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New Horizon College English. Unit. 8. Section A. Birth of Bright Ideas. Text Analysis. Pre-reading Activities. Background information Watch & Discuss. Main idea and devices for developing it. Summary. Expressions & Patterns.
New Horizon College English Unit 8 Section A Birth of Bright Ideas
Text Analysis Pre-reading Activities Background information Watch & Discuss Main idea and devices for developing it Summary Expressions & Patterns How to apply to our real life the typical expressions and patterns taken from the text Blank filling Paragraph Writing Tips for Para. Writing
I. Pre-reading Activities: background information Back Richard Wagner(1813-1883), the greatest composer of German opera, made a major addition to the nature of opera through his writings about and the creation of music drama. Music drama combines singing, orchestra, verse, story, drama and spectacle. Wagner’s works include the “The Ring of the Nibelung” (1853-1874), a set of four operas based on historical German stories. 下一页
I. Pre-reading Activities: background information Back The Rhinegold, the first of the four operas in the “Ring” cycle, exemplifies Wagner's theory of music drama in its purest form. 上一页 下一页
I. Pre-reading Activities: background information Back Henri Poincare(1854-1912), a great French mathematics and theoretical science professor at the Sorbonne (University of Paris), had a highly original influence on the development of pure and applied mathematics. He also worked on functions that changed celestial mechanics, helped pioneer algebraic topology and co-discovered the special theory of relativity. 上一页 下一页
I. Pre-reading Activities: background information Descartes, Rene(1596-1650), a famous French philosopher, mathematician and scientist, was one of the most influential thinkers in history. He is considered the founder of both modern philosophy and analytic geometry. During his life, established ideas were being challenged, so he tried to develop a way to reach the truth. He based his theory that the world is made up of mind and matter on a concept that came to him in a dream. 上一页
I. Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say 1. Is genius the result of nurture or the result of nature? key 2. Are there any secrets to being creative? key Video watching Back Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:
From the video, therefore, we can conclude that any bright idea in your mind has a long way to cover before it can prove your creativity. As is known to all, the law of gravity was a typical product of Newton’s sleeplike relaxation under an apple tree. But it was the countless experiments he made later that proved it to be true for the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe. On the other hand, any bright idea about something occurs to you only when you have made a systematic study of it or you have been so expert at it as to expect something wonderful. To achieve this, you need to work hard, too. Summary: From my angle of view, genius is the result of nurture as well as nature, with more stress put on the former, just as the saying coined by Edison goes, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Take the invention of bulb for example. The big problem with it was the filament got burned because of tremendous heat. Edison had done thousands of experiments before he finally turned out a bulb that would glow for three days. So the video has born out the truth that every invention glows with its inventor’s great efforts as well as his creativity. 返回 >>>more Path of thinking: • Do you agree with Edison’s saying “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”? • Give your reasons or examples. key
2) To be creative, you must learn how to be objective in observing the events or things concerned. In general, what you choose to observe and the way you observe it must be a reflection of your ideas as to what is important. So partiality is a big obstacle for you to overcome on your way to creativity. 3) To be creative, you must have the courage to look beyond the established ideas in your field. 4) To achieve the above, however, you must first make yourself master of the advanced knowledge about the field in which you are to display your creativity. Summary: Everyone in our class must have experienced the spark of bright ideas. Some may remember their excitement over hitting upon the best ways to attack complex problems in natural science whereas others may still relive their original ideas about how to cope with humane studies. If we make a good analysis of how these bright ideas struck us, however, we can find out some secrets for being creative. 1) To be creative, you must first be curious about everything around you. Curiosity is the first teacher to launch you on the way to being creative. No curiosity, no creativity. 返回 >>>more Path of thinking: • Have you ever experienced the sudden arrival of a bright idea? • Do you have any secrets for being creative? key
II.Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Main idea Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Main idea of the textand devices for developing it Main idea of each part and devices for developing it Devices 时空法
Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) >>>>more Back Typical Sentences: • You think about a problem until you’re tired, forget it, maybe sleep on it, and then flash! When you aren't thinking about it, suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods. (Para.1)
Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) >>>>more Back Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) 2) Wagner had been occupied with …for several years, and for many months had been struggling to…. On September 4, 1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel, could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long…(Para. 4)
Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) >>>>more Back Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) 3) For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of …. One night he drank …Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination.When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. (Para. 5)
Sequence of Time and Space (时空顺序法) Back Typical Sentences:(动词词形反映时态) 4) …which came to Descartes at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path. Descartes had unsuccessfully searched for certainty, first in the world of books, and then in the world of men. Then in a dream on November 10, 1619, he made the significant discovery that he could only find certainty in his own thoughts.(Para. 6)
II. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It For details Back Main idea ? Creative thoughts depend on what was unknown becoming known. This is easily seen in the famous creative people. Part I (para. 1-3) Part II Devices for developing it ? Part III Argumentation through concession (让步法)
II. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It For details Back Main idea ? The author presents three different ways of forming big ideas: Wagner’s conscious mind knew nothing about the process of idea forming while Poincare’s conscious mind observed the process of idea forming in the unconscious, and Descartes’ dream enabled him to make an important discovery. Part I Part II (para. 4-6) Part III Devices for developing it ? Comparison and contrast(对比法)
II. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Main idea ? In creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms from relatively disorganized elements. Part I Part II Devices for developing it ? Part III (para. 7) Induction (归纳法) Paragraph 7
III. Expressions & Patterns • to take its shape within sb. • to watch sth. at work • to arrive at no result • to be contrary to one’s usual habit • to keep surging in one’s head • to combine to form a stable combination • to establish the existence of • to show the sudden explosion of sth. into consciousness • to fill him with intense enthusiasm • to be representative of … • to form a good idea • to sleep on • to arrive as a gift from gods • to glow with the heat of creation • to describe a process unknown to the individual • to use this term to describe • to experience sth. in an intensified form • to depend in some degree on • to be occupied with • to do sth within & without • to carry … about within sb. A:Expressions:
Back III. Expressions & Patterns A. Compatible Expressions 1.形成一个好的观点 to form a good idea (L.1) 活学活用 One of the most important tasks for a school is to help and promote forming a student’s personality. 学校的一个重要任务就是要帮助和促进学生个性的形成。 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 2.暂时不作决定 to sleep on … (L.2) 活学活用 没必要现在就做决定,为什么不先回家好好想想明天再说呢? There is no need to make a decision now; why don’t you go home and sleep on it? 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 3.上天的恩赐 to arrive as a gift from the gods (L.3) 活学活用 只要你朝着自己的目标坚持不懈地进取,上帝总会将幸福降临于你。 As long as you cling to your struggle toward your goal, happiness will arrive in time as a gift from the gods. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 4.闪烁着创造的光芒 to glow with the heat of creation (L.5) 活学活用 我们的生活因为人与人之间不断增加的关爱而变得灿烂。 Our life glows with the heat of people’s affection for each other. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 5. 描述一个不为人知的过程 • to describe a process unknown to the individual (L.7) 活学活用 陈凯歌在做客“艺术人生”节目时,讲述了不为公众所知的个人成长经历。 In the program “Arts and Life”, Chen Kaige described his growing process unknown to the public. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 6.用这一术语来描述 to use this term to describe (L.7) 活学活用 多数国家用“出生率”和“死亡率”之类的术语来界定其人口增长率。 Most countries use such terms as “birth rate” and “death rate” to define the growth rate of their populations. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 7.对……有着强烈的感受 to experience sth. in an intensified form (L. 11) 活学活用 海外游客对中国二十年来发生的巨大变化有着强烈的感受。 Overseas guests have experienced in an intensified form the great changes that have taken place in China during the past 20 years. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 8.一定程度上取决于 to depend in some degree on (L.15) 活学活用 公司的成功在一定程度上取决于员工的素质。 The success of the company depends in some degree on the quality of the staff. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 9.忙于做某事/为…所占据 • to be occupied with (L.19) 活学活用 一个人如果忙于谈情说爱而无暇顾及自己的主业,那么他将很难取得成功。 If one is too occupied in courting to mind his main business, he stands little chance of success. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 10.外表……可内心…… • to do /be sth. without and sth. else within (L. 23) 活学活用 她外表显得很安详,可内心的斗争却十分激烈。 She is at peace without and at war within. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 11. 怀着…心情/为…所占据 • to carry…about within sb. (L.30) 活学活用 那些心中牵挂的事情多的人能够完成的事情就少。 Those who have much to carry about within them have little to fulfill. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 12.(某事)在他的心中成型 • to take its shape within him (L.31) 活学活用 画家在动笔做画之前已经胸有成竹了。 The whole picture had taken its shape within the painter before he moved his brush on the paper. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 13.看着……在起作用 • to watch sth. at work (L.36) 活学活用 If you had come to China during the battle against SARS, you would have chanced to watch how the Chinese cohesiveness was at work. 如果你在抗击SARS期间来到中国,你就有机会看到中华民族的凝聚力是怎样发挥其作用的。 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 14.毫无结果 to arrive at no result (L.38) 活学活用 他们为弥和两代人之间的代沟所做的一切努力都付诸东流了。 Their efforts to bridge the gap between the two generations arrived at no result in the end。 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 15. 一反常态 • to be contrary to one’s usual habit (L. 39) 活学活用 为了准备与女友的这次决定性的约会,他今天一反常态,起了个大早。 Contrary to his usual habit, he got up early this morning to get ready for this decisive date with his girl. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 16.(某事)萦绕在心间 to keep surging in one’s head (L.40) 活学活用 尽管父亲已经去世多年,但他的音容笑貌依然在她眼前浮现。 Though years have passed since her father’s death, his smiles still keep surging in her head. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 17.结合在一起形成一个稳定的组合 • to combine to form a stable combination (L. 41) 活学活用 理想的婚姻意味着将两个人结合成终生相伴的一对。 The ideal marriage means combining two individuals to form a life-long pair. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 18.确证……的存在 to establish the existence of sth. (L.42) 活学活用 Sima Nan donated a large sum of money to finance those who can establish the existence of supernatural power. 司马南拿出一大笔资金奖励那些能够证明有特异功能存在的人。 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 19.显示了……在意识中的突然迸发 • to show the sudden explosion of …into consciousness (L.45) 活学活用 一种灵感在你脑海里的闪现恰恰是你对相关事物进行了深入研究的结果。 The sudden explosion of an inspiration into your mind results just when you have made a deep study of sth. concerned. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 20.使他充满强烈的热情 to fill him with intense enthusiasm (L. 51) 活学活用 网民的话使他十分生气。 What netizens said filled him with anger. 上一页 下一页
Back III. Expressions & Patterns 21.代表了……(对……来说有代表性) to be representative (typical / characteristic) of … (L.52) 活学活用 她乐观的看法代表了绝大多数人对这一举措的心态。 Her optimistic opinions are typical of the mental attitude of the majority towards this move. 上一页 下一页
IV. Summary Creative thinking depends ___ what was unknown becoming _____. Unconscious _________ unknown to us are the source of the instinctive thinking that is responsible for new _________ concepts. All of us have experienced the sudden _________ into consciousness of a new concept when we _______ thinking about it. _________ we can find examples of _________ among famous personalities in every field. For the ___________ Descartes, for example, a dream determined his __________ on clear progresses organized explosion weren’t Elsewhere invention philosopher potential 下一页
IV. Summary life path and provided a central concept about existence. The conscious mind of the mathematical genius Poincare actually _______ his unconscious __ work. For Wagner, by _______, his conscious mind at the moment of ________ knew nothing of the actual processes __ which the sound of water became an __________ score. All of these examples of creative thinking depend __ some degree on signals from the watched at contrast creation by orchestral in 上一页 下一页
IV. Summary unconscious. The more ______ insightful the person, __________ and _____ dramatic the signals become. highly more the sharper 上一页
Ⅵ. Paragraph Writing Why I See/Choose Sth. over Sth. Else 1. 科研 2. 经商 3. 行医 4. 从教 要求:从四种职业中选出两种进行对比分析,并阐明你的选择倾向和理由. 下一页
Ⅵ. Paragraph Writing 写作模式 Topic Sentence 2) For one thing, … 3) By contrast, … Comparison I 4) For another, … 5) In contrast to that, … Comparison II 6) And the most striking difference between both lies in … 7) …(进一步 阐述) Comparison III 8) From the comparisons and contrasts above, anyone can conclude that my pre- ference for sth. is more reasonable. Conclusion • If my choice were restricted between • (doing) sth. and (doing) sth. else, the former • / latter would hold more attraction for me. (划线部分可替换) 上一页 下一页
Ⅵ. Paragraph Writing Reference model: Why I Choose Doing Science over Doing Business 1)If my choice were restricted between doing science and going into business, the former would hold more attraction for me.2)For one thing, a businessman has to waste his precious time beating one bargain after another with his counterparts.3)By contrast, a scientist can always spend his valuable time attacking one profound 上一页 下一页
Ⅵ. Paragraph Writing problem after another in science. 4)For another, a businessman, once involved in a dirty or illegal deal, tends to place himself on the road to crime.5)In contrast to that, a scientist, once involved in a potential or landmark research, is more likely to put himself on the way to success.6)And the most striking difference between both lies intheir contributions to society. 7) What a businessman has achieved may be of much 上一页 下一页
Ⅵ. Paragraph Writing profit to his firm or his circles while what a scientist has fulfilled will be of great benefit to his field or the whole human society. 8)From the comparisons and contrasts above, therefore, anyone can conclude that my preference for doing science is more reasonable and more acceptable. THE END 上一页