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Antecedents • Colonial Period (1774, 1792, 1817, 1841, 1861, 1877 and 1887census, and 8 more registers or padrones). • North American intervention (1899 and 1907 census). • Republican period (1919, 1931, 1943 and 1953 census). • Revolutionary period (1970 and 1981 census).
General methodological strategy with regard to census documentation Contingency census Reducing census documentation to the minimum necessary Methodologicalsimplification
General methodological strategy with regard to census topics Cumulated informational necessities (21 years) Contingency census Methodological simplification Equilibrated (measured) questionnaire
Some methodological characteristics Census type (Interviewer) Enumeration Unit (censal household) Enumeration Form (individual, household and dwelling questionnaires • Enumeration period • (Census taking lasted 10 days)
Issues considered in definitions • of census topics • Comparability with Population and Housing Census, • 1981. • 2. International recommendations for Population and • Housing Census • 3. New informational demands
Factors considered in census topics selection . Population and Housing Census –1981 constituted the main previous reference . 1989 micro census essay was also an important antecedent. . International recommendations. .Census topics of different countries were also revised. . A census essay was carried out on september 2001 .
Included topics 1. Geographical Household Location (province, municipality, settlement, size of place, rural/urban, electoral areas, and census divisions such as district, etc.). It also includes household address.
People and household demographic characteristics • Sex • Data of birth and age • Skin color • Household head • Relationship to head of household (reference person) • Relationship parents-children, and spouses • Disabilities (mental, physical or sensorial) and cause of disability (congenital or acquired) • Permanent speaking deficiencies, and unable to speak • Marital status • Censal households • Extended and basic families. Family structure and composition
People educational and economic characteristics • Educational characteristics • Educational attainment • Last educational level completely finished • Field of educational qualification • Literacy • School attendance • Economic Characteristics • Activity status (current (reference period = 1 week) • Institutional sector of employment • Secondary occupation
1. PERSONA No. Nombre(s) y apellidos 9. ¿CUÁNTO TIEMPO HA VIVIDO AQUÍ DESDE QUE SE TRASLADO DE ESE LUGAR? Años.............................. Menos de un año.......... 00 No sabe........................ 99 01 14. ¿ESTA MATRICULADO ACTUALMENTE EN UN CENTRO EDUCACIONAL DEL SISTEMA NACIONAL DE EDUCACION O DEL EXTRANJERO? Si.............................. 1 No............................. 3 2. PARENTESCO O RELACION CON EL JEFE DE NUCLEO JEFE DE NUCLEO... 0 Esposo/a o compañero/a 1 Hijo/a............................... 2 Nuera o yerno................. 3 Nieto/a............................ 4 Padres o suegros........... 5 Otro pariente.................. 6 Otro no pariente............. 7 Miembro de colectividad 8 10. ¿CUÁL ES EL GRADO O AÑO DE ESTUDIO MÁS ALTO APROBADO? Ninguno....................... 0 (pase a la pregunta 13) Primaria (1ro a 6to)........ 1 Secundaria Básica (7mo a 10mo).................. 2 Obrero Calificado (1ro a 5 años)............... 3 Preuniversitario (10mo a 13ro)................ 4 Técnico Medio (1ro a 5 años)............... 5 Pedagogía Nivel Medio (1ro a 5 años)............... 6 Superior o Universitario (1ro a 7 años)............... 7 3. NUMERO DE ORDEN DE LA MADRE (O PADRE) Y DEL CONYUGE EN EL CUESTIONARIO (si no tiene o no vive aquí anote "00") Hijo/a de......................... Conyuge de.................... 4. SEXO Varón .............................. 1 Hembra........................... 3 5. FECHA DE NACIMIENTO, Y EDAD EN AÑOS CUMPLIDOS Día Mes Año Edad 11. ¿CUÁL ES EL NIVEL EDUCACIONAL MAS ALTO TERMINADO COMPLETAMENTE? Ninguno....................... 0 Primaria....................... 1 Secundaria Básica..... 2 Obrero Calificado....... 3 Preuniversitario .......... 4 Técnico Medio............. 5 Pedagogía Nivel Medio 6 Superior o Universitario 7 6. COLOR DE LA PIEL Blanco............................... 1 Negro................................ 2 Mestizo o mulato............... 3 12. ¿QUÉ TITULO O DIPLOMA ACADEMICO OBTUVO EN EL ULTIMO NIVEL APROBADO? (según el CUAE) 7. ¿DÓNDE RESIDIA SU MADRE CUANDO USTED NACIO? Provincia o país No sabe.......... ..... 9999 13. ¿SABE LEER Y ESCRIBIR? (Marque "Si" sin preguntar al que aprobó segundo grado o más) Si....... 1 No.......... 3 8. ¿DÓNDE VIVIO O RESIDIO ANTES DE TRASLADARSE PARA AQUÍ? Siempre vivió aquí ........ 1 (pase a pregunta 10) Ciudad, pueblo o poblado urbano............................. 2 Caseío, finca u otro medio rural................................. 3 Municipio Provincia o país PARA TODAS LAS EDADES PARA PERSONAS MAYORES DE 6 AÑOS
17. ¿QUÉ TIPO DE LABOR, OCUPACIÓN U OFICIO REALIZA EN SU CENTRO DE TRABAJO? (Anote su ocupación principal completa, ejemplo: electricista enrollador, maestro, secretaria, etc.) Ocupación principal CIUO 18. ¿A QUE SECTOR PERTENECE LA EMPRESA O ENTIDAD DONDE USTED TRABAJA? Agricultura, Ganadería, Caza y Silvicultura 1 Pesca.................... 2 Explotación de Minas y canteras................ 3 Industria Azucarera 4 Industrias Manufactureras...... 5 Electricidad, Gas y Agua...................... 6 Construcción.......... 7 Comercio; Reparación de efectos personales.............. 8 Hoteles y restaurantes.......... 9 Transporte, Almacenamiento y Comunicaciones..... 10 Intermediación Financiera............... 11 Servicios empresariales; Actividades inmobiliarias y de Alquiler........... 12 Administración Pública, Defensa y Seguridad Social..................... 13 Investigación y desarrollo............... 14 Educación.............. 15 Salud Pública y Asistencia Social.... 16 Cultura; Deportes... 17 Otras actividades de Servicios Comunales de Asociaciones Personales............ 18 19. ¿TIENE USTED ALGUNA LIMITACION MENTAL, FISIO-MOTORA O SENSORIAL? Ninguna.............. . 1 Enfermo mental (agudo o crónico)............... 2 Retraso mental.... 3 Ausencia de extremidades Inferiores............ 4 Invalidez de extremidades Inferiores............. 5 Ausencia o invalidez de extremidades Superiores.......... 6 Ciego.................. 7 Sordo................. 8 Deficiente permanente del habla o mudo 9 Otras.................. 10 15. ¿CUÁL ES EL ESTADO CIVIL O CONYUGAL? Unido/a........................ 1 Casado/a..................... 2 Divorciado/a................ 3 Separado/a.................. 4 Viudo/a........................ 5 Soltero/a..................... 6 16. ¿QUÉ HIZO LA SEMANA ANTERIOR AL DIA DEL CENSO? Trabajo............... 1 Pase Tenía trabajo pero a no trabajo.......... 2 17 Buscaba trabajo porque lo había perdido.. 3 Buscaba trabajo por primera vez......... 4 Jubilado o pensionado......... 5 Rentista o recibe ayuda económica........... 6 Pase Quehaceres del hogar................... 7 a Estudiante............ 8 Incapacitado para el trabajo.............. 9 19 No realiza ninguna actividad............. 10 En hospital, asilo o recluso que no trabaja............... 11 Otra situación.... 12 PARA PERSONAS DE 14 AÑOS Y MAS PARA TODAS LAS PERSONAS PARA PERSONAS DE 15 AÑOS Y MAS
Dwellings variables • Type of dwelling (private, Shared or Place of work) • Occupancy status • Type of private dwelling • Period of Construction • Construction materials • State of repair
Dwellings facilities • Number of room (living room, bedroom, etc.) • Number of bedrooms • Number of other rooms used as bedroom. • Cooking facilities • Water system supply (Source and frequency) • Sewage • Toilet • Bathing facilities • Type of lighting • Energy used for cooking • Electro domestics equipment tenure • Number of households in dwelling
Main changes in census topics (as compared to PHC-81). • - New territorial entities were incorporated: Plan Turquino and Consejo Popular • - Lodging units instead of Lodging places (Lugares de Alojamiento por Unidades de Alojamiento) • Census house (Hogar censal) instead of family nucleous • - More categories of dwelling affectations were included • - More precision in household size questions was achieved
Water supply system: Installation and frequency were incorporated • - Source of energy for cooking: Fuel was included • - Source of energy used for lighting was enhanced • Sewage system was included • Electro domestic equipment tenure was enhanced from 7 to 19 categories. • Parental Relationship was enhanced (‘son-daughter of’, and, ‘married to’, were included)
Skin color: yellow category was eliminated. • Migration: Three more questions added. • - Disabilities (congenital and acquired): New census topic. • Questions about activity area were improved • Secondary occupation was included. • -No question for indirect mortality and fertility estimation were included. • -The questionnaire design facilitated its better comprehension and handling.
Sample techniques use Sample techniques were applied in each census stage: in supervision works, as well as for the evaluation of census covering and quality.
MORE RELEVANT EXPERIENCES - Using students from technical and professional educational attainment as enumerators, as well as their professors. - Decentralization of revision, codification and processing, to the provincial level. - Dissemination of information about census among population -Personnel training - Creation of the Technical Management Group - Consistency of information
More relevant results in covering and quality Correctly registered persons 99,77% Index of Global consistency(1) Higher 95% in households (8 in 9questions). Higher 90% in persons) Correctly registered Households 99,83% • Result • High covering and quality. Data use save and confident (1) Measurement of households and persons with identical answers to the census questionnaire and to the questionnaire for quality evaluation