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Allenby Parents Association: Parent Satisfaction and Spending Priority Survey

Allenby Parents Association: Parent Satisfaction and Spending Priority Survey. January 2013. Background and Methodology. Background. The Allenby Parents' Association

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Allenby Parents Association: Parent Satisfaction and Spending Priority Survey

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  1. Allenby Parents Association:Parent Satisfaction and Spending Priority Survey January 2013

  2. Background and Methodology

  3. Background The Allenby Parents' Association • The Allenby Parents’ Association (APA) is a parent-run organization that aims to enhance the education experience of all students attending Allenby Public School. Any parent who has a child(ren) attending Allenby Public School is, by default, a member of the APA. • The APA meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues pertaining to community awareness, fundraising, health and safety, home and school communications and school programs. All APA events and activities are planned with the needs and wishes of the majority in mind, while supporting the inclusion of all Allenby students. Overview of the APA Satisfaction and Spending Priority Survey • At the June 2012 APA meeting, it was suggested that the APA undertake a survey of the Allenby parent body to determine: • Overall parent satisfaction with various APA funded programs and the school in general; and • Parent spending priorities for the upcoming 2 to 4 years. • At the same time, the APA became aware that the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) requires a survey of the Allenby parent body be completed in order to determine the level of parent support and interest in fundraising for a major capital improvement project. The survey results, in addition to parent willingness to provide a $10,000 commitment of APA funds, are necessary for the TDSB's to provide support and resources for an Allenby field restoration project.

  4. Methodology Survey Design and Response • In September 2012, an APA Survey Committee was formed. Members of the committee included Jordanna Bernstein, Lisa Parker, Shannon Phillips and Heidi Wilson. This committee was responsible for creating a draft version of the survey. The draft was then vetted through participants of the October 2012 APA meeting as well as the APA Executive Committee. • An objective third-party market research firm , Market Probe Canada, agreed to administer a modern, environmentally friendly, highly efficient, online version of the APA Parent Satisfaction and Spending Survey free of charge. • All parents whose email address is included in the Allenby Public School Family Directory were invited to participate in the online survey. One reminder was sent to all non-responders 3 days before field closed. • The survey was launched on December 6th, 2012 and was open to the parent body until December 21st. All individual responses were gathered and held anonymous by Market Probe Canada, and all data tabulation and results were presented back to the APA Survey Committee in aggregate format. • This consensus-style sample generated a base size of 216 respondents. Removing multiple responses from the same family, there are 201 out of 590 Allenby families who responded, yielding a response rate of 39%. For this population, it is reasonable and reliable to draw conclusions from these results, with the knowledge that they are representative of the parent body. • All rating scales used a 10-point scale. “Top 3 Box” refers to the percentage of respondents who gave a high rating of 8, 9 or 10, out of 10. We allowed the option of “N/A” or “don’t know” for most questions.

  5. Satisfaction with Programsand Allocation of APA Fundraising Dollars

  6. Allenby Parents’ Overall Satisfaction with School Programs and Condition of the Supplies Q1: First, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following features of Allenby School?

  7. We asked about areas they found unsatisfactory. Parents tell us… The grass area has been replaced yearly with new sod, by the time the school year ends, it turns into mud, and once again requires attention. This has been going on for as long as my children have been attending. my kids won't use the bathrooms, says they are gross I find the lack of technology (computers, iPads or tablets, etc.) disappointing. These kids should be exposed to electronics as soon as entering school in Jr. Kindergarten so that they stay ahead of the curve. Field is too small for the number of students in the school and in very poor condition. The classrooms should ALL have proper fans for the warmer months. Condition of field is unacceptable. Children should have proper grass or turf to run and do outdoor activities without being covered in mud. cannot really call the field a play area, more of a mud bowl. Books seem to generally require a refresh. When pages are taped and taped over, it takes a bit away from the reading experience.. The school appears very run down, indoors and out. The paint on the walls, the safety strips on the stairs, classroom curtains, stage curtains, etc. all appear very worn out Q2: For areas where you rated an item as unsatisfactory, can you name the item and  give us specific feedback for improvement?

  8. Allenby Parents’ tell us how the APA should be allocating its fundraising dollars (1 of 2) Q3: When funding comes from parents and/or the community, how interested are you in allocating APA funds to the following features of Allenby School?

  9. Allenby Parents’ tell us how the APA should be allocating its fundraising dollars (2 of 2) Q3: When funding comes from parents and/or the community, how interested are you in allocating APA funds to the following features of Allenby School?

  10. How the Allenby Parent Community would like to allocate $1,000 of discretionary fundraising dollars Q8: If you had $1000 to spend at Allenby in the next two years, how would you allocate the funds? (Finite List to Select from)

  11. Supporting the Allenby Parents Association Involvement and Participation in APA Fundraising Events and Meetings

  12. Parents tell us they are willing to support Allenby School through Events and/or Donations Q10: If you were to support fundraising projects at Allenby, would you prefer to make a cash donation or participate in a school-based event?

  13. APA Meetings:Getting more Parents Involved • 52% of Families who had a child at Allenby last year, did not attend a single APA meeting. This means that we need to continue to rely on communications from class parents, the AllenBeat, and the APA website to message the Parents • 5% of those surveyed did not have a child at Allenby last school year • 43% of Family representatives attended at least one meeting last school year • On average, a parent attended the APA meetings 1.3 times last year Q11: How often were you able to attend regularly scheduled monthly APA meetings in the past year?

  14. APA Meetings:Why Parents don’t attend APA Meetings • Not surprising, time constraints are the top reason Parents don’t attend the APA meeting • Some may attend if they were convinced they would add value (27%), others believe they don’t have experience (10%) Q12: Why were you not able to attend more meetings? (multiple responses allowed)

  15. APA Communications:Website and AllenBeat • As an environmentally conscious school, the APA should consider supporting and updating the APA website on a more frequent basis, using it to communicate, inform and guide parents about school events • 93% of the Parent community visited the APA website in the past year • Of those surveyed, 89% recall receiving the AllenBeat email that is sent each week • 7% would like to be added to the AllenBeat distribution list (email addresses were sent to the individual who deploys that email) Q13: In the last 12 months, how often have you gone to visit www.allenbyparents.com for information? Q14: Do you receive the Allenbeat email that is sent out each week? DRAFT ONLY

  16. Optional Lunch Program • 68% of Families would be Quite Likely or Very Likely to participate in a lunch program offered by a vendor that provides a nutritious lunch • One in five Parents are not likely to support this initiative Q15: How likely would you consider participating in a lunch program, where you could buy a nutritious lunch for between $5 and $8 per meal? DRAFT ONLY

  17. Allenby Field Parents’ Willingness to Support Field Restoration

  18. The Allenby School Field: Spring 2012

  19. Allenby Field:Satisfaction and Willingness to Support Restoration • Among all programs and conditions measured, condition of the field rated the lowest, with a “very satisfied” rating of 3.8% Q1: First, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following features of Allenby School? • When asked about their interest in how to allocate fundraising, field restoration with artificial turf rated higher than most attributes tested. Q3: When funding comes from parents and/or the community, how interested are you in allocating APA funds to the following features of Allenby School?

  20. Allenby Parents are Personally Invested in Field Restoration • Allenby families support personally financing Field Restoration with Artificial Turf versus Sod, 1.5:1 • 75% of parents would personally donate to an Artificial Turf project • However, 18% of parents have a very low likelihood (1 or 2) of personally donating to field restoration in Artificial Turf, and 36% are not likely to personally donate to Sod restoration (results not shown) • To date, the APA has allocated $10,000 in its budget to Field Restoration Q5-6: How likely are you, personally, to support targeted fundraising for the field, such as re-sodding/artificial turf, with a donation of up to $50?

  21. DiscussionNext Steps DRAFT ONLY

  22. The sample reflects a reasonably balanced view of the Allenby School population D1. How many children in your household attend Allenby? D2. What grade and program does your child/children attend? (Grade, English/French)

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