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LTEC 1400. Jesucita Pena February 19,2010. Science: BIRD'S BODY. TEKS §112.4. Science, Grade 2 (B) Knowledge and skills 2(a) ask questions about organisms, objects, and events 5(a) classify and sequence organisms, objects, and events based on properties
LTEC 1400 Jesucita Pena February 19,2010
Science: BIRD'S BODY • TEKS • §112.4. Science, Grade 2 • (B) Knowledge and skills • 2(a) ask questions about organisms, objects, and events • 5(a) classify and sequence organisms, objects, and events based on properties • 6(d) observe and record the functions of animal parts • 8(a) identify characteristics of living organisms • 9(a) identify the external characteristics of different kinds of plants and animals that allow their needs to be met
OJECTIVES: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Identify the body of a bird • Identify basic parts of a bird • Be able to draw and label a bird on construction paper
MATERIALS: • A picture/chart of a Bird's body • A book about Birds • Colors • Construction paper • Markers • Pencils • Worksheet of a Birds body parts
Description of my Activity: • I would… • bring a chart/picture of a bird so the students can observe it while I ask them questions about it • For example: • What is this? (A bird) • Where do they live? (nest, trees) • Ask the students to tell me the body parts of the bird while showing them the picture of the bird. (breast, back, throat, beak/bill, belly, feet, tail, feathers, wings, eye) • Read a book over birds. (Where they live and their anatomy)
CONT…. • Get all the supplies together to the students (construction paper, colors, markers, and pencils) • Explain to the children that they are going to draw a bird and label it afterwards. • Check for understanding by having students tell me as a group the bird's body parts. • Divide them into groups of 3 and give them the materials they need for this project. I put them in a group so they can help each other if needed
CONT….. • After they all finish doing their birds, I have them tell me about their drawing. • Each student talks about their drawing in their own words. • After this, I pass out a worksheet that talks about where birds live (nest), how they build their nest and where they typically build their nest.
CONT….. • Gather all students together to talk about birds and their body parts and where they live from the previous day. • Asks questions: • -Why do birds use their wings? (To fly) • -How many legs does a bird have? (Two) • Explain/discuss more about each body parts functions if needed. • Take them outside for about 25-35 minutes so they can see and explore the different birds there are outside.
EVALUATION…… • To check if the objectives were met by the students, I will have them complete a worksheet where they have to identify the body of a bird. The sheet has a bird and has boxes pointing to different parts of the bird's body and a word bank where they can choose the word and put it correctly where it belongs. Then, after they finished identifying the body parts of a bird, they can color the bird.
Reference….. • 1. (1996-2009, November 20). Learning About a Bird's Body Science. Retrieved February 19, 2010, from Hot Chalk: http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ScienceLABirds- LearnAboutBody13.htm • 2. (2007-2009). Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Retrieved February 19, 2010, from TEA: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter112/ch112a.html • 3. (n.d.). Images of a Bird.. Retrieved February 19, 2010, from http://images.google.com/images?sourceid