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S5 English

S5 English. Good Afternoon S5!. In today’s lesson, we will... Look at the context of Russell’s play. Read Act 1 Scene 1. Think about character. Willy Russell. Pages 1-6. Liverpool. Grew up in a working class family. Many of his plays are semi-autobiographical. Trained as a teacher.

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S5 English

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Presentation Transcript

  1. S5 English

  2. Good Afternoon S5! • In today’s lesson, we will... • Look at the context of Russell’s play. • Read Act 1 Scene 1. • Think about character.

  3. Willy Russell Pages 1-6 Liverpool Grew up in a working class family Many of his plays are semi-autobiographical Trained as a teacher Worked as a ladies hairdresser His writing puts forward the philosophy that anyone is capable of change whatever obstacles may be in their path

  4. Educating Rita The play deals with... • England’s class system • The shortcomings of institutional education • The nature of self-development It is about... • Rita’s attempt to break free from her mundane existence as a hairdresser and enter Frank’s academic, middle-class world.

  5. Act 1 Scene 1 • Setting: Frank’s office (1980s). • Rita makes a clumsy first entrance. • Frank attempts to persuade Rita to find a different tutor. • The audience are made aware that Frank has a drink problem. Pages 13-26

  6. Act 1 Scene 1 • Cultural references... • Open University • Roger McGough • Men Only • Rita Mae Brown • FarrahFawcett Majors • E.M Forster • Frank Harris • Dylan Thomas • W.B Yeats • Henry James • Elliot Ness/Al Capone • Oscar Wilde • TS Eliot QUESTIONS PAGE 12 - discuss

  7. Act 1 Scene 1 What do we learn about Frank in this scene? FRANK • Early fifties • Drink problem • A disenchanted English lecturer • He is not impressed by Rita’s wider reading • He is severely lacking in confidence • He likes Rita, thinks she is ‘a breath of fresh air’. Find quotations to support your points

  8. Act 1 Scene 1 FRANK • His lack of confidence is highlighted in his attempt to persuade Rita to find another tutor. • Is he frightened of the challenge? Doesn’t want the burden of responsibility? Or doesn’t want to miss out on drinking time? • Rita is totally reliant on him for her education – this scares him. (page 25)

  9. Act 1 Scene 1 • What do we find out about Rita in this scene? RITA • The first scenes opens up her character to the audience, letting us see why she has been driven to join the course. • Her clumsy entry reflects her social inferiority. • Her lack of education is clear – but so is her desire to learn. Find quotations to support your points

  10. Act 1 Scene 1 RITA • Much of the humour in the play comes from the mismatch between Rita’s language and the academic setting. • More in touch with the ‘real’ world than Frank. Which world is more real? • Education is a way for her to escape her working class surroundings. • Her parting line reflects the confidence and security she feels in Frank’s company. Find quotations to support your points

  11. Act 1 Scene 1 • Frank and Rita come from very different social classes – upper middle class and working class. • Their different backgrounds are very apparent when they talk and there are often moments of confusion.

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