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Vestibular system

Vestibular system. Dr. Altdorfer Károly. Semicircular canals and ducts. anterior posterior lateral. Membranous labyrinth. Receptors in the labyrinth. 2 maculae (sacculus, utriculus) 3 crests (in the 3 ampullae). - Secondary sensory epithelium - bipolar ggl. cells.

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Vestibular system

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vestibular system Dr. Altdorfer Károly

  2. Semicircular canals and ducts anterior posterior lateral

  3. Membranous labyrinth

  4. Receptors in the labyrinth 2 maculae (sacculus, utriculus) 3 crests (in the 3 ampullae) - Secondary sensory epithelium - bipolar ggl. cells vestibular ggl. (Scarpa)

  5. I. + II. - + Receptor cells • Macula and crista ampullaris • - Kinocilium (9x2 +2) and 40-100 stereocilia, • - Mechanoreceptors in the otolithmembrans • or in the cupula • - Type I. • Type II. • - Supporting cells

  6. Cristae ampullares – angular acceleration Head Endolymph Tehetetlenségi áramlás

  7. Cristae ampullares – angular acceleration

  8. Maculae

  9. Maculae - linear acceleration otoconia

  10. Maculae cribrosae Macula cribrosa superior (N. utricularis, Nn. ampullares ant. et lat.) Macula cribrosa media (N. saccularis) Macula cribrosa inferior (N. ampullaris post.)

  11. canalis facialis area vestibularis sup. foramen singulare area cochlearis area vestibularis inf.

  12. Vestibular (Scarpa’s) ganglion Bipolarneurons

  13. nucl. vestibularis -superior (Bechterew) -inferior (Roller) -medialis (Schwalbe) -lateralis (Deiters)

  14. Eyemovements(also: Cajal and Darkschewitschnuclei) MLF

  15. Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) VOR

  16. Meniére-disease Cause? Probable cause: endolymph amount increases  enters perilymphatic spaces also  all hair cells (Corti organ, maculae, cristae) functionally altered. Affects hearing and balance to a varying degree. It is characterized by episodes of severe vertigo (dizziness) and tinnitus (ringing in the ear or machine like sounds) and progressive hearing loss.

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