle reverse faults • They sometimes move large distances (tens of kilometers)
Explanation of Lewis Overthrust • Chief Mountain was moved about forty kilometers and isolated by erosion • Chief Mountain is much older (Precambrian) than the rock upon which it rests (Cretaceous)
Chief Mountain Older rock above younger, typical of thrust faults Glacier National Park, Montana
San Andreas Fault • Pacific plate, left • North America, right
Mountain building • Tectonic forces often create mountains, a process called orogeny • There are several types of mountains • Folded • Faulted • Upwarped • Volcanic
Folded mountains • Plate collisions involving continental plates can produce high mountains • Examples: • Himalayas (India, Tibet, China) • Alps (Europe) • Urals (Europe/Asia boundary) • Appalachians
Himalayan Mountains High peaks in the Himalayas Mt. Everest
Isostasy • The condition of equilibrium, comparable to floating, of the units of the lithosphere above the asthenosphere • Crustal loading, as by ice, water, sediments, or volcanic flows, leads to isostatic depression or downwarping • Crustal unloading, as by erosion, or melting of ice, to isostatic uplift or upwarping
Earthquake • A sudden motion or trembling in the Earth caused by the abrupt release of slowly accumulated strain • Strain is a change in the shape or volume of a body as a result of stress
Focus • The initial rupture point of an earthquake, where strain energy is first converted to elastic wave energy • The point within the Earth which is the center of an earthquake
Epicenter Focus Epicenter • The point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the focus of an earthquake
Seismograph • An instrument that detects, magnifies, and records vibrations of the Earth, especially earthquakes • The resulting record is a seismogram