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How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation?. Kate Stacey A2 media evaluation question. Blogging.
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation? Kate Stacey A2 media evaluation question
Blogging During this short film production we have used both group and individual blogging on www.wordpress.com. Our group blog consisted of information on media language, media representation, audience theory, genre, narrative theory, a shooting script, story boards, final script, script test and a draft script. Our individual blog consists of our individual evaluation, a review of our short film in a ‘Little White Lies’ magazine format, and a poster to promote the production.
Social Networking Fortunately we were familiar with social networking sites, which helped us to broadcast our film using sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We have also made a questionnaire on survey monkey and will use Facebook to interact with others and ask them to answer the questions in order to get feedback. On Facebook, posted the YouTube link of our film on each of our profiles; this allowed us to get feedback through both of the sites – through ‘likes’ and comments. YouTube also shows us the amount of views.
Digital Editing This year we have become even more familiar with the Final Cut Express programme on the Mac Computers. This programme allowed us to edit our media film in an advanced way as it consists of many different editing techniques which are available. The digital editing plays a big part in our constructed final copy of our media product – without the editing, the final piece would have not been as good. We planned ways in which we would edit it to make the final cut more professional.
Cameras We used high quality filming cameras in the construction of our short film. We discussed the possibilities of various camera angles and shots when planning our film. For example there were times when we had to use a tripod in order to make a particular scene look good or we would use it hand help to make it seems more realistic and personal for the audience. We used a few close shots so that we could feel more involved in the teacher through the detailed view of his facial expressions. We used a long shot combined with both a tracking shot and from a low angle to show we are following him throughout his routine.
InDesign We only recently became very familiar with InDesign this year – although it was originally very difficult to use I could now continue to use it for future uses in media. We used the programme InDesign to create a double page spread in the format of a professional review of our film ‘Sir’ in the context of the film magazine Little White Lies. We also created a professional looking film poster to promote it using the same programme.
Internet We used the internet throughout the making of our short film production: to get the soundtrack we used, to promote our film over social networking sites and survey monkey, to upload everything involved in our production on to both our group and individual blog. I have gained much better understanding of various internet sites which allow me to promote or film more successfully.