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http://cdn.praisephilly.com/files/2010/11/people-laughing-300x200.jpg. COMEDY. By: Bernardino S. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NURTFz-26UI/TBGROV8lIqI/AAAAAAAABXQ/NktaC7dhItU/s400/people_laughing.jpg. http://www.bridgemakersinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/People-laughing-432x350.jpg.
http://cdn.praisephilly.com/files/2010/11/people-laughing-300x200.jpghttp://cdn.praisephilly.com/files/2010/11/people-laughing-300x200.jpg COMEDY By: Bernardino S. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NURTFz-26UI/TBGROV8lIqI/AAAAAAAABXQ/NktaC7dhItU/s400/people_laughing.jpg http://www.bridgemakersinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/People-laughing-432x350.jpg
ccidentally on Purpose It’s a show about a couple that are going to have a baby. They have to deal with different situation like preparing for the baby, dealing with bosses, and friends. I think this was one of CBS funniest show but sadly it got cancelled because of ratings. http://coverlandia.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Accidentally-On-Purpose-FanMade.png
etter with You http://assets.huluim.com/shows/key_art_better_with_you.jpg This is one of my favorite comedy shows on Wednesday nights. It’s about a family who have to deals with everyday situations. It’s about 3 different relationship : Casey and Mia (Known each other for 7 weeks and she’s already pregnant), Maddie and Ben (Been dating for 7 years), Vicky and Joel (Been married 35 years).
omedy Is a humorous way to laugh out loud. TV shows, movies, and stand-up comedy is a way when people tend to laugh more. There’s has been huge TV shows that are popular like Friends, Full House, The Simpsons, and etc. because of the humor. http://www.ninapaley.com/images/comedy.jpg
RAke&Josh • This show is about 2 step brothers and they have a little sister. Their mischievous little sister always tries to prank them. The show involves about the relationship about 2 brothers, school, and work. http://img.poptower.com/pic-5673/drake-and-josh.jpg?d=1024
http://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2010/11/28/entertainment/photos_stories/tvw_ellen_degeneres--300x300.jpghttp://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2010/11/28/entertainment/photos_stories/tvw_ellen_degeneres--300x300.jpg llenDegeneres http://ellen.warnerbros.com/images/blog/1010/04-ellen-pompeo-scare-video.jpg Ellen is one of my favorite comedian because she’s hilarious. She likes to prank celebrities and even her guest. She also enjoys scaring people which I think it’s just funny. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2ph6lOhO-f8/TKnMJ_B2_iI/AAAAAAAAAvc/y2zVN8gGCVU/s1600/the-ellen-degeneres-show-5.jpg
ran Drescher Fran Drescher has been in hit comedy TV shows like “The Nanny” and “Living with Fran”. Now she’s going to have a new upcoming comedy show called “Happily Divorced”. She’s one of my favorite comedian actress. http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2007-08-02-FranSilo.jpg
http://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/george-lopez.jpghttp://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/george-lopez.jpg G eorge Lopez George Lopez is a comedian, actor, and talk show host. He first started doing stand-up comedy which led him to become very popular at. Because of his popularity Sandra Bullock approached him to get his own show because there weren’t no Hispanic-oriented sitcoms on American television. In 2002 “George Lopez” debuted his comedy show while Sandra Bullock was the executive producer. After the show got cancelled it went to syndication which became a huge success. “George Lopez” is one of my favorite show of all time.
http://ology.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/post-image/happy-endings-cast.jpghttp://ology.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/post-image/happy-endings-cast.jpg http://fromusatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Happy-Endings.jpg H appy Endings This comedy sitcom is about a group of friends that has to deal with friends and relationships. This show has been compared as the new “Friends” which I agree but with a different twist. I think this show is just fun to watch and my favorite character is Penny because she’s hilarious.
I Love Lucy http://www.pninf.com/P/9360D-02.jpg “I Love Lucy” has been called as one of "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME” which I agree. It’s just hilarious if people haven’t seen this show they must be living under a rock and their missing a lot of laughter. I love the chemistry between Ethel and Fred because they criticize/insult each other. Lucy just get into wacky situation which ends her up into trouble and her husband, Ricky get impatience when she gets into this type of situations.
Joking Jokes are when a person intent to be humorous. People can be sarcasm or have a punch line to make a joke. Depending on the joke a person can be successful at their joke but also they can ruined it. http://gigdoggy.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/turtle-drummer-joke-2.jpg
http://www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/data/590/2423Kenan_and_Kel_Postcard.jpghttp://www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/data/590/2423Kenan_and_Kel_Postcard.jpg enan and Kel • The show is about 2 best friends that are in their teen years. One has a job and it’s the normal dude while the other is clumsy and jokes a lot. “Kenan and Kel” has been called as one of the best 90’s family show.
http://www.hoopgirl.com/blog/laughter.gif aughing Is an expression of happiness and the feeling of joy. Laughter can be caused by being tickled or by hearing a joke. Laughter can be contagious even if a person just laughs. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Xl2CE9Gt1Y0/S0NBb9I9tDI/AAAAAAAAAt0/4e0MSq5Fh8s/s400/laugh-300x285-main_Full.jpg
odern Family It’s about a 3 families and they express their opinion directly into the camera. Each family member is connected to each other which led to become one big family. Some of the family members deals with the kids, baby, school, relationship, and family problems. http://modern-family.maxupdates.tv/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/modern-family.jpg
The anny This comedy sitcom is about a bridal consultant who got fired and now she’s selling cosmetic in the doorstep of a Broadway producer. The butler confuse her as the nanny but because she needs a job Maxwell the producer gave her the nanny job. Now Fran takes care of his 3 children and she get into wacky situations. Niles the butler and C.C. (Maxell business partner) always insult each other and they have a love/hate friendship. “The Nanny” has been describe as the modern 90’s “I Love Lucy”. http://images.zap2it.com/images/tv-EP00087591/cast-of-the-nanny-2.jpg
http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/wp-content/uploads/2006/03/Office_Walking_EW.gifhttp://www.givememyremote.com/remote/wp-content/uploads/2006/03/Office_Walking_EW.gif The ffice “The Office” is about the lives of each office employees. They always make fun or make jokes about each other. It’s one of NBC popular comedy show to date.
atrick Star He is the best friend of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob and Squidward are his neighbors . Patrick lives under a rock and he is consider as dumb but SpongeBob thinks his a genius. Patrick and SpongeBob always annoys Squidward. http://images.wikia.com/cartoons/images/1/13/Patrick_star_fish.gif
Q uestion? A question is when people need information or they have no idea what the other person is talking about. A question is always provided with answer. In this case when a person tells a joke and the other person don’t get it, they may ask a question. http://www.standoutblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/question-mark3a.jpg http://www.lutherancore.org/images/question.jpg
T hat’s So Raven This comedy teen sitcom is about Raven who gets into situation because of her psychic powers. Only her parents and friends know about her powers. Sometimes Raven’s wacky situation gets her in trouble that she has to disguise her self with the help of her friends, Eddie and Chelsea. The show focuses on family, friends, and school. http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/252/42006393.png
http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/snl.jpg S aturday Night Live Saturday Night Live (SNL) is a sketch comedy. The show always parody contemporary American culture and politics. SNL has made popular sketches that has been turn into films Wayne’s World and MacGruber. Saturday Night Live is one of the longest-running network television programs in the United States. Thanks to SNL some of actors have become popular like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kenan Thompson, Seth Meyers, Kristen Wiig, Eddie Murphy and etc.
T om and Jerry Is an animated cartoon about a rivalry between a cat and a mouse. They always battle and do mean stuff to each other. “Tom and Jerry” is consider one of the classic cartoon ever made. It’s really popular among adults, teens, and children because of the comic battles between them. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_CEpZWmkmsRg/RbxNK-Oa8oI/AAAAAAAAAVM/-z1OuA411bI/s400/Tom%2B%26%2BJerry%2B003.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Y8m29ZLX5ag/SmVjgg259PI/AAAAAAAADik/FDY0YWHkk0s/s400/TOM+%26+JERRY+-+BOMB.jpg
http://images.wikia.com/heyarnold/images/f/fc/AllGrownUp.jpg All Grown p! Is a spin-off animated show from the “Rugrats”. This time instead of being babies there’re all in their teen years. It star the hilarious and mean cousin of Tommy and Dil Pickles, Angelica Pickles. The show also has Chuckie, Kimi, Susie, Phil and Lil.
America's FunniestHome ideos This show is where viewers watch humorous home videos sent by people. It features physical comedy and accidents. It also involves kids and pets doing funny things. Bob Saget hosted the 1st eight season of AFV, the current host is Tom Bergeron. http://mghdownload.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/fc17a_091214062433325052.jpg
W hat I Like About You This comedy show is about Holly who moves with her older sister after her dad moves to Japan. Now her older sister, Val needs to learn more about responsibility after her sister moves. Holly always hangs out with her friends, Gary, Tina, and Vince while her sister hangs out with her best friend, Lauren. “What I Like About” centers on friendships, relationships, and jobs. http://tvseriesfinale.com/assets/whatilikeaboutyou04m.jpg
The X ’s Is an animated Nickelodeon show about a family who are spies. They hide their identity from other people so they can’t be exposed. The X’s always tries to stop an organization because they want to take over the world. The show also has some small jokes reference. http://www.nickelodeon.com.au/clickheadspace/img/mcm/2/86L.jpg
es Man Is a comedy film starring Jim Carrey. It’s about a guy named Carl who learns how to say YES because he always use to say NO. Carl (Jim Carrey) does a lot of crazy things just because he starting using YES. http://www.thecinemasource.com/moviesdb/images/Yes%20Man.jpg
Chalk Z one Is an animated show from Nickelodeon. There’s a kid named Rudy that has a magical chalk. To go to ChalkZone where everything is made up of chalk, he needs his magical chalk. Rudy friends are Penny and the funny chalk drawing cartoon, Snap that Rudy created. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhpiwfOxjO1qh06jxo1_250.jpg