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Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function

Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function. The cell theory states: All organisms are composed of one or more cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms. All cells come only from other cells. Eukaryotic Cells.

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Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function

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  1. Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function

  2. The cell theory states: All organisms are composed of one or more cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms. All cells come only from other cells.

  3. Eukaryotic Cells • Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus that controls the workings of the cell. • All cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane made of phospholipids and proteins.

  4. The plasma membrane regulates what enters and exits the cell. Inside the plasma membrane, the nucleus is surrounded by cytoplasm. Plant cells have a cell wall in addition to the plasma membrane.

  5. Structure of the Nucleus • Chromatin: DNA and proteins • Nucleolus: Chromatin and ribosomal subunits • Nuclear envelope: Double membrane with pores • Nucleoplasm: semifluid medium inside the nucleus.

  6. Nucleus and nuclear envelope

  7. Ribosomes • Protein synthesis occurs at tiny organelles called ribosomes. • Ribosomes are composed of a large subunit and a small subunit. • Ribosomes can be found alone in the cytoplasm, in groups called polyribosomes, or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

  8. The Endomembrane System • The endomembrane system consists of: • Nuclear envelope • Endoplasmic reticulum • Golgi apparatus • Vesicles

  9. The endoplasmic reticulum • The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system of membranous channels and saccules. • Rough ER is studded with ribosomes and is the site of protein synthesis and processing. • Smooth ER lacks ribosomes and is the site of synthesis of phospholipids and the packaging of proteins into vesicles, among other functions.

  10. The endoplasmic reticulum

  11. The Golgi apparatus • The Golgi apparatus consists of a stack of curved saccules. • The Golgi apparatus receives protein and also lipid-filled vesicles from the ER, packages, processes, and distributes them within the cell. • This organelle may also be involved in secretion.

  12. The Golgi apparatus

  13. Lysosomes and vacuoles • Lysosomes are vesicles produced by the Golgi apparatus. • Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes and are involved in intracellular digestion. • Vacuoles (large) and vesicles (small) are membranous sacs in the cell that store substances.

  14. Peroxisomes • Peroxisomes are vesicles than contain enzymes. • The enzymes in these organelles use up oxygen and produce hydrogen peroxide. • Peroxisomes are abundant in the liver where they produce bile salts and cholesterol and break down fats.

  15. Energy-Related Organelles • The two energy-related organelles of eukaryotes are chloroplasts and mitochondria. • Both organelles house energy in the form of ATP.

  16. Chloroplasts • A chloroplast is bounded by two membranes enclosing a fluid-filled stroma that contains enzymes. • Membranes inside the stroma are organized into thylakoids that house chlorophyll. • Chlorophyll absorbs solar energy and carbohydrates are made in the stroma.

  17. Chloroplast structure

  18. Mitochondria • Mitochondria are found in plant and animal cells. • Mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane surrounding fluid-filled matrix.

  19. The inner membranes of mitochondria are cristae. The matrix contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates and the cristae house protein complexes that produce ATP.

  20. Mitochondrion structure

  21. The Cytoskeleton • The eukaryotic cytoskeleton is a network of filaments and tubules that extends from the nucleus to the plasma membrane. • The cytoskeleton contains three types of elements responsible for cell shape, movement within the cell, and movement of the cell: • Actin filaments • Microtubules • Intermediate filaments

  22. Actin filaments occur in bundles or mesh-like networks. Actin filaments play a structural role in intestinal microvilli and also interact with motor molecules, such as myosin.

  23. Actin filaments

  24. Microtubles are small hollow cylinders made of the globular protein tubulin. Microtubule assembly is controlled by the microtubule organizing center, called the centrosome. Microtubules help maintain the shape of the cell and act as tracks along which organelles can move.

  25. Microtubule structure

  26. Intermediate filaments are ropelike assemblies of fibrous polypeptides that support the plasma membrane and nuclear envelope.

  27. Structure of intermediate filaments

  28. Centrioles • Centrioles are short cylinders with a 9 + 0 pattern of microtubule triplets. • Centrioles may be involved in microtubule formation and disassembly during cell division and in the organization of cilia and flagella.

  29. Centriole structure

  30. Cilia and flagella • Cilia (small and numerous) and flagella (large and single) have a 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules and are involved in cell movement. • Cilia and flagella move when the microtubule doublets slide past one another. • Each cilium and flagellum has a basalbody at its base.

  31. Structure of a flagellum or cilium

  32. Evolution of the eukaryotic cell

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