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Discover Biographies - Fun Learning for Kids

Join Leo and Sam to learn about biographies! Understand the difference between biography and autobiography. Explore Dewey numbers and how books are categorized in libraries. Test your knowledge with fun quizzes and earn a reward!

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Discover Biographies - Fun Learning for Kids

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biography Hi! I’m Leo and this is my friend, Sam. We’re going to tell you about Biographies. Sam will give you a piece of his cheese if you remember what we teach you. Will you get your cheese? We’ll see . . .

  2. A biography is the story of a person’s life that is written by another person. If I wrote the story of Leo’s life, it would be called a biography.

  3. An autobiography is the story of a person’s life that is written by the person himself. If Leo writes the story of his own life, it is called an autobiography.

  4. Biography = Someone else writes the story of Leo’s life. Autobiography = Leo writes the story of his own life.

  5. Here are some things you will learn when you read a biography. Events that happened in the person’s life. What the person did that made him famous.

  6. Biography books are placed together on the same shelves in the library. 921 WAS That’s because they have the same Dewey number: 921. 921 FRA 921 DIS George Washington’s Life The Diary of Anne Frank The Life of Walt Disney

  7. The first part of the call number for biography is 921. What do you think the 3 letters in the second part of the call number stand for? 921 WAS Watch out! This is a tricky question. 921 FRA 921 DIS Hmmm, DIS, FRA, and WAS. George Washington’s Life The Diary of Anne Frank The Life of Walt Disney

  8. Those 3 letters represent the person the book is about. They are the first 3 letters of the person’s last name. Wow! The person the book is about? That’s right! 921 WAS 921 FRA 921 DIS George Washington’s Life The Diary of Anne Frank The Life of Walt Disney

  9. 921 WAS 921 FRA 921 DIS Remember, 921 is the Dewey number for biography. George Washington’s Life The Diary of Anne Frank The Life of Walt Disney DIS stands for Disney. FRA stands for Frank. WAS stands for Washington.

  10. Let’s see how well you are doing?What is the Dewey call number fora biography about Jim Bridger? If you said the first part of the call number is 921, you are right! What’s next? The letters BRI are next. They are the first 3 letters of the last name of the person the book is about. 921 BRI

  11. That was great! Now figure out the call number for a biography about each of the following people: 921 LIN Abraham Lincoln 921 ROS Betsy Ross 921 COL Christopher Columbus 921 ANT Susan B. Anthony

  12. It’s time to see if you remember what we have taught you about biography. What is the difference between a biography and an autobiography?

  13. A biography is the story of a person’s life that is written by someone else. Good Job! An autobiography is the story of a person’s life that is written by the person himself.

  14. Here’s another question for you! What is the Dewey number for biography, and what do the 3 letters below the number stand for?

  15. The Dewey number for biography is 921. You Are Awesome! The 3 letters below 921 are the first 3 letters of the last name of the person the book is about.

  16. Sam, do you think these students have earned a piece of your cheese? You’ll see. . .

  17. SUPER JOB!

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