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Vocabulary. Unit 1. accusation / akjuˈzeɪʃn / . ▶ noun Acusación , cargo a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong. Synonyms: Charge, blame, prosecution Ex: what is the ~ against him?  ¿de qué se lo acusa ?. defendant / dɪˈfendənt / .

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  1. Vocabulary Unit 1

  2. accusation/akjuˈzeɪʃn/  ▶noun Acusación, cargo • a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong. • Synonyms: Charge, blame, prosecution • Ex: what is the ~ against him? ¿de qué se lo acusa?

  3. defendant/dɪˈfendənt/  An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law. Acusado Ex: thedefendantwasgrantedbail, al acusado se le concedió la libertad bajo fianza Synomym: accused, suspect Antonym plaintiff (demandante)

  4. conviction/kənˈvɪkʃn/  1 an instance of formally being found guilty of a criminal offence in a court of law. 2 a firmly held belief or opinion.■ the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of something. (Law)~ (forsth) condena f (por algo) Syn: sentence

  5. Enforce/ɪnˈfɔːs/  vtr (una ley, un mandato, una sentencia) hacer cumplir, ejecutar  Ex: they are doingnothingtoenforcethe new law, no están haciendo nada para que la ley se aplique cause to happen by necessity or force. Syn: Compel

  6. prosecution/prɒsɪˈkjuːʃn/fiscalía  the prosecuting of someone in respect of a criminal charge.■ (the prosecution) [treated as sing. or pl.] ex: the party prosecuting someone in a lawsuit. Accusation, accuser, relatedwords: 'prosecutingattorney‘,'state'sattorney‘ (fiscal)

  7. juror/ˈʤʊərə(r)/  ▶noun1 a member of a jury. 2 historical a person taking an oath. Miembro del jurado Juryman, jurywoman.

  8. barrister /ˈbarɪstə(r)/ ▶nounBrit. a person called to the bar and entitled to practise as an advocate, Compare with solicitor. – origin ME: from the noun bar1, perh. on the pattern of minister. Syn: advocate

  9. solicitor/səˈlɪsɪtə(r)/  ▶noun1 Brit. a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyance, draw up wills, advise clients and instruct barristers, and represent clients in lower courts. Compare with barrister. Conveyance=transmisión de propiedades

  10. the bar /bɑː(r)/ A partition in a court room, beyond which most people may not pass and at which an accused person stands. (in court) banquillom;theprisoner at the ~ el acusado, la acusada

  11. stand1 /stænd/  Estrado

  12. common law n uncountable derechomconsuetudinario; More: common-lawhusband Esposo pareja de hecho nf

  13. Statutory/ˈstatjʊt(ə)ri, -tʃʊ-/  adj  :Required, permitted, or enacted by statute.1(delito, derecho) establecido por la ley 2(organismo) creado por la ley 3 estatutario Syn: Lawful, legal

  14. magistrate /ˈmadʒɪstrət, -streɪt/  ▶noun a civil officer who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court concerned with minor offences and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones. Syn: judge, justice of the peace, district magistrate Magistrado

  15. trial1 / ˈtraɪəl • proceso , juicio ;murder/rape ~ proceso or juicio por asesinato/violación • Use: • she'son trial forfraud, la están juzgando por fraude;  • tobringsbto trial, enjuiciar a alguien; • tobe up for trial, estar pendiente de juicio

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