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Bell Ringer

Explore the concept of sustainability and the challenges posed by overpopulation, resource depletion, pollution, and loss of ecosystems. Discover solutions to achieve a more eco-friendly future.

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Bell Ringer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Ringer What type of growth is occurring in this population? According to the graph, what is the carrying capacity for bacteria? (Your answer should be a number.) What is something that could be a limiting factor for the bacteria?

  2. Saving Planet Earth

  3. Sustainability • As a human population, we need to work towards reaching a goal of sustainability in order to save our resources • Sustainability – reducing the environmental harm and overuse of resources

  4. Sustainability • In order to become a more sustainable species, we need to find solutions that are more eco-friendly than the situations we are currently facing • Current problems: • Overpopulation • Resource depletion • Pollution • Loss of ecosystems and extinction rates

  5. Overpopulation • Review: What type of population growth are humans currently experiencing? • In order for us to have enough resources to sustain our population, we must enforce population stabilization • Population Stabilization – when birth and death rates are the same

  6. Overpopulation • Currently, the US birth rate is 15,000/hr and our death rate is 6300/hr, meaning our birth rate is 2.4x higher than our death rate • Most of our current population growth exists within developing countries where children are needed for labor

  7. Overpopulation • Solution: providing better birth control methods and educating others on potential issues from rapid population growth

  8. Resource Depletion • Our huge population is also causing our resources to deplete (run out) • We are running out of fossil fuels, land for agriculture, fertile soil, clean water, etc.

  9. Resource Depletion • Resource usage is calculated using ecological footprint • Ecological Footprint – amount of natural resources a human population uses

  10. Resource Depletion • Measured in different ways: • Number of acres of land and water required to support your lifestyle • Number of Earths required to support the human population if everyone lived similar to you

  11. Resource Depletion • Solution: reduce overuse of resources (cut down less trees, stop wasting freshwater, find alternatives to fossil fuels, etc.)

  12. Pollution • Our need for resources has resulted in excessive air, water, and land pollution • Currently one of the biggest concerns is waste management • We are producing more and more waste, which is accumulating into landfills and or incinerators, with some finding its way into the ocean

  13. Pollution • Solution: According to Integrated Waste Management (IWM), the current motto for waste management is to “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” • Reduce amount of waste produced • Reuse a product for another purpose • Recycle materials to a facility

  14. Loss of Ecosystems and Extinction • What are some things humans are doing to harm other organisms? • Habitat loss, invasive species, habitat fragmentation… • Many human activities are causing certain species to become endangered, which could lead to extinction • Every year, 10,000 species go extinct

  15. Loss of Ecosystems and Extinction • Solution: Pass laws that prohibit activities that harm endangered species, specifically hunting them for food, medicine, decoration, or clothing, and developing eco-tourism instead • Eco-tourism – tourism based off of natural environments that promotes conservation efforts and saves wildlife • Example: Whale sharks in Mexico

  16. Biosphere Vocab Quiz • I will give you ~3 min to look over your vocab and then we will take your quiz • After your quiz we will begin watching “Racing Extinction”

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