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Water pollution

Water is the cradle of life. Let's respect, appreciate and care for water - one of the main foundations of our life. Water pollution. Novoselceva Ekaterina & Marhaeva Kseniya. The plan. importance water. sources of water pollution

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Water pollution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Water is the cradle of life. Let's respect, appreciate and care for water - one of the main foundations of our life. Water pollution Novoselceva Ekaterina & MarhaevaKseniya

  2. The plan • importancewater. • sources of water pollution • water in Siberia • Methods of water protection from pollution • conclusion

  3. Pure water has got neither taste nor smell. It can be hardly described. They take pleasure of you being not ware of what you are Antuan de Sent Exuperi

  4. ."Water is more expensive than gold”

  5. water is environment where chemical reactions take place.

  6. 2/3 part of the Earth is covered with water. • Water is second important substance after oxygen on the planet. • Man can live only 3 days without water

  7. Sources of water pollution

  8. “If you beat on water strongly, you can injure only yourself” Vantal

  9. Nowadays the most dangerous threat for land waters of the world is pollution. • temperature rise • decaying organic substances • waste of food industry • oil products • salts of heavy metals, chlorine, alkali, acid

  10. Man himself and his activity suffer from pollution of natural waters • 80% of deseases on the planet are caused by low quality and antisanitary condition of water

  11. Water in Siberia

  12. Methods of water protection from pollution

  13. "It is not correct to say that you are necessary for life, you are life itself" Antuan de Sent Exuperi.

  14. Water is life, beauty and health • Water is the cradle of life.

  15. Let's respect, appreciate and care for water - one of the main foundations of our life.

  16. Thank you for your attention

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