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Events Hierarchy

Events Hierarchy. Author: Anna Bekkerman abekkerm@ecs.umass.edu. Events Are Everywhere. Node. Client. LMM. Control signals. Node. Server. Data. Target system. LMM. Events. Data. Events. Node. LMM. Client. Basic Types. Messaging events

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Events Hierarchy

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  1. Events Hierarchy Author: Anna Bekkerman abekkerm@ecs.umass.edu

  2. Events Are Everywhere Node Client LMM Control signals Node Server Data Target system LMM Events Data Events Node LMM Client

  3. Basic Types • Messaging events • Occur when data is being read from/written to communication channels used in the DCAS system • Can be matched to form messages • Application events • Generated by DCAS applications • Metrics • Measurements of resource utilization

  4. Messaging Events’ Characteristics

  5. LDM Events • Each event has a number of properties • Type: pq_insert or pq_remove • Feed type: class of a data product coming from a common source • Sequence number associated with the data product • Product size: number of bytes in data section of the product • Product ID: usually a string describing a product • For example: “Reflectivity_20070603_0112.netcdf.gz” • Two LDM events are matched if their types are different and the rest of the properties are equal • Source: pq_insert • Destination: pq_remove

  6. WDSS Events • Each event has a number of properties • Type: lb_read or lb_write • Linear buffer ID: a number associated with the linear buffer • Message length • Linear buffers contain messages describing which products/meteorological features have been processed • Message: a string describing a product/feature • Two WDSS events are matched if their types are different and messages are equal • Source: lb_write • Destination: lb_read

  7. Socket Events • Each event has a number of properties • Type: socket_write or socket_read • Sender address and port • Receiver address and port • Sequence number associated with the message • Message length • Message • For example: “control”, “features” • Two socket events are matched if their types are different and the rest of the properties are equal • Source: socket_write • Destination: socket_read

  8. Application Events • Must be explicitly generated using RAPIDS API calls • Need not be matched • Types: • Error • Variable • Algorithm • Debug

  9. Error events • Generated when an error occurs • Have three significance levels • Warning, Severe and Fatal • On the message diagram are depicted with cross ( )

  10. Variable events • Generated to report the current value of a variable • On the message diagram are depicted with five pointed star ( )

  11. Algorithm events • Have a type associated with them: start and end • Generated to report beginning/ending of some action • Algorithm, procedure, cycle etc. • On the message diagram are depicted with: • Start: small arrow pointing up ( ) • End: small arrow pointing down ( )

  12. Dedug events • Generated to report debug messages • On the message diagram are depicted with vertical bar ( )

  13. Common Properties • Each messaging and application event has the following properties: • Timestamp • PID and name of the process which generated the event • ID of the node where the event came from • Detailed information about events can be obtained: • From log files • From the message diagram if RAPIDS visualization client is employed to view the events

  14. Obtaining Process Name Events know names of the processes which generated them signatures • The name of a process might be very long! • Solution: generate a signature for the process name and send it along with the events • When RAPIDS server receives an event it compares its process signature with signatures of monitored processes provided in the configuration file • Drawback: if a process has not been mentioned in the configuration file, its events will be ignored • Even ownerless events are logged!

  15. Metrics • Each metric has a key and value • Process metrics also have a PIDs • Often a group of metrics must be used to calculate utilization of a resource • For example: to calculate utilization of the memory the following metrics are needed • The amount of free and used physical memory • The amount of free and used swap memory

  16. Implementation of Events Hierarchy event events <<interface>> Loggable byte[] toBytes() int key; Object value; int nodeID; Date occurredAt; Event String processName; int mark; DiagramEvent Metric boolean correspondTo(Event e) ApplicationEvent ProcessMetric MessagingEvent LDMEvent ErrorEvent DebugEvent TCPEvent AlgorithmEvent VariableEvent WDSSEvent

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