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Introduction for CTE Teachers on Supporting Common Core State Standards : Part Three. Writing in CTE to Meet Literacy Expectations. Takeaways. Deepen understanding about how to support students to write an evidence-based argument and explanatory/informational essay/report.
Introduction for CTE Teachers on Supporting Common Core State Standards : Part Three
Takeaways • Deepen understanding about how to support students to write an evidence-basedargument and explanatory/informational essay/report. • Deepen understanding on how to situate and prompt the writing of an argument versus an explanatory/informational text. • Reflect on your learning. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Task SheetUnderstanding Text Types Part I—Writing to Inform and Make Arguments • As you watch the Writing to Inform and Make Arguments video clip, think about these two questions: • What are the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) expectations for student writing? • How can we support student writing in our CTE classrooms? Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Task SheetUnderstanding Text Types Part II—Understanding the Writing Standards Turn to pages 7 through 10 of your participant packet. Please take about 5 minutes to: • Review the writing standards • Read Writing: Definition of the Standards’ Three Text Types Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Task SheetUnderstanding Text Types Part III—Reflection • What is distinctive about these three different types of writing? • Why are they both important to being literate? • Why are they both important to CTE? Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Task SheetUnderstanding Text Types Part IV—Writing to Inform and Make Arguments (Revisited) • Think back to our responses to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) video clip. We are going to watch the clip again, be thinking about: • What are the CCSS expectations for student writing? • How can we support student writing in our CTE classrooms? Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Task SheetUnderstanding Text Types Part II—Understanding the Writing Standards (continued) Now think about the differences between argument and explanatory writing turn to pages 41 and 42 of your participant packet. a. What are the differences between argument and explanatory writing according to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? • What does CCSS see as differences in argument among the content areas ELA, history/social studies, science, and technical subjects? Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Where might we use this within our standards? Health Science Anatomy and Physiology Standard 1.0 The student will explore methods of scientific inquiry as they relate to the study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. • Sample Performance Task • Use HOSA Biomedical Debate guidelines to argue the accuracy of a scientific theory. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Where might we use this within our standards? Architecture & Construction Construction Core Standard 1.0 Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship, and teamwork skills required for success in the school, community, and workplace Sample Performance Task • Evaluate a civic project within the school, community, and/or workplace and evaluate the expected long-term effects of the project. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Task SheetPlanning for Short Writing/Research Projects Part I—What might a short writing/research project look like in your classroom? • Consider the article on page 32 of your participant packet. How might you structure a short writing/research task that requires students to write an argument based on data and evidence1? • How about opportunities to write an informational/explanatory text? 1Evidence includes facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples as appropriate to the task and the stimuli (sources). Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Practice Planning for Short Writing/Research Projects:Individually, use the following prompts to create both one informational prompt and one argumentative prompt for the welding reading. • Informational or Explanatory After reading ________ (informational text), write a/an ________ (essay or report) that defines ________ (term or concept) and explains ________ (content). Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s). What conclusions or implications can you draw? • Argumentative Write a/an _______(essay or report) in which you compare and contrast the _________________and the ____________. Based on the information provided in the text, determine if one is preferred and if so, why. Support your claim with an analysis of the material presented, using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence for support. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Check Your Work • Informational or Explanatory After reading Igniting Advances in Weld Quality and Consistency, write an essay that defines TIG Welding and explains how TIG welding process works. What conclusions or implications can you draw? • Argumentative Write a report in which you compare and contrast the Gas Tungsten Arc Weld (GTAW) and the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) weld. Based on the information provided in the text, determine if one is preferred and if so, why. Support your claim with an analysis of the material presented, using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence for support. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Resources You Can Use Now • General Common Core resources are available atTNCore Website and the CTE Professional Development Website • Achieve the Core: Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects • curricular materials, and sample lessons based on close readings of science and technical texts. • Specific resources for teachers to assist in the aligned materials are listed in the activities • Scoring Rubrics for essays • Guide to text dependent questions Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Resources You Can Use Now • Materials are available on the TNCore websitewww.tncore.org • Under Literacy in Science and Technology • Curricular Resources • CTE 6-12 • Sample Tasks • CTSO Events Aligned with CCSS Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE
Takeaways • Deepen understanding about how to support students to write an evidence-based argument and explanatory/informational essay/report. • Deepen understanding on how to situate and prompt the writing of an argument versus an explanatory/informational text. • Reflect on your learning. Realizing Postsecondary and Career Readiness Through CTE