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Around the World in 80 Days

Around the World in 80 Days. Chapters 14 & 15 By: Ariana White & Makenzie Crow. Chapter 14 Summary.

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Around the World in 80 Days

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  1. Around the World in 80 Days Chapters 14 & 15 By: Ariana White & Makenzie Crow

  2. Chapter 14 Summary • In Chapter 14, Fogg & Passepartout are traveling on an elephant in India. Aouda is asleep and they are trying to wake her up. Aouda wakes up, and the trio say good bye to the guide, and Fogg gives him the elephant. They then head off to the train station to travel to Calcutta.

  3. Chapter 15 Summary • In Chapter 15, Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda arrive in the Calcutta train station. Fogg and Passepartout are arrested and taken to a courtroom. Fix is lurking in the corner while the trial goes on. In the court, Fogg and Passepartout are found guilty of trespassing in a pagoda in India. They have a 2000 pound bail, and are sentenced to 15 days in jail. Fog is worried he will lose the bet, so Fogg pays the bail.

  4. Cultural nuances • In our chapters, these are some of the cultural traditions that was different from our cultural traditions. • Pagoda • Rajah Rajah Pagoda

  5. Time & Place Setting In our chapters, Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda were in Calcutta at 10:00 AM on October 24. They left for Hong Kong in a steamer at 12:00 PM on October 25. Calcutta Hong Kong

  6. Amount of money spent • In the end of chapter 15, Fogg had spent 2,000 pounds to pay his bail.

  7. Plants & Animals • In our chapters, Fogg, Passepartout and Aouda traveled through a forest on top of elephants that carried howdahs. They also used hemp to wake up Aouda. An elephant carrying a howdah. Hemp

  8. Buildings/establishments • In our chapters we found some of the buildings that Fogg, Passepartout, & Aouda went to during the chapters. • Courtroom • Train station • Pagoda • Rosewater factories Train station Pagoda

  9. Clothing • Aouda wore a pelisse. Pelisse

  10. Possessions • Fogg owned the elephant used to travel through the forest in India.

  11. Food • There were no foods mentioned in our chapters!

  12. Questions • Why did Fix set them up? • Fix thought Fogg was the robber and he tried to keep him there until he got the warrant.

  13. Transportation • Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda traveled on an elephant with a howdah on top through parts of India. • They traveled in a train to Calcutta. • When the were arrested, they traveled in a palkigahri to the courtroom. • Then they got on a steamer, and they started off to Hong Kong. Steamer Train Station Elephant With Howdah

  14. Important Thing Characters Do • Fogg, Aouda, & Passepartout get out of the forest and onto a train to ride to Calcutta. • Fogg gets arrested in Calcutta. • Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda go into the court • Fogg & Passepartout are put on trial. • Fix lurks in the corner of the courtroom hoping he can finally get a warrant for them. • Fogg & Passepartout are put in jail for 15 days with a 2,000 pound bail. • Fogg pays the bail, so they can leave for the steamer to Hong Kong.

  15. Plot Obstacles The Courtroom • Passepartout, Fogg, & Aouda are stuck in a courtroom when they need to leave or Hong Kong at noon. • Fix set up Passepartout & Fog; he planned to trap them in Calcutta until he could receive a warrant for their arrest. • Fogg is sentenced to 15 days in prison, and he doesn’t think he can win the bet now. • Fogg pays the bail, so he can get to Hong Kong.

  16. Quote • “ The Panorama passed before their eyes in a flash.”

  17. Unfamiliar words • Commendation-praise • Rajah-a title of rulers • Opium-dried juice of a poppy • Howdahs-a seat or platform • Anglicised-to make or become English • Hemp-a plant • Pelisse-outer garment • Pagoda-temple, sacred building, usually a pyramid like tower • Dwindle-to become smaller and smaller, shrink, waste away • Habiliments-clothes • Abashed-ashamed or embarrassed • Pious-having or showing dutiful spirit • Quay-landing space, especially one of solid masonry, constructed along the edge of a body of water

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