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August 4-5, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA 2012 General Membership Meeting
9:30 AM CALL TO ORDER 9:30 AM Introduction Gary Braman 9:35 AM Annual Report Gary Braman 9:50 PM Treasurer’s Report Rod Simmons 10:05 AM Director Reports (5 min each) Member Services Saralyn Dwyer Chapter Services Gerry Einarsson Education and Professional Development Chuck Muniak Publicity and MediaClif Ericson Government and Inter-Society Services Mark Geiger International Development Robert Fletcher Mentoring, Research and Development Mike Allocco Conferences Dave Shampine 10:45 AM Keynote Speaker Mr. C. Hart (NTSB) 11:30 AM Closing Remarks Gary Braman 11:30 AM ADJOURN AGENDA2012 International System Safety SocietyGeneral Membership MeetingAtlanta, GA 7 August 2012
2012 General Membership MeetingPresident Submitted by Gary Braman August 4-5, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Society Year 2011-2012 Achievements Successful 29th ISSC, Las Vegas, NV Successful Regional Conference, Brisbane, Australia RAMS Conference, January 2012 Attended BOD meeting ISSUE: Low ISSS Member Attendance Corporate Sponsors Sent Society update letter Society Partnerships Send letter of invitation to RAMS Supporters IEEE PSES BCSP (meeting this fall – improve relationship)
Society Year 2011-2012 Achievements Certifications INCOSE/NASA SSEM Graduate Degree Program Purdue University/Stevens Institute Society Marketing Purchased new ISSS booth ASSE PD Conference, June 2012, Denver, CO Booth manned by Colorado Chapter MSPS Conference, June 2012, Chicago, IL ISSS/ISSC flyers distributed Website Review Virtual Chapter
Society Year 2012-2013 Goals Upgrade Society Website Automate membership form Request for proposal/quote Strategic Plan Finalize (with implementation plan) Submit to EC for approval Begin official implementation Complete Society documents update Chapter Planning Guide Conference Planning Guide Operations Manual (as necessary)
Society Year 2012-2013 Goals Continue to market Society at other conferences and professional development events RAMS4 Workshop, October 2012, Huntsville, AL RAMS Conference, January 2013, Orlando, FL ASSE PD Conference, June 2013, Las Vegas, NV MSPS Conference, June 2013, Chicago, IL 2014 Global Symposium on EMC, Safety and Production Compliance Engineering, GLOBESPACE 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2014 (support activities)
2012 General Membership MeetingTreasurer’s Report Submitted by Rodney J. Simmons, Ph.D., CSP August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Budget for FY 11 Expenses: $209,555.93 Revenue: $275,730 Carryover: $66.174.07 Actual for FY 11 Expenses: 271,237.32 ($20.3K loan to ISSC-30 + $39.5K MN conf. host chapter split) Revenue: $202,440.40 (dues income $45K lower; conference income $29K lower ) Carryover: ($68,796.92) Society assets on June 30, 2012: $316,950.71 ($376,506.00 on July 1, 2011) Checking $171,779.71 Perpetual Conf. Accounts (3@$5K) $ 15,000.00 CDs & interest $130,171.00 (did not exist July 1, 2011) August 7, 2012 • 9
Income (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) Dir. Member Services $70,051.43 actual vs. $115,990 projected Dir. Publicity & Media $8471.25 actual vs. $7,700 projected Dir. Conferences $119,004.59 actual vs. projected $148,500 Includes RAMS Reimbursement $3,500 actual vs. $3,500 projected Dir. Education & Professional Development $1594.69 actual vs. $3000.00 projected (continues on next slide) August 7, 2012 • 10
Income (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), cont’d • Dir. Chapter Services (none) • Dir. Government & Inter-Society Liaison (none) • Dir. International Development (none) • Dir. Mentoring and Research (none) • Administrative Income • $2818.44 actual vs. $540.00 projected • Presidential Income • $500 actual (not budgeted; not projected) August 7, 2012
Expenses (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) Member Services $249.29 actual vs. $400 projected Publicity & Media $74,872.14 actual vs. $83,660 projected Conferences $78,589.10 actual vs. projected $16,500 ($20.3K loan to Atlanta; $39.5K payout for MN conf. team split) Education & Professional Development $1429.40 actual vs. $3,200 projected Chapter Services $6050.00 actual vs. $6500 projected Government & Intersociety Services $1669 actual vs. $500 projected (continues on next slide) August 7, 2012 • 12
Expenses (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), cont’d International Development $0 actual vs. $2500 projected President $16,511.33 actual vs. $12,971projected Personnel $64,089.77 actual vs. $60,129.93 projected Equipment/Facilities $2511.34 actual vs. $4250 projected Operational Support Services $12,889.32 actual vs. $9,625 projected (add’l ~$3.5K for trademarking costs) Operations $12,341.63 actual vs. $9,320 projected (higher postage, telephone/fax) August 7, 2012 • 13
General Changes for FY12 Budget Conference net income and up-front expense line items shown in ISSS Budget Director/Officer Travel to ISSC moved to President’s budget for better planning Established a third perpetual conference account of $5K Moved $130K from Checking to CDs (will generate ~$2K/yr, reported as investment income) Additional Revenue from JobTarget (estimated $2.5K/yr) Specific Additions, Modifications and Deletions of line items available for review. August 7, 2012 • 14
FY12 Current Proposed Budget - Income August 7, 2012 • 15
FY12 Current Proposed Budget - Expenses August 7, 2012 • 16
FY 12 Current Budget Summary Expenses: $217,415.37 Revenues: $203,320.00 Loss: ($14,095.37) Society Assets: Beginning Assets (July 1, 2012): $316,950.77 Add Revenue: $203,320.00 Less Expenses: $217,415.37 Add Investment Income: $2000 Anticipated Ending Assets (June 30, 2013): $304,736.34 New Expense Items Line Items (See Separate Budget File) New Credit Card Machine Inter-Society Directorship International Directorship August 7, 2012 • 17
Issues Rising Travel costs Decreasing Conference & Member Dues Income Financial Reports and Receipts from Chapters Insurance Costs Alignment of Headquarters Budget Lines vs. Society Budget (QuickBooks reconciliation) Officers and Directors submitting budget requests August 7, 2012 • 18
Additional Options/Improvements Encourage attendees to become Members at Conference & retain new members Clarify our Goals, Objectives, and Guidelines for Society and Chapter Activities Review of Policy for Split between HQ and Host Chapter for ISSC Net Income Provide Budget/Financial Counsel for Conference Teams Revisit upgrade fees (current fee covers only a portion of Senior/Fellow plaque cost) August 7, 2012 • 19
Summary We are Solvent, but must remain vigilant Going forward expenses exceed revenues by ~$14K Have moved ~$130K from Checking to CDs Membership and Conference income are falling, but now realistically budgeted May consider regular incrementing of dues to account for inflation, as is common with sister societies Need new sources of revenue (e.g., JobTarget and others) All Officers and Directors – Accountable for your expenditures. August 7, 2012 • 20
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of Member Services Submitted by Saralyn Dwyer August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Summary Society Year 2011-2012 Activities and Achievements Turn over time for membership approval is typically under one week. Working closely with Headquarters to ensure fast response. Headquarters has everything in place to issue membership cards. Will be issued to members this year. Continuing to investigated web-based membership application. Request for proposals to go out this year. Updated Membership Application – presented for EC approval. • 22
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Members Only Site – Development of a site for use by Society members only. Web Based Membership Submittal Automate Membership Applications Create Database to Store Information so Members do not have to Submit Redundant Information Provide Sample Upgrade Packages Submittal of proposal for OVP to assist with Corporate Memberships Work to Increase Membership • 23
Up 33 Members (4.42%) Down 8 members (-5.59%) Up 25 members (2.81%)
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of Chapter Services Gerry Einarsson August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Society Year 2011-2012 - Activities and Achievements Three RVP Positions established and filled (e-vote 3) North/South America Paul Kryska Europe Gabriele Schedl Asia / Pacific Eng Ling Onn Chapter Management Guide Rewrite Committee established Committee Chair - Paul Kryska Members; Clif Parizo, Eng Ling Onn (advisor), Emily Deuinkand Rod Simmons (advisor) Mandate – rewrite/update the current Chapter Management Guide
Activities and Achievements (Cont’d) • Established a Facebook presence for the society http://www.facebook.com/InternationalSystemSafetySociety • Received various reactions from members, • Intended to encourage younger members to participate using the social media tools they are familiar with. • Currently we have 20 chapters, two entering a revitalization phase, • The possibility of three new chapters is being investigated: • China, • Florida and • Turkey
Regional Conferences 1st - 2008 @Singapore 2nd - 2012 @Australia Brisbane 3rd - 2014 @China Beijing
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Follow-up with and encourage New Chapter Formation, Encourage chapters to increase membership, Review and update the Operations Manual as it applies to the Director of Chapter Services, Complete Chapter tombstone data review and begin update activity (Bylaws, Constitution and boundaries as required), Progress new chapter formation where feasible. AND Engage Chapters in more routine dialogue.
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of Education and Professional Development Submitted by Chuck Muniak Ph.D. CSP August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Summary Society Year 2011-2012 Activities and Achievements Due to the large span of activities, the Directorate for Education and Professional Development are organized by OVP: Awards (Anthony Burno, OVP) , Professional Development (Russ Mitchell, OVP) Professional Development Materials ( Dan Strub, OVP ) Education (RaniKady, OVP )
Awards - A “Founder’s Award” is in process • Professional Development – membership upgrade process continues to be refined • Professional Development Materials – a team to work on the System Safety Analysis Handbook has been identified • Education – a new OVP for education has been identified, a preliminary proposal for a masters program in system safety has been developed
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Refine membership upgrade process Investigate improvements to awards process Continue work on “core curriculum” and safety certification Continue work on a masters of System Safety program Collaborate with Directors of International Development and Mentoring and R&D on these subjects Work with other organizations on related matters (e.g. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Product Safety, Society for Risk Analysis)
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of Publicity and Media Clif Ericson August 4-5, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Primary Responsibilities: • ISSS Publicity • ISSS Website • JSS
Publicity 2011-2012 Summary: Printed full-color color Society brochure - 2,500 copies Placed PDF of brochure on web for all to obtain Supported publicity questions Manned ISSS booth at RAMS conference Served on RAMS BoD as ISSS representative Advertised ISSC on web and at RAMS Provided publicity info for ASSE conferences Provided ISSC info at various LinkedIn safety sites Purchased new ISSS booth for conferences (Braman)
Website 2011-2012 Summary: Gave the front page an updated look Changed job site to professional company JobTarget, Inc. ISSS receives income back Updated reference links Added new links (e.g., MIL-STD-882E) Maintained constant additions and changes Update and maintain electronic copies of eJSS
JSS 2011-2012 Summary: Maintained JSS quality, schedule and page count Changed to thinner grade paper – save mailing costs Added columnist David MacCollum – DFS Added Associate Editor - Rod Simmons Investigating obtaining authors from other societies Have received positive feedback on JSS quality Authors needed
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Continue to maintain and improve website Continue to improve JSS Find more authors for JSS Improve on social networking for ISSS Support RFP for web databases Member only access Member upgrade input
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of Government and Intersociety Services Mark Geiger August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Summary Society Year 2011-2012 Activities and Achievements Liaison with other societies at the March 2012 Intersociety Forum of Safety Societies Contacts with the National Academy of Engineering (Engineering arm of the National Academy of Sciences) Identified possible approaches for common outreach by local chapters and members of other societies Tracking Legislative and Regulatory Trends Supported by liaison with other societies, especially American Industrial Hygiene Association and American Society of Safety Engineers American National Standards Institute's ANSI B11 Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) B11 Machine Tool Safety John Etherton, Center for Safer Solutions
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Attend 2013 Intersociety Forum (To be hosted by the National Safety Council on March 14, 2013 in Itasca, Illinois) Expanded outreach to the National Academy of Engineering Guidelines for members who are also members of other societies to support liaison efforts Periodic status reports and inputs to Journal of System Safety Continued legislative and regulatory tracking Hopeful, but not optimistic, regarding US trends International influences and standards such as Globally Harmonized System (for chemical labeling) Continued international outreach by many members with valuable exchange of information and approaches. Lead by other directors in this area.
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of International Development Submitted by Robert Fletcher August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Summary Society Year 2011-2012 Activities and Achievements (1) Supported 30th ISSC as International Chair Requested Articles for Global Perspectives in the JSS & eJSS United Kingdom (York), Dr. John McDermid USA (MIT), Dr. Nancy Leveson (published in eJSS) China (BUAA), Dr. Tingdi, in process Australia (Boeing), Dr. HolgerBecht, in process Others being considered Emphasized need to use “International” in I-SSS? Contacted people around the world to try to grow numbers of members and countries represented in ISSS
Summary Society Year 2011-2012 Activities and Achievements (2) • Coordinated Director, International Development activities with ISSS Officers & Directors • Investigated web based remote service tools (e.g. Big Blue Button <www.Big Blue Button> to enable individuals around the world to join other chapter activities for free. Virtual Chapter & NE Chapter use Boeing and Sikorsky Web services • Held meeting to discuss International System Safety Initiatives with: Bob Schmedake, ISSS: John McDermid, York U.; John Pearce, SaRS; Stephen Clark, SaRS; Jacqueline Christodoulou, SaRS, Robert Fletcher, ISSS. • Taught Workshop and attended ASSE-MEC in Bahrain • Attended Nancy Leveson, System Safety Seminar at MIT
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Support 31st ISSC as International Request articles for Global Perspectives in the JSS & eJSS Contact system safety professionals throughout the world to try to grow numbers of members and countries represented Submit nominee for International Award Develop and Implement an ISSS Marketing Plan Update Operations Manual wrt Director, International Development
2012 Executive Council InputDirector of Mentoring, Research and Development Submitted by: Mike Allocco August 4-5, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA
Summary Society Year 2011-2012 Activities and Achievements Draft Mentoring, Research and Development Plan System Safety Analysis Considerations for System of Systems (SOS) and Families of SOS (FOS): Applying Techniques of Interaction, Interface, and Integrated Hazard Analyses One on one intensive system safety discussions: single day to three days Discussions on system safety axioms, concepts, and terms UAS SW Guide SS Validation and Verification of SW Safety Tools SSE Certification
Society Year 2012-2013 Activities (Planned) Continue existing projects Foundation Grants New White Papers Issues and Recommended Actions Access to Society Administration Professional
2012 General Membership MeetingDirector of Conferences David J. Shampine II, CSP August 7, 2012 Loews Hotel Atlanta, GA