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Bullying Behaviors and Intervention Strategies

Bullying Behaviors and Intervention Strategies. January 8, 2007 Marshall Middle School Presenters:Christine Hamele – Jay Pica. References for Presentation.

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Bullying Behaviors and Intervention Strategies

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  1. Bullying Behaviors and Intervention Strategies January 8, 2007 Marshall Middle School Presenters:Christine Hamele – Jay Pica

  2. References for Presentation • Bill Bond, Resident Practitioner for Safe and Orderly Schools, National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Words Hurt the Heart: Strategies to Reduce and Prevent Bullying. AWSA Conference, La Crosse, WI (October, 2006). • Bullying Behaviors in Schools. One credit class taught at Marian College-Fond Du Lac. • Sawyer, D. (2006). Primetime: Cyber Bullying-Cruel Intentions, ABC Television. • Wiseman, R. (2002). Queen Bees and Wannabees. New York: Crown Publishers. • www.safeyouth.org • www.StopBullyingNow.hrsa.gov

  3. Definition of Bullying • Bullying is aggressive behavior intended to cause harm or distress. • Bullying is not a conflict between two students. It is one side humiliating the other for entertainment. • Conflict is a normal part of adolescence.

  4. Normal Conflict/Aggression • Episodic and Overt. • Similar age +/or developmental age. • Similar physical strength. • Similar level of affect. • Different motivation than bullying. • Leads to remorse/responsibility and efforts to solve the problem. Peer mediation can work here.

  5. Similar power One time Similar affect Friends or least an acquaintance Imbalance of power Repeated Unequal affect- bully shows no emotion Not friends Conflict vs. Bullying

  6. Criteria: Is It Bullying? • Is there an imbalance of power / strength? • Is the behavior repeated over time? • Does the behavior cause harm or distress to the victim?

  7. Direct involves: Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, etc. Taunting, teasing, racial slurs, verbal harassment. Threatening, obscene gestures. Indirect involves: Spreading rumors. Excluding from a group or activity. Getting others to do the bullying Cyber bullying. Direct vs. Indirect Bullying

  8. ABC Primetime “Cyber Bullying-Cruel Intentions”

  9. National Statistics • 160,000 students stay home from school each day because they have been bullied. This means 1 to 2 in our school. (Nansel, T.R., 2003) • 10% of students reported being bullied, but not bullying others. Another 6% said they were bullied and bullied others. A final 13% just bullied. (Journal of the American Medical Association, April 2001) • 60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one conviction by age 24. 40% had three or more convictions. (Olweus, 1997) • 40% of victims turn into vicious bullies themselves. (Limber, 2003).

  10. Impulsive, hot-headed, dominant. Easily Frustrated. Lack of Empathy. Thought that victim provoked/deserved it Difficulty following rules. View violence in a positive way. Stronger than others. Characteristics of a Direct Bully

  11. Family risk factors for bullying • Lack of warmth/involvement from parent. • Overly-submissive parents. • Lack of adult supervision. • Harsh, physical discipline. • Parents model bullying behaviors.

  12. Characteristics of female roles • The Queen Bee Became popular based on fear and control. Reigns with charisma, force, money, looks, will and manipulation. • The Sidekick Backs up the Queen Bee no matter what. Looks/acts like Queen’s twin. Bullies others with Queen to promote their agenda.

  13. Characteristics of female roles • The Banker Creates chaos by banking/sharing information about others. Sneaks under the radar, girls trust her. • The Floater Doesn’t associate with only one clique. Confident, nice to others, avoids conflict. High self-esteem, may stand up to Queen.

  14. Female roles (cont.) • The Torn Bystander Conflicted between doing right thing and allegiance to the clique. Easily influenced. • The Pleaser Almost all girls fill this role. May do Queen’s “dirty work” (gossip). May be dropped from the clique easily. Serves as a messenger. • The Target Set up by others-victim. May or may not be in the clique. Lives outside the norms.

  15. Peer Factors • Students who bully have friends who bully. Males mostly, have positive attitudes towards violence.

  16. Get into fights / get injured Vandalize property Steal Drink alcohol Smoke Truant Drop out of school Carry a weapon Youth who frequently bully are more likely to:

  17. “Children who bully are loners”. Research indicates they aren’t isolated. Have an easy time making friends. Have a small group who encourages bullying. “Children who bully have low self-esteem” Research indicates those who bully have average or above average self-esteem. Bored easily, get a thrill from bullying. Interventions that focus on building self-esteem are not often effective. Bullying Myths(taken from StopBullyingNow)

  18. Moment To Reflect • Are you working with a student who exhibits these characteristics?

  19. Fragile self-esteem Poor social skills Shyness Emotionally vulnerable Physically weak Learning or behavioral disability Show vulnerable behaviors ( walk, posture, eye contact) Lack conflict reducing skills Characteristics of victims-passive

  20. Restless Irritable Provoking others Ineffectual aggressor Easily emotionally aroused Tend to maintain conflict, then lose May be ADHD +/or ODD Make you feel that they deserve it (These victims are searching for attention and will set themselves up to be the victim and receive negative attention Characteristics of victims-provocative

  21. Warning Signs that a child is being bullied (staff/parents) • Torn, damaged, or missing clothing, books, or other belongings. • Unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches. • Few, if any, friends with whom he or she spends time. • Doesn’t participate in organized school activities.

  22. Warning signs that a child is being bullied (continued): • Has lost interest in school work / suddenly begins to do poorly. • Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed. • Complains frequently about headaches, stomachaches, or other physical ailments.

  23. Warning Signs that a child is being bullied (continued): • Appears sleepy, complains of lack of sleep. • Experiences loss of appetite. • Appears anxious. • Low self-esteem.

  24. Moment To Reflect • Are you working with a student who exhibits these warning signs?

  25. If you observe bullying: • Intervene. Stop it immediately. Say something to the bully. (Most Important!) • Talk to the victim in private. Listen and get the facts. Does it fit the criteria? • Tell them you are sorry. Assure them it isn’t their fault • Be aware of bystanders. Talk to them privately.

  26. If you observe bullying: • Remember that bullying is not a conflict. Don’t hold a mediation. • Write a discipline referral. Describe the actions as harassing or humiliating. Don’t call them a bully. They will live up to that label. Parents defend kids who are labeled. If parent defends them, a consequence is meaningless.

  27. If bullying is reported to you: • Listen attentively. Write down the facts. • Reassure them it isn’t their fault. • Ask student what they want to happen. • Incident Report Form? Needs further investigation. • Discipline Referral? Meets the criteria.

  28. Ways To Reduce/Prevent Bullying • Focus class time on this issue (advisory) to get the pulse of student’s concerns. Offer strategies for victims and bystanders. • Strong personal relationships with students. All students need at least one caring adult. Need someone to tell.

  29. Ways To Prevent Bullying • Buddy system for new students (often seen as targets). • Provide a safe, secure, confidential way for student to communicate concerns to adults. • Teach students the difference between tattling (telling to get someone in trouble) and informing (telling to help someone). Want them to report bullying.

  30. Ways To Reduce/Prevent Bullying • Increase supervision in hot spots: Hallways Bathrooms Lockerooms Cafeteria

  31. Ways To Prevent/Reduce Bullying • The research findings presented in most literature emphasizes the need for a comprehensive, school-wide bullying program. It has the greatest results. • Programs provide a unified effort, common language, common expectations, support/training for all staff, along with year long emphasis.

  32. Strategies for Victims When Approached by a Peer • Don’t get upset, show it doesn’t bother you. Walk away. • Don’t defend yourself against rumors. • Use humor or a quick comeback.

  33. Strategies for Bystanders • Provide confidential reporting method. • Communicate expectation they will take action. Not OK to do nothing. • Girls: build empathy skills. Verbally process her actions as a bystander. • Boys: Sax says empathy building doesn’t work. Elect leaders who will patrol bullying.

  34. Literature Resources – A way to initiate meaningful discussions- 6th grade • “A Letter From the Fringe” by Joan Bauer. On the fringe. New York: Dial Books. • “Tuesday of the Other June” by Norma Fox Mazer. Short takes: A short story collection for young readers. New York: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard.

  35. Literature Resources – a way to initiate meaningful discussions – 7th grade • “Muffin” by Susan Cooper. When I was your age. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. • “Shortcut” by Nancy Werlin. On the fringe. New York: Dial Books.

  36. Literature Resources - a way to initiate meaningful discussions – 8th grade • “Your Turn, Norma” by Gary Soto. Petty crimes. San Diego: Harcourt Brace. • “Satyagrapha” by Alden Carter. On the fringe. New York: Dial Books.

  37. Source Taken from “Young Adult Literature as the Centerpiece of an Anti-Bullying Program in Middle School”, by Carol Hillsberg and Helene Spak, Middle School Journal, November 2006.

  38. Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons. A national best-seller that was adapted to a television movie of the same title.

  39. Video Resources • Broken Toy. (1992). Presents scenarios in the life of a 12 year old boy who is the victim of bullying. • Bully Beware! Take Action against Bullying. (1997). Contains four scenarios of bullying incidents in middle school. Teacher’s guide included.

  40. Video Resources • Don’t Pick on Me. (1993). Two-part program that identifies basic underlying dynamics of teasing and harassment. Provides the basis for generating discussion regarding such behavior.

  41. The message to our students • We will not bully others. • We will help students who are bullied. • We will make a point to include students who are easily left out. • If we know someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school.

  42. Action Plan for the Immediate Future • What can you do now, over the next couple of weeks, concerning the issue of bullying.

  43. School Plan • What do we envision??

  44. Other Websites • www.bullying.org • www.no-bully.com • cyberbully.org • www.netbullies.com

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