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training for greek life Programmers/Recruiters. Understand the priorities of the Programmer/Recruitment position Policies, procedures, documents essential for the Programmer/Recruitment position. By the end of this presentation, Programmers/Recruiters should be able to….
training for greek life Programmers/Recruiters • Understand the priorities of the Programmer/Recruitment position • Policies, procedures, documents essential for the Programmer/Recruitment position By the end of this presentation, Programmers/Recruiters should be able to…
What SHOULD All Programmer/Recruiters Do… • Programmers/Recruiters plan programs, events, and activities for the entire council/Greek community • Programmer/Recruiters coordinate chapter activities within their council (attendance requirements to council programs, etc.) • Programmer/Recruiters form committees made up of chapter representatives to help plan events and programs • Programmer/Recruiters know how to reserve campus spaces, request ed media, and B&G • Programmer/Recruiters have positive interactions with the Greek Life staff (GA’s, SAM’s. RTJ) • Programmer/Recruiters know how to effectively market their programs
Priorities of Programmer/Recruitment position in a Greek Council
Campus programming process… • Program Consultations • SAM’s or GA’s within the office • Mandatory to request funds from SGA • Should happen after budget is submitted and approved by Council • Occurs for Greek Life the last week of February this semester Program Consultations
Campus programming process (cont)… • Reserving a Space on campus • Events.pace.edu click ‘Request an Event’ • IMPORTANT: Be as detailed as possible-include tables, chairs, and Ed media details • Once space is CONFIRMED you will receive an e-mail from SDCA staff member • Make sure to work with your Council Treasurer if you need money for an event
Campus programming process (Cont)… How does my council receive funds for programming when working with the Council Treasurer?
Campus programming process (Cont)… What are things Programmers should consider when planning programs?
Campus programming process (ConCLUSION)… What does the Budget process look like for Greek Councils… the process is the SAME for chapters within your council…
SGA Programming Model… • What is it?- A set of programs each COUNCIL must accomplish each semester. • What do I need to do? • -PACE PRIDE PROGRAM- • -ACADEMIC PROGRAM- • -CO-SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM- • - ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM- • - UNITY PROGRAM- • Must complete 4 out of 5 • One must be during the weekend • Take pictures during programs • Complete assessment after program- https://orgsync.com/9278/forms/57875
SGA Programming Model (cONT)… The Programming requirements are different for chapters within your Council. Chapters
SGA Programming ModEL (CONCLUSION)… • HELP CHAPTERS UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COUNCIL/CHAPTER PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS • Councils must report on SGA Programing Model 24 hours after the event • Chapter report on their programming requirements at the end of each semester • Be aware of the Recruitment timeline • Always two weeks after Circle of Greeks • Try not to plan or co-sponsor too many events during this time • Try to structure recruitment events to meet the Chapter programming requirements • For instance, if UPC says that all chapters must host a program with a faculty member in Recruitment, those chapters will accomplish this goal- and may not even know it
Promotion/Publicizing events… • Why is this important to do? • Is your council “branded”?
Promotion/Publicizing events (cONT)… • Why Brand? • Establishes your organization on campus • A recognizable identity of an individual organization • A sense of uniqueness that correlates with your organizations identity • Work on branding yourself to maximize wanted results • Simple steps: 1) Find an image; 2) Make sure the image connects with organizational values; and 3) Post the image on everything!
Promotion/Publicizing events (cONCLUSION)… • What are my other publicity options on campus • Flush Flash • Posters through doc services (already up on digital signage if you do) • Small flyers, buttons, stickers (helps with word of mouth) • TV outside SGA office • Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Social Media • Pace Events APP (must be on the Orgsync global calendar to list on the app) • Sidewalk chalk (when warm) • Others?
PRESENTATION CONCLUSION Questions… • What are the priorities of the Programmer/Recruitment position? (Should there be others?) • What would make a “successful” Programmer/Recruitment ? • What impact can Programmer/Recruitment make to the council’s success?