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LBJ & The Cold War

LBJ & The Cold War. LBJ. Lyndon Baines Johnson=LBJ Grew up in Texas Background in politics Advocate for civil rights Urged congress to pass civil rights & tax cut bills JFK introduced Tax cut spurred economic growth. War on Poverty. Declared unconditional war on poverty

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LBJ & The Cold War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LBJ & The Cold War

  2. LBJ • Lyndon Baines Johnson=LBJ • Grew up in Texas • Background in politics • Advocate for civil rights • Urged congress to pass civil rights & tax cut bills JFK introduced • Tax cut spurred economic growth

  3. War on Poverty • Declared unconditional war on poverty • Created the Job Corps Youth Training Program • Community Action Program encouraged the poor to work in public-works programs

  4. 1964 Election • Republican- Barry Goldwater • Believed federal government had no business trying to right social and economic wrongs • Democrat: LBJ • Believed the government could & should help solve nation’s issues • Campaigned against nuclear weapons • LBJ won by a landslide; Democrats increased their majority in congress

  5. Great Society • Great Society- program designed to end poverty and racial injustice • LBJ idolized FDR • Addressed issues of education and healthcare • Got 206 laws passed by congress

  6. Housing and The Environment • Passed laws to build low-rent public housing • Established the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) • Silent Spring- book written by Rachel Carson that exposed the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment • LBJ ordered government to find worst chemical polluters & clean up rivers

  7. Warren Court • Liberal Supreme Court led by Earl Warren • Took stance on leading issues of the day • Banned state-sanctioned prayer in public schools • Limited the power of communities to censor books & films (Free speech) • Reapportionment- way in which states redraw election districts based on the changing number of people in them

  8. Rights of the Accused • Gideon v. Wainright- required criminal courts to provide free legal counsel to those who could not afford it • Miranda v. Arizona- all suspects must be read their rights before questioning

  9. Impact of Great Society • No president post WWII extended the power & reach of the federal government more than LBJ • Poverty fell from 21% to 11% • Funding led to budget deficit • Conservative backlash • Fear of communism still existed

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