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SSWG3 The student will describe the interaction of physical and human systems that have shaped contemporary North Africa/Southwest Asia. . South West Asia and North Africa Chapters 23 - 25. a. Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on North Africa/Southwest Asia.
SSWG3 The student will describe the interaction of physical and human systems that have shaped contemporary North Africa/Southwest Asia. South West Asia and North AfricaChapters 23 - 25 a. Describe the location of major physical features and their impact on North Africa/Southwest Asia. b. Describe the major climates of North Africa/Southwest Asia and how they have affected the development of North Africa/Southwest Asia. c. Analyze the impact natural resources, especially oil, have on North Africa/Southwest Asia. e. Explain the impact of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on the development of the region’s culture. f. Explain why this region contains areas on two different continents. g. Describe the major ethnic and cultural groups in North Africa/Southwest Asia; include major customs and traditions.
f. Explain why this region contains areas on two different continents.
e. Explain the impact of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on the development of the region’s culture.
Pg. 448 a. Agricultural Revolution – when hunters and gatherers first began to raise plants and animlas for food around 8,000 B.C. b.Civilization – 3000 B.C. when people began to write and live in cities – in Mesopotamia c.monotheism – belief in one God d.protectorate – when a country has it’s own government but is still controlled, or protected by an outside power – most Middle Eastern countries were once protectorates of a European country Judaism – Israel; Christianity – Europe, North and South America; Islam – Middle East (N. Africa and S.West Asia) How has movement contributed to culture change in Central and South west Asia? - When Islamic cultures took over other cultures in the Middle east, the people they conquered became Muslim too.
Page 440 Caspian Depression - lies below sea level; area surrounding Caspian Sea and areas along Northern Iran What parts of this region provide most of the water for the rivers that cross the dry lowlands? -Caucus Mts. – Armenia and Georgia; Kirgiz Range – Kyrgystan and Tajikistan; PonticMts - Turkey Page 442 Which part of Iraq has the largest amount of preciptiation? North Eastern What relationship do you see between elevation and climate? The higher the elevation, the cooler the climate. Page 444 a. Chapparal - desert-like ecosystem with short shrubs and trees used to little water b. poaching – illegal hunting What reasons might there be for the lack of chaparral along the Persian Gulf and Red Sea? - These climates have arid climates and are located closer to the equator
Page 446 a. mosque – Islamic place of worship b. muezzin – the man who calls Muslims to pray c. minaret – the tower where he calls them to prayer Which countries have the highest population densities? Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan Why do you think that the regions largest cities lie in river valleys or along the coast? - no matter what culture, access to water for industry, crops, and trade is always where the first civilizations and largest cities are built Page 448 a. Desalination plant – factory where water is taken out of sea water b. nomad – people who travel from place to place; take tents with them; usually are animal herders Which countries have supplies of petroleum or natural gas? Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia Why might water be a source of conflict in this region? Because you need it for everything – industry, agriculture, and home use
Islam Unites Region • Founded by Muhammad in 632 A.D. • After his death, split into two sects, or denominations • Sunni • Shiite • For next 1,000 years, different Muslim Empires control this area of the world • They rule according to “SHARIA” • Laws based on the teachings of Muhammad and Quran • Many Countries have sharia courts for marriage, family issues, and social issues • These laws are still in effect tody
Beliefs • Five Pillars (Foundational beliefs) of Islam • Salah - Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca • Shahadah - Statement of Faith • Zakat - Give 2% of income to the poor • Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca • Sawm - Fasting • Shiites believe that the caliph, or Islamic leader, should be a descendant of him • Sunnisbelieve that the successor should be elected • If a country Sunni today, it might have problems with a country that is not, and vice versa. • Iran – Shiite • Iraq – Sunni
Islamic Countries Government and Economy • Most countries have elected leaders • Most countries depend on industry, such as chemicals made from oil, for their economies • Gulf countries depend on oil or products made from oil • TOD: Write on a sheet of paper: • Your name. • The two main Islamic sects. • One way in which S.W. Asia and Northern Africa are connected.
Major Middle East Issues • Problem: Access to Water - Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf Countries, North Africa Solution: setting up desalination plants that remove salt from the ocean water for drinking • Problem: Middle East Issue – Palestinians want their own govt. – Israel wants to control the area Solution: Diplomacy with United States and other countries acting as negotiator • Problem: Disagreement between Islamic Sects – Iraq, Lebanon, Syria Solution: Secular Governments guarantee a percentage of leadership positions to a certain sect; people will still disagree • Problem: Lack of Natural Resources like agricultural lands or forests Solution: Countries invest in other industries like chemical manufacturing or technology
Notes/CNN Quiz E • Why does this unit contain countries located on two different continents? • Name a solution to the lack of water that countries located on the Persian Gulf use. • What is Sharia? • Where do the majority of people who believe in Christianity live? • Where do the majority of people who believe in Judaism live? • Briefly describe the “Middle East Issue.” D C 5 4 3 2 6 B 1 A • What is one geographical feature that many of these countries have in common? • Who is the caliph? • What are the two main Islamic sects? • What county just recently announced it built a uranium enrichment plant? • Extra Credit: • Which letter identifies the Red Sea? • Which letter identifies the Persian Gulf?
Pop Quiz • What is the most important political characteristic/issue of SW Asia and North Africa? • When and why was the nation state of Israel created? • What has happened in the last 65 years in that area of the world? • What geographical feature in North Africa determines where people live? • What common cultural attribute, or trait, do people in SW Asia and North Africa share?
Common History • In the last 100 years most of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula and North Africa struggled for independence from Great Britain, France, or Italy • 1945- After WWII Arabic speaking countries decided to unite • Formed the Arab League, an organization of Arabic speaking nations with common interests • Passes political and economic resolutions • Has little real power because has no military • Many Islamic countries feel ignored or betrayed by English speaking countries • Broken promises to help them with financing new governments • Our Allies – Egypt, Jordan, Syria*, Algeria, Tunisia, Pakistan, Iraq, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar • Non-allies – Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, Yemen
“Middle East Issue” Creation of Israel after the Holocaust 1949 – Great Britain set the boundaries Promised Arabs a government of their own Reneged on the promise Since then, Arabs and Israelis have had problems
Saudi Arabia • Egypt • Israel • Iran • Iraq 26 28 29 25 27
Home Work • Take Notes on Chapter 23 – Section 4 • Be prepared for quiz based on oil in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula!!!
TOD Ch – 23 • What do Zionists believe? • How is drip irrigation better than regular irrigation? • Where is the fertile crescent? • Desalination takes salt out of what?
The most important defining characteristic in this region is the creation of Israel after WWII. This is known as the MidEast Conflict.
News from the Mid-East • NY Times – Middle East
CNN QUIZ • How did one rock band get punished for playing to loud? • What do economists hope Americans will do during the Holiday season? • What happened in Mumbai, India last week? • How much will the big three execs make a year if the government gives them a bailout? • What is one major problem for students who want to go to college? • How does Jessica Cox fly her airplane? • Approximately how much money does it cost per year to go to an Ivey League school like Columbia University in NY?
Israel vs. Palestine • Gaza Strip Smuggling
South Asia – India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, BangladeshChapter 28 Look at the map on 599 – why do you think there is a population concentration in that area? • Major Geographic Features • Deccan Plateau – semi-arid and tropical • Himalayan Mountains – creates monsoon season • Tropical Rainforest of Bangladesh • Estuary System – Ganges, Ghaghara, Brahmaputra Rivers • Cultures and Religions • Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam • Hindi, Urdu, Dravidians, Pashtu, Dari, Pakistani • India • main religion is Hinduism • Highest population density on earth except for China • Land use – subsistence farming
East Asia – China, Mongolia, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Japan, New Guinea, MongoliaChapter 30 • Major Geographic Features • Gobi Desert • Cultures and Religions • Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam • Hindi, Urdu, Dravidians, Pashtu, Dari, Pakistani • India • main religion is Hinduism • Highest population density on earth except for China • Land use – subsistence farming
What is the condition Sen. Dodd says should be in place before Congress gives the big three a bailout? What is Illinois Gov. Blagojevich accused of? What ethnicity made this man the first to be recently elected to Congress? What does the front ogranization for Lashkar-e-Tayyiba purport to be? Why do some English universities ask random questions of applicants? Why are youth rioting in Greece? What occupations are continuing to add jobs during a time of economic recession? What disease is taking place in Zimbabwe that could be easily eliminated by boiling water? What is ecotourism? What happened to one boy recently while he was snow boarding on a golf course?