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Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll t he science of HIV. By: Raneem Roumi and Heba Abuamra. What is HIV?.
Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll the science of HIV By: RaneemRoumi and HebaAbuamra
What is HIV? The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infectious germ that has been described as a brain without a body. It hijacks a cell in order to replicate and survive. It does this by entering and infecting a human host.
Stage 1 Lymph glands may be swollen but essentially the person is healthy and can remain in this stage for many years.
Stage 2 Herpes Zoster (also known as Shingles) often occurs.
Stage 3 Serious problems begin to occur such pneumonia and tuberculosis (TB).
Stage 4 The stage is characterized by very serious diseases such Kaposi's sarcoma.
Unprotected Sex 1. The sperm or vaginal secretions containing the virus entering the bloodstream of uninfected partner. • 2. Rape increases the risk of HIV infection because: • It is physically violent which causes tears that brings infected sperm into the raped person bloodstream. • Gang Rape makes the chance of getting HIV higher. Antiretroviral (ARV) medication
Blood 1. Transmission through blood as a result of sharing needles and syringes with infected people. 2.Sharing of razors and toothbrushes. 3. Transfusion of infected blood in blood banks. 4. Newborn babies are at risk of infection through exposure to its mother’s blood during birth if the mother is infected.
Breastmilk 1. The virus is present in large quantities in the milk of infected mothers, who may transmit the virus through breastfeeding. Solutions to this problem: 1. Bottle feeding 2.Exclusive breastfeeding 3.ARV therapy
How to tell if you are HIV Positive? The only way is by having a test. There are different types of tests which can be done using: Blood Urine Semen Vaginal secretions Sputum • Polymerase Chain reaction Test (PCR): • An expensive test • Detects HIV directly • Detects the amount of the virus in the blood
Safe Sex Does it exist ? - Only kind of safe sex is no sex- Abstinence is recommended because transmission risk is zero- 'ABC' prevention campaigns around the world have reduced the scope of safer sex to encompass abstinence- In parts of Africa, young boys were instructed in the art of thigh sex as part of their initiation into manhood
The Word on Oral Sex - Blowjobs are safest if you use a condom (giving one is more risky than getting because there is a more chance that HIV-infected fluid will enter the body)- Without a condom, you will still be exposed to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) It increases the risk of getting HIV- Deep kissing if there are open sores, small cuts/bleeding gums, should be avoided as this blood may contain infected white blood cells to transmit HIV
'Opportunistic' Infections - Opportunistic infections are those that move in on a person's immune system (many are only found in people with HIV) - Tuberculosis is the most common life-threatening opportunistic infection for HIV-positive people in Africa- Poverty provides the perfect environment for the spread of tuberculosis- Most common cause of death in Africa is HIV and Tuberculosis- Certain pills are available for certain diseases/infections but are too expensive to buy and the medication may become ineffective
Living a Healthy Life - Nowadays, people have found ways to live positively with the virus known as "Aunty Aida" - Eating well, exercising regularly, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding smoking and alcohol will go a long way to keeping one's body healthy and staving off AIDS- Avoiding infections and treating opportunistic ones as soon as possible will also help to protect one's body
Antiretroviral Drugs - The discovery of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs has changed the course of the epidemic in countries o the North- They do not cure AIDS but they can prevent HIV from reproducing inside the body, giving the immune system a chance to recover and fight back- 3 types of the drug: 1 - Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors ('Nukes') - act by mimicking the natural building blocks of the virus's DNA- 'Non-Nukes' - stops HIV from being formed- Protease Inhibitors - prevents the maturation of viral particles after viral proteins have been formed- improvement of 70% reduction of illness and death after taking the drugs
An AIDS vaccine – medicine's Holy Grail - A vaccine for aids is still many years off - Vaccines are made by using a killed or weakened form of the virus itself, which stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies before the real thing comes its way - More recently, major vaccine research initiatives have begun in countries like Brazil, Cuba, South Africa and India- In the meantime, you'd be well advised to keep your condoms
Richmani,16 There was nothing soft or easy
Effie,17 I felt old
THE END Thank you for being a great Audience!