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How to study the Bible. February 10, 2013. Keys To Bible Study. 1. Observation:. What does it say?. What does it mean?. What other verses explain it?. What will I do about it?. Keys To Bible Study. 1. Observation:. What does it say?. 2. Interpretation:. What does it mean?.
How to study the Bible February 10, 2013
Keys To Bible Study 1. Observation: What does it say? What does it mean? What other verses explain it? What will I do about it?
Keys To Bible Study 1. Observation: What does it say? 2. Interpretation: What does it mean? What other verses explain it? What will I do about it?
Keys To Bible Study 1. Observation: What does it say? 2. Interpretation: What does it mean? 3. Correlation: What other verses explain it? What will I do about it?
Keys To Bible Study 1. Observation: What does it say? 2. Interpretation: What does it mean? 3. Correlation: What other verses explain it? 4. Application: What will I do about it?
“ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired by Godand is useful to teach us what is trueand to make us realize what is wrongin our lives. It straightens us out andteaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16
“FOR EVERYTHING was written toteach us, so that through enduranceand the encouragement of theScriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 (NIV)
Keys To Bible Study I. Observation: What does it say?
What does it say? Paul intended to send 2Men to the church at Philippi
“I hope to send you Timothy” Philippians 2:19
“I think it is necessary to sendEpaphroditus back to you” Philippians 2:25
What does it mean? Paul endorsed them as rolemodels who deserve honor
(Timothy) “I have no one elselike him!” Philippians 2:20
(Epaphroditus) “Welcome him…HONOR men like him.” Philippians 2:29
What does it mean to be like these men?What are they like? vs. 20-21 “takes a genuine interest” vs. 22 “has proved himself” vs. 25 “my brother, fellow worker, fellow soldier” vs. 26 “longs for all you and is distressed” vs. 27-30 “almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life”
II. Interpretation: What does it mean?
“I have no one else like him, whotakes a genuine interest in yourwelfare. For everyone else looks outfor his own interests…” Philippians 2:21
“genuinely cares for you … othersonly care about themselves” Philippians 2:21 TEV
“…they are all wrapped up in theirown affairs…” Philippians 2:21
What does it mean? 5 characteristics 1. A Godly man is caring
“Timothy has proved himself, becauseas a son with his father, he has servedwith me in the work of the gospel.” Philippians 2:22
“…you know what kind of personTimothy proved to be.” Philippians 2:22 GW
So How to identify a selfish man before it’s too late: • 1) Does he only talk about himself ? • 2) Does he ever open the door for you? • 3) Has he ever brought you a meal because he knew you were too busy to eat? • 4) Does he go out of his way • to make sure you feel safe? • 5) Does he ever ask for your opinion?
So How to identify a selfish man before it’s too late: • 6) Does he ask you for sex? • 7) Will he cancel his plans if you’re sick so he can take care of you? • 8) Is he obsessed with his appearance? • 9) Will he do something he doesn’t like to do just to spend time with you? • 9) Does he pick up his messes?
2. A Godly man is consistent
“I send back to you Epaphroditus,my brother, fellow worker and fellowsoldier, who is also your messenger,whom you sent to take care ofmy needs.” Philippians 2:25
“…he has worked and fought bymy side” Philippians 2:25 GN
“For he longs for all of you andis distressed because you heardhe was ill.” Philippians 2:26
“Husbands be considerate as you livewith your wives.” 1 Peter 3:7
“Indeed he was ill, and almostdied…he almost died for the work ofChrist, risking his life to make up forthe help you couldn’t give me.” Philippians 2:27 & 30
III. Correlation: What other verses explain it?
IV. Application: What will I do about it?
Life Lessons 1.Think of ways to honor people this week who model these qualities. 2.Ask which of these 5 qualities will I work on this week?
Desperately needed • Men of God & Women of God • Caring, Consistent, Cooperative, • Considerate and courageous