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Steering Committee Meeting WP 9 Financial Reporting

Steering Committee Meeting WP 9 Financial Reporting. Dublin, April 2013. Budget Tasks of Steering Committee. Make decisions on the project strategic orientations, future activities and budget allocations

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Steering Committee Meeting WP 9 Financial Reporting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steering Committee Meeting WP 9 Financial Reporting Dublin, April 2013

  2. Budget Tasks of Steering Committee • Make decisions on the project strategic orientations, future activities and budget allocations • Approve all official accounts an agree payments to all partners on the basis of the 6 monthly reports submitted • Support the Coordinator in preparing periodic reports. This will include validation of resource allocation by individual partners at WP level and highlighting any anomalies between budget resource claimed and actual usage. The Steering Committee reserves the right to request detailed supporting documentation from any partner to substantiate budget claims and where necessary highlight such anomalies with the EC. • Budget risks: in the event that a contingency plan is implemented to overcome any identified risks, the impact on the WP budget and overall project budget will be assessed and a solution agreed by all concerned partners.

  3. Approval of financial reporting April 2012 and resource usage

  4. Approval of financial reporting and resource usage

  5. Number of Person months reported per workpackage

  6. Percentage of Person months reported per workpackage

  7. Procedure • Approve reports of those who have used between 25-35% of budgets • Workpackage leaders to approve time spent by each partner on each workpackage • Have contacted those who are over or under this amount for discussion and flagging of under/over spend to include in report to Commission • Partners who have been slow in sending in earlier reports or have underspent significantly have not received the remainder of their prepayment

  8. Month 18 – First EU reporting • Log on to portal and fill out Form C (Louise to send instructions & figures) • All deliverables will be in

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