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Maximizing Customer-Centric Solutions in Global Banking Platforms

Explore the latest customer-centric solutions in global banking platforms to enhance customer experience, cope with disruptions, and deliver ubiquitous banking services. Learn about the key selection criteria, participating vendors, and evaluation results presented in Forrester Wave™ Q3 2014.

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Maximizing Customer-Centric Solutions in Global Banking Platforms

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  1. WebinarUse Customer-Centric Solutions To Better Serve Your Customer The Forrester Wave™: Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms, Q3 2014 Jost Hoppermann, Vice President, Principal Analyst September 16, 2014. Call in at 10:55 a.m. Eastern time

  2. Agenda • The customer-centric global banking platform market • Selection criteria and participating vendors • Forrester Wave™ criteria • Evaluation results

  3. Agenda • The customer-centric global banking platform market • Selection criteria and participating vendors • Forrester Wave™ criteria • Evaluation results

  4. New solutions help with serving customers and coping with disruption Strive for great customer experience. Deliver ubiquitous banking. Provide business insight. Cope with digital disruption.

  5. What is a customer-centric banking platform? Banking platform • A comprehensive, but basically modular, preintegrated set of banking applications that is designed to cover traditional areas of banking like retail and corporate banking. This software enables collaboration between different modules (and thus also between the distinct business divisions) and covers many, if not all, of the functional requirements of today’s banks. In particular, it contains a core banking system as well as multichannel functionality. Core banking • An important subset of a banking platform that includes deposits, credit and loans, and product configurators plus related basic customer data. Customer-centricbankingplatform • A banking platform with a strong focus on customer experience, channels, social media, analytics, and real-time customer-facing functionality and information provisioning.

  6. BankVision A vendor landscape in banking and its evolution Nucleus Die Software Financial Objects FNS Bancs Infopro Temenos TCS Viveo Flexsoft ( . . . ) Quartz Capital Banking ERI TCB Arbes Microlink CSC Celeriti i-flex solutions Profile B+S Technisys Oracle OBP Intrasoft Intl. Systematics Appello Ohpen Top Systems Kordoba FIS System Access FiveDegrees SIL ASI (…) SunGard Pass Corebank Trust Systems Sopra BS Jack Henry Metavante* Neptune Tieto Enator (UK) Incita Accenture SAP Evolan Delta-Bank G+H 3i Mambu Sybase Cor/FJA (Alldata) Callatay & Wouters ICSFS Datavision BML Nessa Avaloq Allshare Cobiscorp JJIT Höll telkomsigma B-Source Polaris FT Misys Datapro SAB InfrasoftTech Turaz Lasersoft Ultradata Comarch CFT Silverlake Axis Bavaria ITS Profile Fiserv ( . . . ) Antegra R-style Probass ? SlaterLab Infosys Open Solutions Fiba Asseco Pexim . . . more . . . Vanished

  7. Agenda • The customer-centric global banking platform market • Selection criteria and participating vendors • Forrester Wave™ criteria • Evaluation results

  8. Selection criteria Functional coverage of a large part of the functional map for banking Agile target state architecture Sound success in 2012 and 2013 Global delivery capability Mindshare among the Forrester client base

  9. Coming close to qualification Successful in the existing client base • Misys No sufficient number of new customers around the globe • Jack Henry & Associates • InfrasoftTech • SAB No sufficient focus on conventional core banking • Path Solutions • SunGard Potential future candidates • Avaloq • D+H • Diasoft • Nucleus Software Exports

  10. Participating vendors FIS (Profile) Infosys Oracle (Flexcube) Oracle (OBP) PolarisFT SAP Sopra Banking TCS Temenos

  11. Agenda • The customer-centric global banking platform market • Selection criteria and participating vendors • Forrester Wave™criteria • Evaluation results

  12. Forrester Wave™ criteria CURRENT OFFERING • Banking platform functionality • Customer-focused banking platform elements • Accounting and analytics • Business technology tools • Platform agility • Architecture, deployment, and operations

  13. Wave criteria (cont.) STRATEGY • Product strategy • Commitment • Cost and pricing

  14. Wave criteria (cont.) MARKET PRESENCE • Installed base • Reference accounts • Market momentum • Implementation and development resources • Sales, services, and support • Revenue and revenue growth

  15. Agenda • The customer-centric global banking platform market • Selection criteria and participating vendors • Forrester Wave™ criteria • Evaluation results

  16. Forrester Wave™: Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms, Q3 ’14 Source: August 6, 2014, “The Forrester Wave: Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms, Q3 2014” Forrester report

  17. Comprehensive banking functionality Broad capabilities to support customer-focused banking More than basic social media support No visible gaps in Finacle’s strategy Well established market presence Leaders: Infosys Change in Infosys’ executive leadership has the potential to increase Finacle’s relevance within Infosys beyond its current status.

  18. Broad banking platform functionality Many gaps that existed years ago were closed. Sophisticated support of customer-focused banking More than basic social media support No significant gaps in strategy Alignment of off-the-shelf country-specific support and go-to-market strategy is mediocre today. Leaders: SAP

  19. Comprehensive banking functionality Platform agility is one of the strengths. Well-defined product strategy Larger gaps regarding support of social media, gamification, and further channels such as mobile wallets Achieving Leader status in spite of these gaps tells stories about the other capabilities of the banking platform. Leaders: Temenos

  20. Virtually youngest vendor in this comparison Defended its position in spite of ongoing change Comprehensive functionality Flexible architecture Gaps exist, for example, regarding social media or — to a lesser degree — customer experience. The defined strategy for functional and architectural enhancements can close many, but not all of these gaps. Leaders: Sopra Banking

  21. Comprehensive functionality Overall capabilities at least sufficient, in some cases great Weak spots for example in the entire social media space and for gamification Functional and architectural enhancements of the banking platform not as clearly expressed and more short-term than in the past. Particularly, software-as-a-service (SaaS) is not a well-articulated area in the overall strategy for TCS BaNCS. Not far away from Leader status Strong Performers: TCS BaNCS

  22. Comprehensive functionality Strong capabilities for customer-oriented product configuration One of the better cross-channel solutions in this Forrester Wave evaluation Off-the-shelf, out-of-the-box support of social media not yet a strong point Road maps remain at a high, sometimes superficial level Strong Performers: Oracle (with Flexcube)

  23. Balanced approach around functionality and architecture Platform agility is one of its stronger aspects. Business technology tools are not a strong point. Built-in support for major third-party analytics solutions is virtually nonexistent. Product strategy is good enough. On the boundary from Strong Performer status Contenders: FIS

  24. Flexible solution with peaks and troughs Banking functionality more than good enough for many requirements Need to improve out-of-the-box support of local regulation Architecture, deployment, and operations strongest capability in Polaris’ current offering Better articulated strategy than in the past In particular, SaaS plans are in a good position, allowing the vendor to build on existing capabilities.  Contenders: Polaris FT

  25. Advanced banking platform with a specific positioning Built on Oracle infrastructure and designed it for enterprise-level deployments Very competitive capabilities in certain areas, others are basic. Competitive customer-oriented platform product configuration Basic cross-channel solutions Strategy suffers, for example, due to the lack of any somewhat binding timeline underneath. Market presence builds more on Oracle than the two existing installations. Contenders: Oracle (with Oracle Banking Platform)

  26. Jost Hoppermann jhoppermann@forrester.com

  27. August 6, 2014, “The Forrester Wave™: Customer-Centric Global Banking Platforms, Q3 2014” June 20, 2014, “Brief: Banking Platforms Need To Become Customer Centric” June 16, 2014, “Customer-Facing Solutions Are Driving Banking Platform Deals” September 23, 2013, “Increase Flexibility By Embracing Future Business And Technology Trends” December 17, 2012, “The Forrester Wave: Global Banking Platforms, Q4 2012” October 28, 2011, “Business-Process-Led Banking Platform Selection” December 8, 2009, “The Banking Platform Of The Future” Selected Forrester research

  28. Forrester’s Forum For Application Development & Delivery ProfessionalsBUILD SOFTWARE THAT POWERS YOUR BUSINESSOctober 16-17, 2014 · SwissÔtel Chicago· Chicago, IL http://forr.com/add14 Use Promo Code “ADD14WEB”to save $100! Register before September 13 to save an additional $200. In the age of the customer, winning requires innovation in customer management. And what is the key to innovation? Software. This Forum is not just for those selecting the technology. If you are touched by software, then this is the Forum for you. Join us to learn how to: Design processes and architectures that deliver customer engagement and drive competitive advantage.  Turn big data and analytics into business strategies. Design and deliver world-class digital and mobile solutions.

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