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Information on the Second Africa Regional Platform on DRR and the Africa Status Report Nairobi, 5 – 7 May 2009. www.unisdr.org/africa. Pedro Basabe Senior OiC of UNISDR Africa Programme. Overview. I. Africa Regional Platform on DRR. II. Global Assessment Report, 2009. III.

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  1. Information on the Second Africa Regional Platform on DRR and the Africa Status Report Nairobi, 5 – 7 May 2009 www.unisdr.org/africa Pedro Basabe Senior OiC of UNISDR Africa Programme

  2. Overview I Africa Regional Platform on DRR II Global Assessment Report, 2009 III Africa Status Report, 2009

  3. 1. AUC and UNISDR bi-annual major forum of national platforms to discuss key issues on DRR with the AUC, RECs, experts, UN and key partners. 2. The first Africa Regional Platform on DRR in April 2007, made concrete and substantive recommendations to the first Global Platform. 3. The second Africa Regional Platform on DRR, May 2009, gathers high level representatives of the AUC, RECs, 41 Sub-Sahara African countries, experts, Civil society and UN agencies. 1. Africa Regional Platform on DRR, 2009 Background

  4. i) To assess progress made in implementing the Africa Regional Strategy for DRR and the HFA. ii) To enhance awareness, share experiences, lessons learned and good practices. iii) To promote regional cooperation, and sustainable mechanisms to support implementation. iv) To identify Africa’s priorities, needs and challenges for the consideration of the GP, Geneva 16-19 June. v) To discuss and agree on a revised version of the Africa Programme of Action to be extended to 2015. 1. Africa Regional Platform on DRR, 2009 Objectives

  5. Enhanced commitment for the implementation of the Africa Regional Strategy and Programme  HFA. Agreement to establish a sustainable regional and sub-regional mechanisms with strengthen institutional and human resources. Discuss and agree in a revised Africa Programme for Action extended to 2015 to align with the HFA. Adoption of the Africa position for consideration of the Global Platform in Geneva 16-19 June 2009. Africa inputs for Copenhagen, CC conference (COP-15). 1. Africa Regional Platform on DRR, 2009 Expected outputs

  6. 1. Africa Regional Platform on DRR, 2009 Agenda Following the Opening ceremony, the agenda is organised in three parts: • PART I (session 1 to 2): Regional and Sub-regional levels • PART II (sessions 3 to 7): a) to assess progress made implementing the HFA and the Africa Strategy. b) to know more about tools and services from UN and international actors, and c) to share information, good practices and lessons learned from countries and practitioners.

  7. 1. Africa Regional Platform on DRR, 2009 Agenda (continued) • PART III (session 8): Discuss and agree on a revised version of the Africa Regional Programme for the implementation of the Africa Strategy for DRR, extended to 2015, which will allow it to align with the HFA implementation and reporting. • PART III (session 9): Discuss and adopt the Africa position to be presented at the Global Platform (5 pages document)

  8. Comparison between the Africa strategy and the HFA

  9. 1. Africa Regional Platform on DRR, 2009 General information I wish to introduce my colleagues whom can assist you, and to pay tribute for their hard and professional work Helene logistics and DSA translations: 9 to 17h buses from hotel: 7h30 Rhea, Lars  support to NPs and FPs Yoko, Marilise Reporting Geraldine Information. Full information and presentations  DC-R. Maria will be in Addis to work with the AUC Ms. Anne Ogoti and Njoki secretariat support Aliou and Dominique support to French speaking countries Dewald and Ron support to English speaking countries

  10. Global launch hosted by Kingdom of Bahrain on May 17, 2009 The report provides hard-hitting evidence to demonstrate how, where and why disaster risk reduction is increasing globally and presents key findings from a global analysis of disaster risk patters and trends, including where high mortality and economic loss is concentrated. 2. Global Assessment Report, 2009

  11. 2. Global Assessment Report, 2009 Background • First biennial report of the ISDR system to the Global Platform • Assessment of progress towards achieving the HFA focusing attention on gaps, challenges and opportunities • Coordinated by UNISDR in collaboration with UNDP, World Bank, UNEP, WMO, ProVention Consortium, regional and sub-regional organisations and other partners • Over 150 background papers, reports and contributions included

  12. Components of the Global Assessment Report

  13. 3. Africa Status Report, 2009 Background • The Africa Status Report on DRR in Sub-Saharan Africa is a result of a cooperation between UNISDR, the AUC and the World Bank. • The 2005-07 report on the Status of DRR in Sub-Saharan Africa Region was published in Jan. 2008. • The 2007-09 preliminary version is being presented now for your consideration, and to the GP in June 09.

  14. 3. Africa Status Report, 2009 • Based on: 24 national HFA reports, information from the AUC, ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, IOC and SADC, as well as initial mapping of UN and international organisation. • 15 of these reported for the first time. • Africa is the regional with greatest proportion of respondents to GAR).

  15. 3. Africa Status Report, 2009 Objectives and content • To assess progress on DRR in Africa at regional, sub-regional and national level by the HFA priorites. • To identify emerging challenges and priorities for further implementation. • To report the implementation of every priority of the HFA by indicator and level of achievement. • To facilitate mapping and country profiles.

  16. HFA Priority 1 – Indicators 1-4

  17. 3. Africa Status Report, 2009 Key findings • 25 national platforms established or coordinating mechanisms. • 11 countries reported that they have legal frameworks/policies for DRR in place • Most reporting countries have insufficient resources allocated for DRR activities. • 50% of reporting countries have EW and hazard monitoring systems in place; systems often not comprehensive. Countries reported lack of data and insufficient information management as challenges. • Some countries cooperating to reduce trans-boundary risks mainly under leadership of RECs (ECOWAS and SADC); stronger leadership requested to enhance cooperation.

  18. 3. Africa Status Report, 2009 Key findings (analysis) • Progress in all priorities, with higher levels of achievement in 1. institutional frameworks and governance, and 5. preparedness for effective response. • Wider range of levels of achievement in 2. risk assessment and 3. knowledge management, education and public awareness. • Progress in mainstreaming into plans and policies, but less evidence of implementation.

  19. 3. Africa Status Report, 2009 Some recommendations • Translate DRR legislation and policies into adequately-resourced programmes in all key development sectors. • Promote multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder participation in NP, and empowering these to influence DRR policy development, programme design and resources allocation. • Capacity development and knowledge management. • Partnership development and resources mobilisation • Sustainable mechanism and regional and sub-regional levels.

  20. Thank you for your attention! We look forward to work together towards disaster risk reduction in Africa UNISDR www.unisdr.org/africa

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