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Windsor Estates HOA. Agenda Recap of 2008 2008 Performance to Budget/2009 Budget Committees Sign up to volunteer Annexation into Bothell Future Events New Business Neighborhood referrals on web site Plowing the streets No soliciting signs Q & A.
Windsor Estates HOA Agenda Recap of 2008 2008 Performance to Budget/2009 Budget Committees Sign up to volunteer Annexation into Bothell Future Events New Business Neighborhood referrals on web site Plowing the streets No soliciting signs Q & A
Windsor Estates HOAWhat we were going to do for 2008 Finish work on Entrances and Monuments Landscaping Lighting Work with Aspenwood, Hawthorne Station and Foxglove to reduce landscaping bill Maintain adequate reserves
Windsor Estates HOARecap of 2008 HOA Meeting in February 2008 Regular committee and Board meetings Neighborhood Garage sale & Picnic Maintained Reserves In spite of unanticipated Expenses 2009 dues letters sent out (Dues to be collected by Feb 15) Maintained $300 dues – Same since 2000 100% paid HOA Dues Installed new lighting at entrances Re-landscaped 39th street entrance Replaced trees in park Repaired Drainage in Park Maintained website windsorestates.info 2009 Operating budget developed
Windsor Estates HOABothell Annexation Under review by Bothell City Council Competing interest in SOBA Unincorporated area north or Kirkland Kirkland has right to PAA Not sure it is legal Council leaning toward this alternative Downtown revitalization is competing for funding Not sure Bothell wants to take it on at this time NEWBA has positive cash flow NEWBA committee is working it hard
Windsor Estates HOACommittees Social/Communication Garage Sale/Picnic Landscape Monitor compliance to CC&Rs Oversee work of Landscape Contractor Architectural Review requests/plans Ensure compliance to CC&Rs Wanna Help? Contact the HOA
Windsor Estates HOAFuture Activities Re-chip the Park Maintain adequate reserves Clean the Retention Pond? Annual Picnic and Garage Sale – Aug 8th Meetings W/ Aspenwood, Foxglove Windsor Court and Hawthorne Station Working together Replace diseased trees in the Park Maintain the quality of living in Windsor Estates