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Join us for a comprehensive workshop on improving healing pathways in healthcare. Learn how to identify wastes, impediments, and develop value stream maps for better patient care outcomes. Participants will gain a deep understanding of process optimization strategies. Enhance your skills in visual mapping to drive quality improvements. Interactive sessions led by experts Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom.
CH 12: Healing Pathway Analysis Brady Bradshaw Aaron Odom 4/18/2016
Introduce the Event and the Participants • Highlight importance of healing pathway and the benefits of improving it • Review the team charter to get everyone on the same page for team’s objectives and desired outcomes • Maybe even conduct an icebreaker or an opener to help facilitate team introductions
Conduct Appropriate Training • Consider introducing some of the following topics: • Value added vs Non-value added definitions • The eight wastes • Eight impediments to healing • “Flow” and “pull” systems • Team roles • Executive sponsor • Facilitator • Timekeeper • Review and commit to team ground rules • Previously set by organization Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Develop the SIPOC Diagram • SIPOC stands for suppliers-inputs-processes-outputs- customers • It helps participants to gain high-level understanding of all relevant elements that are being considered for the improvement process Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Define Value and Expected Outcome • Who is the primary customer? • What is the value added? • What value is the customer willing to pay for? • What are the key outcome measures that the team will use to measure success? Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Set Up the Map • Purpose of this step is to add sufficient clarity to the overall process so that the team can conduct initial process exploration • A simplified version of the high-level process you have identified in the SIPOC Diagram is a good starting point Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Walk the Process and Collect Data • Observe the value stream in action. Communicate with workers as you go through the process. Ask what problems they have. Collect UNBIASED data. • Any process has three parts: • What you think it is • What it actually is • What it should be • Identify activities that have wait times. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Develop the Current State Value Stream Map • Complete the map in two phases: • First, use adhesive notes that can be rearranged easily. Have employees be involved and separate into groups: value-adding activities, non-value-adding activities, and non-value-adding but required activities. • Then finalize the map. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Develop Visual Maps • Create illustrations that enable the team to clearly visualize the flow of people or information through the process • This may include spaghetti diagrams, circle diagrams, or inventory control maps. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Conduct a Waste Walk • Walk through the process again, this time looking for the 8 wastes. Write observations on index cards. Then stick all index cards on the wall for analysis and discussion. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Conduct a Healing Impediments Walk • Look for evidence of the 8 impediments to healing. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Glossary Healing Pathway- a value stream through which patients flow Circle Diagram- a diagram similar to spaghetti chart for identifying unnecessary processing Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
References http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=spaghetti+chart&view=detailv2&&id=5EC0D1781AC80214B92F4835B4E55E47D85C4E54&selectedIndex=6&ccid=Qw9T%2fhU2&simid=607988244168901025&thid=OIP.M430f53fe153642ea4d3e88de15e75a1ao0&ajaxhist=0 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=healthcare+sipoc+diagram&view=detailv2&&id=496F7874861F6B3C6C9EEF57E2FB90D5910A02DF&selectedIndex=6&ccid=0hbTBPZb&simid=608040097313917925&thid=OIP.Md216d304f65b8475b1553f47ae09f85co0&ajaxhist=0 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=simple+process+map&view=detailv2&&id=9FE53866FDECB53BBBB0FE79556559C01DB56841&selectedIndex=29&ccid=xcH5QhuR&simid=607992947151932762&thid=OIP.Mc5c1f9421b9130d07bd90eb72abdf261o0&ajaxhist=0 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/492510909225241594/ Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016