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Country. City. or. ?. City. Country. City life. VS. country life. Lesson 4 City and Country. Page14.4. Read and fill the table with information about Debbie and Paul’s lives. Add information about your own life and compare. Play with his children; study by distance learning.

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  1. Country City or ?

  2. City

  3. Country

  4. City life VS country life

  5. Lesson 4 City and Country

  6. Page14.4 Read and fill the table with information about Debbie and Paul’s lives. Add information about your own life and compare.

  7. Play with his children; study by distance learning A farmer 4 An accountant 8 All day Center of London North of England Dance classes, go to the gym, French classes Go to the cinema drive to the country and go walking there Go to London for a weekend break

  8. 1.From the paragraph of Passage 1, we can know that ___ • Debbie has to get up very early but Paul doesn’t have to • Debbie goes to work by car every day • Paul has to travel far away to work every day • Debbie is rather tired of the underground

  9. 3. In the last paragraph of Passage 2, it can be inferred that ___ A. Paul’s wife does not like movies B. Paul often goes to see the film C. The life of Paul is very convenient D. When Paul’s children see the tube, they will get very excited

  10. 4. The main idea of Passage 2 is that ___. A. Paul lives in a small village in the north of England B. it is easy for Paul to go to work C. Paul’s life is very free D. Paul’s busy but without the stress of life 5. Whose life is better, Debbie’s or Paul’s? A. Debbie’s B. Paul’s C. Both D. Different people have different ideas

  11. 2. Which o f the following is NOT true according to the passages? Debbie has to spend all morning checking numbers every day on workweeks. B. Debbie likes to go to the countryside to have a weekend break sometimes. C. Debbie and Paul are both movie fanatics and both see movies a lot. D.Paul’s work is freer than Debbie’s

  12. Passage 1 Line 1 by…时间在…前 我们必须7点前回到教室。 Language Pionts We must come into the classroom by 7 o’clock.

  13. 1.表示位置:“在……旁边,靠近……”,表示此意时,常可与beside换用。如:1.表示位置:“在……旁边,靠近……”,表示此意时,常可与beside换用。如: Some are drawing by(beside)the lake. 2.表示时间:“到……为止,不迟于”,常与过去完成时连用,当by引导的是未来的时间状语时,可用一般将来时。如: How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? Your son will be all right by supper time. 3.表示旅行、运输等的路线、工具或方法:“由……,经……,乘……通过……”。如: Every day he went there by train. The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing.

  14. 4.与反身代词oneself连用,表示独自、单独或没有人帮助(全凭本人)。如:4.与反身代词oneself连用,表示独自、单独或没有人帮助(全凭本人)。如: I can’t leave her by herself. 5.用于被动结构中,意为“由、被”。如: The pupils were given some advice by the pianist. 6.用于某些固定短语中。如: by the way顺便,顺便问一下 by and by不久以后 little by little逐渐地 by hand用手

  15. 1.Come and sit _____(我旁边). 2._____(到上星期日)I had finished the book. 3.She came home _____(乘飞机). 4.Did you make the desk _____(自己独自)? 5._____(顺便问一下), how many people are there in your family? 6.It has been turned into water_____(受热). 7._____(不久以后), more and more people began to study English.. 8.The Great Wall was built_____(用手). 9.Then _____(逐渐地), the smoke grew heavier and thicker until finally it turned into a terrible Genie. 10.If your son feels well enough to watch TV_____(到那时), he’ll be fine after the game.

  16. 2. Line 4 It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间 我要花30分钟回家 it takes me 35 minutes to go back home.

  17. Line 5 so+a./ad. + that such + n. + that Lucy is so lovely a girl that we all like her. Lucy is such a lovely girl that we all like her. Language Pionts

  18. Line 9 sb. spend sometime/ some money (in) doing sth. sb. spend sometime/some money on sth. I spent 35 minutes (in) finishing my homework. =I spent 35 minutes on the homework I spent 12 yuan (in) buying this book. =I spent 12 yuan on this book. Language Pionts

  19. Line 21 fanatic 入迷的人 I like watching TV very much, so my mother calls me a “TV fanatic”. Line 25 far away from远离 My hometown is far away from my school, so I have to live in the school. Language Pionts

  20. Line 11(Passage 2) need: ₁ 情态动词, +V原 We need some books for our study. ₂ 实意动词, + to do n ₃ Sth+ to be done doing We need to give him a chance. I need money to save my mother. The bike needs to be repaired/repairing .

  21. Passage 2 Line 11 that page 99 Line 12 sheep,fish, deer, Chinese单复同形 一只绵羊 两只绵羊 Language Pionts a sheep two sheep 一条鱼 a fish 十条鱼 ten fish There are three___and seven___in the picture. A  deers,  sheeps   B deers, sheep C deer, sheep   D deer,  sheeps

  22. Line 20 be interested in sth./ doing sth. 对…感兴趣 I am very interestedin this book. I am very interestedin reading this book. interested a. 感兴趣的(主语常为人) interesting a.令人感兴趣的(主语常为物) Language Pionts

  23. Line 24 get/have the chance to do sth. 获得/有做某事的机会 Jane has got the chance to do this project. Line 26 take/have a break= have a rest 休息一会 You must be very tired, please stop working and take a good break Language Pionts

  24. Line 31 Language Pionts specially I like the kite you ________ made for me. She likes the country, _______ in spring. especially

  25. P15.5 1. In England, the ____________is often called the _____. Many people travel on this to work. 2. I am a real book________. I have so many books in my flat. It looks like a library! 3. The _________ says that the weather this weekend is going to be sunny and warm. 4. If you like maths you could be an __________, __________you could be a maths teacher. exercise underground tube fanatic forecast accountant otherwise

  26. 5. There is a restaurant ________ and it is always _______ because it is so popular. 6. I am studying by _______________ to improve my_______. exercise nearby crowded distance learning career

  27. P60.1 vocabulary 1.crowded 6. Otherwise 2. Urgent 7. especially 3. Forecast 8. career 4. Distance 9.anywhere 5. Perfect 10. fanatic exercise

  28. Speaking How are Debbie and Paul’s lifestyles different? How are they similar? Where do you live? In a city or a countryside? What do you like about where you live? List three things. Work in groups. Imagine your group live in an unusual place. Think about your lifestyle there and prepare a report. Example we live in a cave in Shanxi. We have no electricity but no pollution, either.

  29. Pair work: Ask and answer questions about each other’s routine life. Example : A: Where do you live? B: We live in a cave. A: What do you have for food ?

  30. tube(England) underground

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