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Chapters 2 & 3- English Colonies in North America. I Can answer the following questions (Chapter 2) What international events and domestic changes led to English colonization of North America? How successful were English attempts of colonization in North America?
Chapters 2 & 3- English Colonies in North America I Can answer the following questions (Chapter 2) • What international events and domestic changes led to English colonization of North America? • How successful were English attempts of colonization in North America? • Why were Native Americans unsuccessful at repelling the English from North America? • What was the most important crop for the English and how did it shape the colonies? • What features were shared by Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia? What distinguished them? I Can answer the following questions (Chapter 3) • What religious turmoil in the Old World resulted in the establishment of the Plymouth colony? • Why was the Massachusetts Bay Colony more successful than Plymouth? • How did the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies contribute to the origins of American independence and government? • What role did religious intolerance play in the founding of New England colonies (other than Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay)? • How did the colonization of Pennsylvania differ from the New England colonies and other middle colonies?
Populating the Americas • Land Bridge existed for around 25,000 years that connected Eurasia to North America (35,000 – 10,000 years ago) • For 25,000 years the Americas are populated • When the glaciers melt the Americas become isolated
Columbus Did Not “Discover” North America • 1st Europeans to reach North America were the Vikings in 1000 • Lief Ericsson and 35 Vikings stayed a winter, and made several attempts to colonize • All attempts failed • Unfortunately Vikings had an oral history, and never documented their journey
Columbian Exchange: interactions between Europeans and Native Americans that permanently altered world’s ecosystem and culture
English Motivation for Colonization • Religious turmoil in England kept the English busy • English Protestant Reformation • Back and forth between Catholics and Protestants within England • Irish revolt • England v. Spain • Francis Drake famously attacked Spanish shipping (1580) • King Philip II of Spain looked to return Catholicism to England • Spanish Armada is defeated (1588) • Led to English nationalism and the rise of England as a world power • Surplus Population • Primogeniture • Creation of Joint Stock Companies • Investors shared the risk by contributing a small portion of their wealth into a venture
Jamestown • British attempts to colonize were small in scale to the Spanish • Newfoundland and Roanoke Island both failed miserably • Jamestown founded in 1607 • Virginia Company granted a charter (revoked in 1624 becoming a royal colony) • Plan was to make $$$$, notestablish a long term colony • All DUDES!!! • Tobacco saved the colony economically • Slaves brought in 1619 • Jamestown was settled in a swamp that had horrible drinking water and lots of diseases • Result • Colonists died in large numbers from disease and starvation • 85% of colonists died • John Smith: “He who does not work shall not eat.” • Slowly immunity builds up and colony continues to grow • Representative government established with the House of Burgess in 1619
Why were Native Americans unsuccessful at repelling the English from North America?
Fate of Native Americans in the Chesapeake • Anglo-Powhatan Wars • First Anglo-Powhatan War • Lord De La Warr arrived in 1610 and waged a vicious war against the Powhatan • Destroyed villages, burned crops, and storehouses • War ended in 1614 with John Rolfe marrying Pocahontas • Second Anglo-Powhatan War • Powhatan launched raids on encroaching white settlements • “a perpetual war without peace or truce” • Native Americans were of no value to the English so they were eradicated • Disease, violence, and starvation
What features were shared by Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia? What distinguished them? Similarities Differences
Motivations for the Colonization of New England Protestant Reformation Calvinism: God knew who was going to heaven and who wasn’t (predestination). The elect were “notified” by God they were going to heaven through a conversion Puritans: Were displeased about the Church of England and did not want to mingle with the damned • Separatists (Pilgrims) • Flee to Holland • Dutchification • Goal was to break away from the Church of England • Agreement with the Virginia Company • Sailed way off course and settled the Plymouth colony (1620) • Puritans (Non-Separatists) • Well equipped expedition • Settled the Massachusetts Bay colony (1629) • John Winthrop was governor • “We shall be as a city upon a hill.” • Establish a community that would be an example for the rest of the world
New England Conflict with Native Americans • Native Americans were hit by wave after wave of epidemics (Columbian Exchange) • Hepatitis & Smallpox • 75-90% of Native Americans were killed • Pilgrims landed in an area with abandoned fields and villages littered with dead • Disease made the Native Americans weak • Pilgrims allied with the Narragansett to take out the Pequot (1st Thanksgiving) • King Philip’s War (1675) • Native Americans allied together to eliminate the English threat • Many colonists are killed, but the Native Americans are decimated
Religious Intolerance and Rhode Island • Anne Hutchinson tossed out of Mass Bay Colony • Challenged Puritan doctrine • Roger Williams founded Rhode Island • Radical priest from Massachusetts Bay Colony • Believed in Separation of Church and State • In Mass Bay only church members could vote • Expelled from colony • Founded Rhode Island in 1636 • Total freedom of religion • Jews & Catholics • Rhode Island developed into the most liberal colonies
The Seeds of the Revolution are Planted in New England • Mayflower Compact (1620) • Agreement to majority rule in the Plymouth colony • Town Hall meetings are also established • New England Federation (1643) • Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, New Haven, & Connecticut settlements created this federation for mutual defense • Other New England colonies were left out • 1st major step to colonial unity • Dominion of New England • English crack the whip on Massachusetts • Dominion of New England (1686) • Colonial defense • Enforce Navigation Laws • Town Hall meetings • Limitations on press • End to popular assemblies • Charter is taken away in 1691 • Resentment begins to build
Thesis Practice Analyze the extent in which religious freedom existed in the colonies prior to 1700.