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Careers in the Hospitality Industry

Careers in the Hospitality Industry. Dr. Brian Miller. Careers in the Hospitality Industry. Overview The Hospitality Industry offers a wide array of exciting job opportunities. Goal

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Careers in the Hospitality Industry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Careers in the Hospitality Industry Dr. Brian Miller

  2. Careers in the Hospitality Industry Overview The Hospitality Industry offers a wide array of exciting job opportunities. Goal The goal of this lesson is to introduce students to the myriad of career opportunities that exist in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry and to help guide students in choosing any such career. Careers

  3. Objectives At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Identify and explain different career types available in each segment of the industry (hotels, food service, travel, tourism, etc.) Understand the goals of job placement Understand how and when to start searching for a job in the industry Careers

  4. Industry Segments Hotels Food Service Travel Tourism Supporting Industries Careers

  5. Hotels Rooms Food & Beverage Human Resources Accounting Engineering Sales & Marketing Catering Careers

  6. Food Service Independent Restaurants Corporate Restaurants Franchised Restaurants Managed Services education healthcare business & industry (B&I) Catering Careers

  7. Travel Cruise Lines Airlines Amtrak Bus Lines Rental Car Agencies Resorts Travel Agencies Careers

  8. Tourism Amusement Parks National, State, and Regional Parks Adventure / Eco -Tourism Governmental Tourism Offices Corporate Meeting Planner Careers

  9. Supporting Industries Food Service Distributors Chemical Suppliers Hard Goods Hardware Support & Development Software Support & Development Beverage Distributors Real Estate Consulting Careers

  10. Goals of Job Placement Starting salary, possibilities of raises Personal satisfaction self-expression creativity initiative independence Professional goals

  11. When To Start This Semester Set Goals Search for Opportunities Get Involved Write a Resume If you have to work - make it count Take Care of Yourself Careers

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