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The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages. Wednesday Warm Up . Please attach your Ancient Rome quiz to your notebook page 71. If you have yet to turn in your quiz corrections, please do so.

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The Middle Ages

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  1. The Middle Ages

  2. Wednesday Warm Up • Please attach your Ancient Rome quiz to your notebook page 71. • If you have yet to turn in your quiz corrections, please do so. • When finished, please define the terms “Feudalism and “Middle Ages” in your notebook page 72. (Hint: it is in chapter 2, section 1 in your textbook)

  3. Warm UP • When were the “Middle Ages”?

  4. Background on how the church grew under Constantine • Perhaps tell the story of Constantine • Why would people start to follow the church rather than the emperor? • Worksheet: • WEDNESDAY OUTLINE… • Warm up • Milvian Bridge play • Edict of Milanto Official religion (change in culture) • Rome or Church activity? • Church to the Middle ages dialogue • Final question

  5. Constantine: Battle at Milvian Bridge • Flavius ValeriusConstantinus was born in 272 in what is now Turkey. • History knows him as Constantine • *Constantine eventually became Emperor • and brought religious freedom to the • region. • He was a monotheist. He believed in the sun god.

  6. Was the leader of Roman armies • Wanted to be emperor of Rome. • Won victories in northern Italy… • … and Turin… • … and Verona. • … and marched on Rome! • Finally…

  7. In 312 AD… • Won a series of battles which made him emperor. • The night before one of the battles, the one at Milvian Bridge…

  8. The night before the battle • he and his army saw a cross of light in the sky above the sun with words in Greek that are generally translated into Latin as In hoc signovinces (‘In this sign conquer’).

  9. Constantine had a dream that night… • In the dream Christ told him he should use the sign of the cross against his enemies. • Constantine video • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eczuYCwGpH0 • Constantine was victorious and gave credit to the Christian God for victory.

  10. What the victory meant… • *Edict of Milan: • Change of policy on how to deal with Christians • *Granted religious freedom to those in Empire • “No one whatsoever should be denied the opportunity to give his heart to the observance of the Christian religion.” • CHANGE OF CULTURE!!! • Constantine worshiped the Sun God. • When was the Sun God’s birthday? • *When Constantine died in 337 AD, Christianity was well on it’s way to becoming the official religion of Rome.

  11. Who to follow? Rome or Church? • The Roman empire fell (as you know). • Imagine you are a plebeian in the Roman Empire. Imagine you love your country as well as the official religion of Rome. • The following factors happen to Rome and your own family. Who will get your allegiance? Rome or the Church. (You only have two options)

  12. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful nation in the world.

  13. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire.

  14. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes

  15. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes • You no longer can move peacefully throughout Rome

  16. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes • You no longer can move peacefully throughout Rome • Rome has bad emperors, but is still your home country

  17. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes • You no longer can move peacefully throughout Rome • Rome has bad emperors, but is still your home country • The city of Rome is taken over

  18. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes • You no longer can move peacefully throughout Rome • Rome has bad emperors, but is still your home country • The city of Rome is taken over • You no longer can count on steady work or the promise of land from Rome

  19. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes • You no longer can move peacefully throughout Rome • Rome has bad emperors, but is still your home country • The city of Rome is taken over • You no longer can count on steady work or the promise of land from Rome • You have no choice but to keep your family in once place with no hope of financial success.

  20. Who to follow? Rome or church? • Rome is the most powerful country in history. • Rome doesn’t have it’s old glory, but remains powerful, keeps peace throughout most of the Empire. • Rome is begins to lose some battles to Germanic tribes • You no longer can move peacefully throughout Rome • Rome has bad emperors, but is still your home country • The city of Rome is taken over • You no longer can count on steady work or the promise of land from Rome • You have no choice but to keep your family in once place with no hope of financial success. • Your life is terrible. You think your children’s lives will also be terrible. Your only hope is a life after this one.

  21. The afterlife… • If your life is going poorly, and you see no way out… your only hope is another life after this one. • *The church gave people in the Middle Ages a sense of security. • Remind you of anything? • (Think two months ago)

  22. Rome to church dialogue Take yourself back to the end of the Roman Empire… The Empire has fallen. 1) What would this mean if you were a church leader? What would you do to keep people in your church? 2) What would this mean if you were a regular citizen? What would you do to keep hope alive for yourself and your family? (Answer either 1 or 2) Write 3-5 sentences

  23. Before you go… • When were the Middle Ages? • Which emperor allowed Christianity to be accepted in the Roman Empire? • After the Empire fell, what gave people a sense of security? • What else did you learn today?

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