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SPECIALIZED PLANT AND ANIMAL CELLS. Body part is replaced or regrown (by mitosis). regeneration. Since all cells in an organism have the same DNA, scientists are not sure why some parts can grow back, but not others?. regeneration. ?. Mitosis produces exact copies of cells

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  2. Body part is replaced or regrown (by mitosis) regeneration

  3. Since all cells in an organism have the same DNA, scientists are not sure why some parts can grow back, but not others? regeneration ?

  4. Mitosis produces exact copies of cells But cells differ in structure and function, e.g. bone cells, nerve cells…. The same …. but different Cells develop in different ways that allow them to perform different functions. This is know as cell specialization.

  5. Unspecialized cells theoretically capable of becoming any other type of cell 2 types: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells STEM CELLS

  6. Embryonic are the more flexible type of stem cells since they can still differentiate It all begins with one STEM cell!

  7. Meristematic cells, and are found in the growing tips of roots and stems IN PLANTS, STEM CELLS ARE CALLED…

  8. Muscle cells - long and thin cells so they can contract - branched to increase strength - lots of mitochondria to supply energy to change shape Guess the specialized cell…

  9. Nerve cells • long, threadlike branches to help receive and send signals • also called “neurons” Guess the specialized cell…

  10. Red Blood Cells - Donut-shaped which provides a surface to carry oxygen Guess the specialized cell…

  11. Bone Cells • Contains minerals that provide strength and support • Made of hard material Guess the specialized cell…

  12. Skin Cells • thin, flat, layered cells that form a barrier to keep out invaders out and moisture in Guess the specialized cell…

  13. How do cells work together in the human body?

  14. A group of specialized cells working together to perform a specific function is a … TISSUE • There are 4 basic types: • Muscle • Epithelial • Connective • Nervous

  15. Enables body part to move, exert force, or change shape. • Muscle tissue (e.g. smooth, skeletal, cardiac) Senses, conducts and sends information • Nervous tissue Strengthens, supports or connects cells and other tissues • Connective tissue (e.g. tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, blood) Covers internal and external body surfaces • Epithelial tissue What tissue am I describing…

  16. Outer covering, allows exchange of gases and materials in and out • Epidermal Unspecialized, responsible for growing new parts • Meristematic Moves substances from roots to leaves, and transports sugars from leaves to other parts • Vascular Strength and support (stem), stores food/water (roots), also where photosynthesis occurs (leaves) • Ground tissue PLANT TISSUES

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