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Understanding WIA Performance. Adult, Dislocated Worker, & Youth. Key Definition: Participation. An individual is a participant when they are determined eligible and receive a WIA service. The date of participation will be the date of their first service.
Understanding WIA Performance Adult, Dislocated Worker, & Youth
Key Definition: Participation • An individual is a participant when they are determined eligible and receive a WIA service. The date of participation will be the date of their first service. • The date of participation is actual start date of the first service on the Services page of SCOTI • The date of the first youth service will be the youth participation date • If an individual is participating in multiple funding streams they will be included in the performance measures for those funding streams
Key Definition: EXIT • Participants who do not receive a WIA funded or WIA partner service for 90 days and are not scheduled for future services except follow-up. • The exit date is the date of last service. • To Exit - Insert Appropriate Actual End Dates on Services screen, Close the case, and SCOTI will automatically Exit after 90 days. Highly recommend closing cases. This will also give you access to Post Exit and Wages and Youth Follow-up screens
When Performance Starts • All Adult and Dislocated Worker performance measures are exit based • Two of the three Youth performance measures are exit based • Performance is not tracked till after an individual exits for exit based measures • The exception is the Literacy/Numeracy Rate
Key Definition: QUARTERS • Calendar quarters • January to March • April to June • July to September • October to December Keep in Mind: • The exit quarter is the quarter containing the exit date. • Quarters after exit (i.e. 1st or 3rd quarter) mean quarters after the exit quarter.
Exit Quarter and Quarters after Exit • Participant Exits on 2/11/2013 • 1st Quarter after exit – April–June 2013 • 2nd Quarter after exit – July-September 2013 • 3rd Quarter after exit – October-December 2013 • 4th Quarter after exit January-March 2014
Represent Quarters after Exit Employment Status after Exit is displayed here
Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage data: UI wage data is used to track employment and wages in all Adult and Dislocated Worker and Youth Placement in Employment or Education measures. NOTE: Gathering UI wage data is a State responsibility
Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage data: Challenges with using UI wage data: • Typically there is a two quarter lag before this data can be analyzed by the state for WIA performance. • This means data verifying employment and wages for performance measures is not reported for many months after the performance period. • Not all employed workers show up in UI wage records. Self-employed individuals will not be included in UI wage records • Ohio allows the use of Supplemental Data to verify employment for these workers
Performance Measures • Question:What WIA performance measures are calculated for Adults and Dislocated Workers?
Adult and Dislocated Worker Performance Measures Adults and Dislocated Workers • Entered Employment Rate • Employment Retention Rate • Average Earnings
Entered Employment Rate • Participants already employed at participation are excluded. • Individuals who exited October 2012 through September 2013 will be included in PY 2013 for this measure
Adult and DW Entered Employment Rate • What are implications on Entered Employment? • Gus was employed at participation, participated in the program and exited in June 2012 while working for the Post Office. He passed probation in October and continued to be employed. • Sue was not employed at participation, participated in the program and was employed in May 2012, exited in June 2012, and continued to be employed for the remainder of the year. • George was laid off in March 1, 2012, received services starting in March 1, 2012, became employed in July 2012, was exited, and kept his job until September 15, 2012.
Employed in Q1 after Exit Quarter? will indicate a participant was employed in First Quarter after Exit. Supplemental Earnings box completion will cause Employed Q1 to turn to yes. This is used to determine if the individual is a positive outcome for this Entered Employment measure This effects Adult and DW Entered Employment, Employment Retention, and Average Earnings measures 17 17
Employment Retention Rate • Exclusion • Adults/Dislocated Workers not employed in the 1st quarter after exit are excluded • Individuals who exit April 2012 – March 2013 will be included in this measure for PY 2013 • Employment at participation is not relevant for this measure! Just employment after exit. • Positive Performance Outcome • Adults/Dislocated Workers are employed in the 2nd and 3rd quarter after exit.
Adult/DW Employment Retention What are implications on Employment Retention? • Stacy was employed at participation, participated in the program and exited in June 2012 while working for the Post Office. She passed probation in October and continued to be employed for the next 10 years. • Pete received services starting in March 2012, became employed in July 2012, was exited at the time of employment, and kept his job until September 15, 2012 when he had to leave to care for his wife who had cancer. • Larry received services starting in January 2012, became employed in March 2011, was exited at the time of employment, and kept his job until September 15, 2012. However, he was able to part-time employment for the Christmas holiday season.
Employed in Q1 after Exit Quarter? will indicate a participant was employed in First Quarter after Exit. Supplemental Earnings box completion will cause Employed Q1 to turn to yes. This will be used to determine if the individual is included or excluded from the Adult and DW Retention Rate This effects Adult and DW Entered Employment, Employment Retention, and Average Earnings measures 21 21
Employed in Q2 after Exit Quarter? will indicate a participant was employed in First Quarter after Exit. Supplemental Earnings box completion will cause Employed Q2 to turn to yes. This will be used to determine if the individual is employed in the second quarter This effects Adult and DW Entered Employment, Employment Retention, and Average Earnings measures 22 22
Employed in Q3 after Exit Quarter? will indicate a participant was employed in First Quarter after Exit. Supplemental Earnings box completion will cause Employed Q3 to turn to yes. This will be used to determine if the individual is employed in the third quarter after exit This effects Adult and DW Entered Employment, Employment Retention, and Average Earnings measures 23 23
Adult/DW Average Earnings • Definition: Of adults employed in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter after exit, total post-program earnings (in Q2 & Q3 after exit) divided by the number of adults who exit during the quarter.
Adult/DW Average Earnings Exclusions • Must be employed in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter after exit or the individual is excluded. • If Supplemental Earnings is the only source of employment documentation for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd quarter after exit the individual is excluded from this measure. UI wage data is the only data USDOL will use for this measure. • If Post Program Earnings from Unemployment Insurance records is between $.01 to $2700 or above $50,000 in a quarter (1st, 2nd, or 3rd Quarter after exit) they are also excluded from performance because the data is considered invalid.
Adult/DW Earnings Increase • Individuals who exit April 2012 – March 2013 will be included in this measure for PY 2013 • Will compare post program earnings (quarters 2 & 3 after exit) to negotiated average earnings standard. • It will not matter what they made prior to participation – the goal is to get a high earnings employment • May want to co-enroll Dislocated Workers as Adults they will likely to be high skilled and receive higher earnings
Adult/DW Average Earnings What are implications on Average Earnings? • Brian was laid off from a local factory in March making $50,000, participated in the program, and exited in June 2012 while working for the Post Office. He started working making $35,000 and was still employed a year later. • Sue was a displaced homemaker who had not been working but her husband had been laid off and needed to go to work. She participated in the program and was employed at $17 an hour and exited in June 2010, and continued to be employed until December 2012. • Rick was an adult participant who had not been employed for over 5 years, received services, became employed and exited in July 2011 making $15,000 a year, and continued being employed until September 15, 2012.
Employed in Q1 after Exit Quarter? will indicate a participant was employed in First Quarter after Exit. Supplemental Earnings box completion will cause Employed Q1 to turn to yes. If the only source of Employment reporting in the first quarter is Supplemental Earnings the individuals will be excluded from the Adult and Dislocated Worker Average Earnings Measure. Employed in Q1 after Exit Quarter? This effects Adult and DW Average Earnings. 29 29
If the only source of Employment reporting in the second quarter is Supplemental Earnings the individuals will be excluded from the Adult and Dislocated Worker Average Earnings Measure. Employed in Q2 after Exit Quarter? This effects Adult and DW Average Earnings. 30
If the only source of Employment reporting in the third quarter is Supplemental Earnings the individuals will be excluded from the Adult and Dislocated Worker Average Earnings Measure. Employed in Q3 after Exit Quarter? This effects Adult and DW Average Earnings. 31
Performance Measures Question:What WIA performance measures are calculated for Youth?
YOUTH COMMON MEASURES • Will include all youth, no distinction between younger/older • 1) Placement in Employment, Education, or Training • 2) Attainment of a Degree/Certificate • 3) Literacy/Numeracy Gains
YOUTH PLACEMENT IN EMPLOYMENT OR EDUCATION • Youth who exit October 2012 – September 2013 will be included in this measure for PY 2013 • Excludes youth in employment, the military, or post-secondary education at participation • Employment, military and education status at participation are based on information from the individual
Education status is used to determine whether a youth is in post-secondary status at participation 36
Employment in 1st Qtr After Exit is reflected here –it can come from UI wage record or Supplemental Source of Data below Reporting Placement in Post-Secondary Education, Military, Apprenticeship, or Advanced Training is reported here – Not Employment!
YOUTH PLACEMENT IN EMPLOYMENT OR EDUCATION • Matt was a 19 year old who was not employed or going to school at date of participation. He received Occupational Skills training with Youth funding. He became employed and exited in November 2012. He continued to be employed on a permanent basis for many years. • Ray was a 17 year old student who participated in the Youth program working on his basic skills. He participated for a year and a half but dropped out of the program but was still in secondary school at exit. • Leroy was a 21 year old going to college at participation. He wanted help in getting a job and received an internship with help from the local WIA program with Youth funding. He became employed and exited in January 2013. He continued to be employed on a permanent basis for many years.
YOUTH ATTAINMENT OF A DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE • Youth who exit October 2012 – September 2013 will be included in this measure for PY 2013 • Education refers to secondary school, post-secondary school, adult education, or any organized program of study • Organized program of study must lead to a degree or certificate • Youth in school are included in the measure even if WIA had nothing to do with the enrollment. This includes enrollment in secondary education • Outcome can be attained during participation
DEFINITION OF A CERTIFICATE • Defining “certificate”… • A certificate is awarded in recognition of an individual’s attainment of measurable technical or occupational skills (emphasis added) necessary to gain employment or advance within an occupation. These technical or occupational skills are based on standards developed or endorsed by employers. • USDOL has clarified that recognition of generic pre-employment and/or work readiness skills are not considered certificates. No exceptions will be made.
DEFINITION OF A CERTIFICATE • Awarding Institutions include: • A State educational agency • Institution of higher education • Professional, industry or employer organization or a product manufacturer • Registered apprenticeship program • Public regulatory agency • A program approved by the Dept of Veterans Affairs • Office of Job Corps • Indian Tribe Higher Education Institution
Enrolled in Education • An individual is considered Enrolled in Education for the measure from 3 fields in SCOTI: • Basic Intake- Additional tab-Education Status (enrolled in Secondary, Alternative, or Post-Secondary Education) • Services (Tutoring, Occupational Skills Training, Alternative School) • Services-Exit tab-Youth School Status at Exit
Enrolled in Education status is displayed here. If this is yes, the individual is in the Youth Certificate, Diploma, or Degree measure 48 48 48