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Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Overview

Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Overview. Lynorae Benjamin, U.S. EPA Region 4 State & Local Air Director’s Meeting May 22, 2013. EE/RE Roadmap Manual. Flow chart for navigating decisions for how to incorporate EE/RE in SIPs/TIPs

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Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Overview

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  1. Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Overview Lynorae Benjamin, U.S. EPA Region 4 State & Local Air Director’s Meeting May 22, 2013

  2. EE/RE Roadmap Manual • Flow chart for navigating decisions for how to incorporate EE/RE in SIPs/TIPs • Identifies questions/issues agencies should consider when selecting pathways • Four pathways • Baseline Emissions Projection Pathway • Control Strategy Pathway • Emerging/Voluntary Measures Pathway • Weight of Evidence Pathway

  3. Four Pathways • Baseline Emissions Projection Pathway • Incorporate EE/RE policies and programs in EGU emissions forecast • Best suited for already adopted EE/RE policies and programs • Control Strategy Pathway • Incorporate EE/RE policies and programs in a SIP/TIP as a control strategy • Best suited for new EE/RE policies adopted after emissions forecast preparation but before SIP/TIP submittal to EPA

  4. Four Pathways • Emerging/Voluntary Measures Pathway • Incorporate EE/RE policies as emerging and/or voluntary EE/RE measures (i.e., those that are difficult to enforce and/or quantify) • Best suited for locally-based initiatives designed to encourage more EE/RE • Weight of Evidence Pathway • Incorporate EE/RE policies as part of a WOE demonstration • Best suited for EE/RE policies and programs where modeling is too resource intensive or not feasible and/or the area is not interested in SIP/TIP credit

  5. Getting Started: Decision-Making Hub • Flow chart to help navigate the decisions for how to incorporate EE/RE in SIPs • Identifies the important questions agencies should consider when selecting pathways • Does the area: • Have EE/RE emerging or voluntary programs? • Want SIP credit? • Want a federally enforceable control strategy? • Have EE/RE policies and programs “on the books”? • Have emissions projection modeling?

  6. States that May Want to Consider EE/RE in SIPs/TIPs Going Forward • Ozone Advance areas • To date, 30 areas in 18 states are participating • Areas can quantify EE/RE emissions benefits under this program • 2008 ozone NAAQS and 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS • Areas designated nonattainment that have to prepare attainment demonstrations can quantify EE/RE emissions benefits • Could incorporate EE/RE benefits in the upcoming SIP • Other areas may want to plan for possible, tighter NAAQS in the future • Consider quantifying EE/RE emissions benefits

  7. Activities in Other States • Establishing a network of interested EPA regions and states through training and outreach • OAP/OAQPS has conducted and/or supported training in: • Northeast • VA • NC • Region 6 states

  8. Questions?

  9. Relevant Guidance to Consider for Voluntary Credits • EPA (1997). Guidance on Incorporating Voluntary Mobile Source Emission Reduction Programs in State Implementation Plans (SIPs). October 1997. Available online at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/stateresources/policy/general/vmep-gud.pdf • EPA (2004a). Guidance on SIP Credits from Emission Reductions from Electric-Sector Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures. August 2004. Available online at http://www.epa.gov/ttncaaa1/t1/memoranda/ereseerem_gd.pdf • EPA (2004b). Incorporating Emerging and Voluntary Measures in a State Implementation Plan (SIP). September 2004. Available online at http://www.epa.gov/ttncaaa1/t1/memoranda/evm_ievm_g.pdf • EPA (2005). Guidance on Incorporating Bundled Measures in a State Implementation Plan. August 2005. Available online at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/caaa/t1/memoranda/10885guideibminsip.pdf

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