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The European Union. Anthem. General information. The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 member state s
Generalinformation • The European Unionis an economic and political union of 27 member states • Important institutions of the EU include the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the European Central Bank
History of the European Union TreatyofBrussels • 1948 • Belgium,France,Germany,Italy, Luxembourg, theNetherlands • Protectionagainstthewarthreat • Cooperationbetween Western Nations • Treatywasextended by theProtocolsigned in Paris 1954
TreatyofParis • April 1951 • AboutcreationofEuropeanCoal and SteelCommunity = MontanUnion • States: France,WestGermany, Italy and Benelux • Betweenthesestatesthe ECSC wouldcreate a commonmarketforcoal and steel • The ESCS wasfirstproposed by Frenchforeign minister RobertSchuman on 9 May 1950 as a way to preventfurtherwarbetweenFrance and Germany
ThetreatyofRome • 25th March 1957 • 2 treaties - EEC (EuropeanEconomicCommunity) • - Euroatom (EuropeanAtomicEnergyCommunity) • Rome • ThesignatorieswereChristianPineau on behalfofFrance and JosephLunsfromtheNetherlands, Paul HenriSpaakfromBelgium, JosephBechfromLuxembourg, AntonioSegnifromItaly, KonradAdenauerfromtheFederalRepublicofGermany Euroatom -Tried to createtheconditionsfordeveloping a strongnuclearindustry EEC - Theylaythefoundationsof a closerunionamongthepeopleofEurope
Schengenagreement • Signed in 1985 near the town of Schengen in Luxembourg • It created bordless Schengen Area which is like single state with no internal borders controls but with amplified and fortified outer borders • It currently consists of 25 European countries and covers population over 400 milion people
Maastricht Treaty • Signed on 7 February 1992 by themembersofEuropeanCommunity in Maastricht,Netherlands. • Thetreatyled to thecreationofthe euro and createdpillarstructureoftheEuropeanUnion • ThisconceptionoftheUniondivideditintotheEuropeanCommunitypillar, • theCommonForeign and SecurityPolicypillarandtheJusticeandHomeAffairs • pillar
The Maastricht criteriaforeumembers: 1. Inflationrates 2.Government finance 3.Exchange rate 4.Long-term interestrates
Benefitsforpeople • No borders • Cooperation in economy ,politics, security and justice • Currency - euro • Education • Multicultural society